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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. You might want to contact my travel agent, Tu, she can set you straight with regard to spots to see in VN as well as visa requirements. I'm like you, escaping all the Songkran crazies......:-)

    Hope it works out...this is my second trip to VN and looking forward to another adventure.

    Jeeze, I followed the itinerary and then saw the price.

    Ms Travel Agent Tu is not cheap.

    In fact that is unbelievable.

    How much are we talking about?

    13,545 USD for just 10 days/9 nights (two internal flights thrown though...). In Vietnam??????

    Even if you chopped off the 13,000 USD, the OP would still be well over budget. xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png

    I strongly suggest the OP steers well away from Ms Tu.

    Hold onto your horses....the price was a misprint....it should read 1,354.00 cheesy.gif And yes, I nearly fell off my chair the first time I saw it......and no need to steer clear of Mrs. Tu....she goes beyond being good. wai2.gif

  2. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Bangkok Bank is the only Thai bank with an office in the USA. I think they are the only bank that will accept Social Security direct deposits in Thailand.

    When I opened my Social Security account from Thailand the Social Security office asked me for my Bangkok Bank direct deposit account number as that was the only bank that can be used for that purpose.

    The lady at the bank told me that all the transfers with the USA go through the Bangkok Bank.

    It would be easy to find out. Call Bangkok Bank main office they speak English.

    As far as I know Bangkok Bank is the only Thai bank with a U.S. presence via their New York operation/branch. Since they are a recognized bank in the U.S. they also have a Federal Reserve Automated Clearing House (ACH) "routing number" just like any other U.S. bank/credit union. When the SSA transmits a person's monthly pension you must have an ACH routing number and account number. As far as I know Bangkok Bank is the only Thai bank with an ACH number....never-ever seen anything anywhere else talking another Thai bank with an ACH number....instead a person must use the pricey SWIFT/wire/international transfer method using SWIFT codes. Bangkok Bank web site provides plenty of info on their international transfer capabilities, to inlcude ACH capability

    However, there is a U.S. govt program for U.S govt pensions called the International Direct Deposit (IDD) program where the U.S. has direct deposit agreements with certain countries. Thailand is not on the IDD list/no agreement with the U.S. Take a look at this SSA Link and this DFAS Link for more info...the DFAS (for U.S. military pensions) probably gives a better description of the program to include a Sign Up form if you happen to live in one of the countries with a direct deposit agreement with the U.S. Below is a cut & paste from the DFAS link summarizing the IDD program.

    Nations chosen for IDD eligibility have met the requirements of the Federal Reserve Bank. Simply put, the banks and other financial institutions in those countries provide secure and trustworthy services and have systems compatible with transferring funds from the U. S. to your account.

    The bank lady who said all transfers with the USA go through Bankgok Bank probably meant Bangkok Bank was the only Thai bank with an ACH routing number...or she was just uninformed...another one of those bank customer service reps you sometimes talk to that say something completely different from the bank rep you talk to earlier...which was possibly different from what another bank rep told you. Funds transfer out of and into the U.S. can go by many different means like use of SWIFT transfers between bank X in the U.S. to bank Y in Thailand. Mention IDD program to the bank rep and their eyes would probably glaze over or they would just mumble Bangkok Bank for lack of anything else to say.

    Now even though Thailand is not part of the U.S. IDD progam, Bangkok Bank does do their best to comply with the U.S. laws to prevent U.S. govt pension fraud which of course also allows Bangkok Bank to make money/fees from deposits and ACH transfers of U.S. pensioners. By helping to prevent U.S. govt pension fraud I mean like the pensioner dying, no one notifying the govt of the death so the pension would stop, the pension continues to flow and "if" it was flowing to a joint account the other owner of that account (like a Thai spouse) could continue to withdraw/spend the funds they are not authorized to receive.

    But with the Bangkok Bank Direct Deposit program they have it set up to be a single account only (the pensioner) with no ATM/ibanking withdrawal capability...you must show up in person to withdraw money...if you can't show up then you just may be dead....and once the U.S. govt finds out about your death later on all the money is there in the account to be easily pulled back since you signed forms saying such when setting up the Bangkok Bank Direct Deposit account for U.S. govt pensions.

    Yes, yes, a person can send a U.S. govt pension to a joint account in the U.S. bank, but in the U.S. when a person dies there are so many ways a person's death is automatically reported (i.e., hospital, police, etc.) which eventually/fairly fast reach the govt agency sending out the pension even if the next of kin didn't promptly report the death to the govt agency sending the pension. In Thailand, when a U.S. citizen croaks unless the next of kin reports it or the U.S. Embassy finds out in some way, it could be a while before the govt pension agency finds out. And unfortunately it has apparently happened to many times in the next of kin deciding to play dumb, not report the pensioners death so the pension payment continue to flow in "if" it was a joint account....but with the Bangkok Bank Direct Deposit Account for U.S. Pensions its not a joint account but a single person (the pensioner) account. Plus, when trying to recover U.S. govt pension funds from a foreigner's bank account in another country, well that can get downright hard if the joint account owner didn't want to fully cooperate; in a U.S. bank account (even if a joint account) on U.S. soil it's easy for the govt to pull the funds under U.S. laws. It's also apparently easy to pull such funds from those countries the U.S. has an IDD agreement with. Would be nice if Thailand with joint the other countries which are part of the IDD program then I expect all/most Thai banks could start getting U.S. govt pensions direct deposited.

    Lots of U.S. people in Thailand which do not have a Bangkok Bank account...they are with one of the numerous other Thai banks such as K-bank, SCB, etc. They are transferring money directly from their U.S. banks via SWIFT/wire to their Thai banks....no Bangkok Bank involvement at all.

    I've got my Bank of Amercia linked to my SCB account here in Pattaya....just takes a few seconds to do a wire and in a few days AI have my money....either in USD or Thai baht. :-) Simple....:-)

  3. I'm in the same money boat as you...just back from Siam Commercal Bank here in Pattaya....filled out a wire transfer form and paid out 500 baht for processing fees to get 10,000 USD put in my Bank of America account. Doing a little at a time so no big deal. Just had to show I did a transfer of the money from the US (via my ATM card amongst other ways over the past nine or so years) Will keep spme in the kittly, kitty to love off of, but not keeping any size alrge amounts here. I don't trust the political situation or the banks....just saying...:-)

  4. Too funny. I was there yesterday as well. Just after you, I had 390. I found a copy of the Bangkok Post, took a seat, and read the paper. About 45 minutes later, I noticed the numbers weren't moving, but also saw a lot of action near desk 6. So figured they'd run into problems or something. I then asked the front desk and they told me the number system was broken. Just that one. Ugh. They could have told me when I walked in!!!!! Jesus. Oh well, had a great read of the paper, cover to cover.

    Took 5 minutes to do the renewal. Including having to run over for a copy of the bank books middle pages. They always come up with something new to copy. I wonder why....

    See you there at 10am! 55555

    Yup, was back about 10:30 to do my multiple re-entry visa.....had number 671.....went through the paper screening and waited for my number...after about 15 minutes noticed the numbers not moving, so went over to the desk....the counter had stopped....ya think they could tell folks??? Not a chance....will skip my residence certificate for a few weeks, just in case. :-) Duh!

  5. Tried a new bent on my retirement renewal in Jomtien today....went with all my paperwork at 3 pm. Picked-up Number 386 and saw that they were working on Number 356. 30 out seemed ok, so took a seat and after 30 minutes noticed that they were still on Number 386. Strange?? I ventured up to the desk and heard someone say, "Oh the number counter has been broken all afternoon." Geez, so like they should alert those waiting in line, eh? I jumped into the chair and they went through my paperwork in a jiffy. For some reason they wanted a copy of my rental agreement? No probs....had my document packet at hand, thank you very much. That was a first and this in my ninth renewal?? At any rate, done in 5 minutes and will go back tomorrow at 10 AM and pick up the goods. Bingo, Bango, Bungo! :-)

    • Like 1
  6. I think you meant ..overweight ,burnt out, unwanted elsewhere , unattractive , usually financially quite poor and quite politically incorrect sex starved barflies smile.png

    Or is it the much younger cheap , ,un kept , utopia and cheap drug seeking , ultra poor , sandal wearing with 3 shorts , 3 shirts and a bong in a dirty backpack, beach-combing , bar fly you meant ?

    Deliberately avoided the age aspect because it's irrelevant.

    Your descriptions are based on stereotypes

    Most of my pals are health and exercise nuts, no bars or alcohol.

    You must be mixing with the wrong people!

    Not so sure about that...I'm sitting at the breakfast buffet at the moment here in Pattaya and observe a sea of fat old farts and cows.....? I remember when beer was cheap and the ladies cheaper.....? Hang on, gents, it will only get worse. Time for short arms and deep pockets, IMHO.?

  7. I think you meant ..overweight ,burnt out, unwanted elsewhere , unattractive , usually financially quite poor and quite politically incorrect sex starved barflies smile.png

    Or is it the much younger cheap , ,un kept , utopia and cheap drug seeking , ultra poor , sandal wearing with 3 shorts , 3 shirts and a bong in a dirty backpack, beach-combing , bar fly you meant ?

    Deliberately avoided the age aspect because it's irrelevant.

    Your descriptions are based on stereotypes

    Most of my pals are health and exercise nuts, no bars or alcohol.

    You must be mixing with the wrong people!

    Not so sure about that...I'm sitting at the breakfast buffet at the moment here in Pattaya and observe a sea of fat old farts and cows.....? I remember when beer was cheap and the ladies cheaper.....? Hang on, gents, it will only get worse. Time for short arms and deep pockets, IMHO.?

  8. Culture...you are trying to move a large rock with your logic.

    Your logic is infallible, no doubt, but it will not move the large rock.

    Live with it...as we all must do. I think being call "stingy" is just a psychological ploy anyways.

    Seems to be working.

    Call me what you want...just let 'er roll off my back and laugh my way to the bank with a smile on my face?

    The bright lights and hoop-a-la are all part of the fun here in Lieland.

    I enjoy busting up the BIG rocks and getting on with life....enjoy the ride, boys! Woo, woo!!!?

  9. Yes, the 90 day reporting desk has three officers only one of which has the computer with your info on it (unless they have upgraded recently?) the other two officers work the old system and still need(ed) the usual paperwork.

    They now have a portable keyboard ....sharing is caring...:-). I did notice that the information on me was incorrect....address? Just wondering what else might go astray??? :-(. Garbage in, garbage out....ho hum.

  10. I thought you automatically got Part A with no action on your part?

    I recall getting a letter/notification from them when I became eligible (sent to me in Thailand), and (maybe??) an ID card, announcing the joyous occasion when I was covered by Part A as long as I was in the US. Since I have no intention of returning there and I have US based insurance that covers me in Thailand,I didn't file the notice in a safe place. Probably went into the circular file.

    I am receiving Social Security and they have my address in Thailand and I file my 1040 using my Thai address, so I would hesitate to consider using a US address for Medicare, even if I thought I might use it in future ... which I don't.

    I think if you are already receiving SS benefits on your 65th birthday they will sign you up for

    Medicare Part A automatically, but not otherwise.


    I retired for health reasons at age 64 and am getting 75% of full benefits for that reason.

    If I had been able to wait until age 65, I would have received full benefits, but that just wasn't medically possible. due to an accident leaving me unable to work at that time.

    At age 65 I was signed up for part B coverage..... not something requested by me by something the Social Security decided to do for me. I had no say in the matter... they just notified they had signed me up as a "benefit" to me.

    Since age 65, I have been paying $99 a month from my Social Security benefits for Part B coverage, which I can not use outside the U.S.

    I do not have a U.S. mailing address, and therefore Social Security will not let me sign up for the My Social Security on-line program.

    But at least I'm still getting my monthly Social Security benefits,

    I do not have a U.S. address, mainly for tax purposes.

    But I still have to cough up my $99 dollars monthly for part B from my monthly Social Security benefits.

    The theory is that if I need medical care I can return to the U.S. and receive that medical care and prescription drugs using that Medicare/Medicaid coverage.

    It's useless to me outside the U.S.

    Oh well, whatever, I never expected any more than that from the professional liars in the U.S. government anyhow.

    (I worked for them foe many years as a "civilian advisor" to the U.S. military, and I saw first hand many of their 'less than full truths")

    I regularly return to the U.S. about once a year anyhow, mainly to see my brothers and sister ..... but other than that I have very little attachment to or interest in anything to do with the U.S.A.

    But that's a long story, and I'll stop boring you now.

    Since I don't collect on my SS, they never sent me any notice or signed me up early, just did it myself without the Plan B stuff. At some point I'll be going back for a knee replacement, but for now just grin and bear it :-) I do have health coverage here in LOS, but only as backup. Not sure about knee replacement here. When I got checked out at the Bangkok Pattaya hospital they didn't know jack shit about it and just tried to medicate me up the you-yang...:-(

  11. I came here 10 years ago with 2 small suitcases. Now I have a house, motorcycle, truck and everything is paid for. I now live a cash lifestyle and have far less stress than for many, many years. The sex ain't bad neither.

    Same for me except now I still have the two suitcases! No TV, NO microwave, and a few coin operated girlfriends...lol....:-)
    • Like 1
  12. I filed for medicare and Social security online while working in Middle East. Both went thru with no problems.I just returned from Houston where I

    Did my application on-line and just got my Medicare card in the mail at my Thai address today. :-)

    FYI....I have medical coverage here in LOS, but just for back-up and for when I return to the ISA for a new knee...:-(


  13. Alcohol makes you smarter. It's the same principle as in the animal kingdom. When a predator attacks a herd they go for the weak or older animal which makes the herd as a whole stronger. It's the same when drinking alcohol. Yes alcohol kills off brain cells but it'll kill the weaker brain thus leaving you with the stronger brain cells and making you smarter. It's a fact.

    Sounds a lot like Norm from Cheers?? Give some credit and be original....:-(

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