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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. One big problem is they don't allow themselves an escape hatch - a bolt hole - when they burn out they are stuck in LOS

    In general, Don't sell everything and move to Thailand is the moral.. keep a condo or a suite back home for if- when needed

    Some expats cannot have this luxury, the at-risk ones sometimes off themselves as a result, feeling trapped in "paradise"..

    That is why there are so many high rise condos.....give those trapped a spot to jump off of....?

    • Like 1
  2. Good news for me...now I don't have to worry about these folks cutting in on a long line at the Food Court or the movies.....grinds my gears.....?

    On a side note....I've noticed that the Russians who are still in town have down-sized.....instead of doing the stagger up my Soi with a 700 ml bottle, they have been doing the same, same with small can or bottle..lol.?

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  3. Well if you are near Terminal 21 at Asok...just go to the hotel that is connected to it...Centre Point something?? They do a lunch buffet from 12 -2 for only 480 baht net. Deal of the day in BKK at the moment, unless you want to do the 2500 baht deal at the Westin, Marriott, etc, etc.??? Go figure? :-)

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  4. I've lived in Pattaya for a little over 10 years with a brief stop in BKK for 4 months. I prefer to be near the water, just not the water in Pattaya Bay.....but it will do for now. If one can avoid all "free ticket" ladies and the bar stools you have a fighting chance to enjoy life. I do lots of travel (Australia, Viet Nam, Laos, China) so as not to let the days all run together......Thailand Is the ideal launch pad for new adventures of you have the resources and desire to experience other cultures. ?. For me, Bangkok was just too busy and too hot. Everything seemed to cost double what it does here in Pattaya???

    As many have said, different strokes.....just keep yourself in the minimalist mode and travel light and often 'til you find a comfy spot and don't forget to enjoy the ride...?

  5. Another excellent post for "most stupid post of the year" Well done !

    Have you been waiting until the end of December to put this rubbish in ?

    It's a bit like on auction sites, waiting for the last moment before posting and hoping to win.

    This post is certainly a contender.

    Also this particular OP thinks that because one writer alleged he was first here in 1957, through no decision of his own, just circumstances due to the war, he needs to be given great respect.

    Rather than give respect because the poster was obviously a war veteran due to one of the worst wars in history, but because he happened to have some R&R Pattaya.

    Ridiculous !!

    Jeez wept. Having a beer with you would be the most boring thing I could think of. Lighten up. You're getting some free history lessons from some great story tellers :) :) :)

    Geez, what a sad old <deleted>*k you are.......it is mostly certainly you who needs to lighten up....?


  6. Well, the local police were out in force in the early hours (4AM) today at the 2nd Road / Pattayaklang intersection trying to catch all the drunks going home. Bit like trying to catch a fart in a fishing net....people were all over the road trying to avoid the net....?. Did not deter the Russians one bit, they always just walk up the road with a 700 ml bottle in their hands, not hard to miss. Nice to see the police out and about during the silly season....which is most of the year here in the Town That Never Sleeps..?

  7. Well, BK is not the Marriot ot Hilton, but all the same, who wants to eat while looking a some fat sob with a beer gut hanging over his pants and mouth hanging open???

    Just a sidebar.....it was getting so bad at the Hilton a few clicks back with the Russians coming to the buffet in all sorts of undress that they printed out a dress code....worked like a charm although it still looks like a clown convention on most Fridays....lol. :-(

  8. I really do wonder if the Moderators might consider setting up a Sub Forum on here for the people who have, in my opinion, a problem with Thailand.

    In the sub forum, these people could moan & whinge to their hearts content, about Thailand.

    I often find myself becoming exasperated with the complaints & petty observations about how "imperfect" Thailand is.

    Because as we all know, our Country of origin is a Nirvana by comparison.......cheesy.gif

    Perhaps if the Mods do set this up, there could be a small charge which would vary according to the Nationality of the moanee....a sort of dual pricing scheme? whistling.gif

    The mods are too busy trying to clean-up all the smart arse comments.....just let the folks get stuff off their chests and stop trying to be the know it alls and experts at everything. FYI...no spot is going to be perfect or the grass greener....just have to go with the flow and make the best of your situation. IMHO. ?

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  9. Have been wondering why my fav park in BKK...Benjakiti Park has been closed for my walk as of late.....got the size LARGE production of Mahajanaka going on from November 20 to December 10...just wondering who foots the bill for that??? ?

    I like to be able to make my quiet walks around the lake early in the morning....the park opens at 5 AM.





  10. I go to Burger King app twice a month near where OP used to go.

    I like the burgers they make (sorry).

    Now OP don't start to come there eh, I also don't like freeloaders.

    Not to worry, stay clear of the crap they sell as food??? Knock yourself out....?. And don't forget to leave that size large tip you do at all the spots you stop in.....Me. MegaBucks...?

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