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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. HELP ... for the life of me I can't find a quality towel. Can anybody recommend me a place to go? I will be visiting Bangkok shortly.

    Much appreciated,

    Riverhigh :D

    There is a hotel supply shop on Pattaya central road. It has great towels and even better sheets (high thread count), duvet covers and duvets. They do a really great bath sheet that is huge. Coming from Sukhumvit, turn into Pattaaya Central, go past Big C on the left then the Japanese restaurant. There is a dry cleaners and the hotel supply shop is next to that.

    It's on South Pattaya Road. The Japanese restaurant is Kabuto Yakiniku which was substantially damaged by a fire last month.


    I'll have to go check it out as the ones I'm sleeping on right now feel like they were made by the 3M abrasive division. I've touched 60 grid sandpaper that was softer. :o

  2. They just outlawed these bags in China. Starting in June the super thin bags that your groceries come in will be outlawed. Stores will no longer be able to use these bags. Actually they will not be able to give customers bags of any type. If the store has environmentally friendly ones (I think some will biodegrade with sunlight "rather" quickly), then they can sell the new kind to you. Strange that they will not be able to give you an environmentally friendly one, but then TIC (This Is China).

    When I was back in San Francisco in December, they had put a ban on the use of plastic bags in the city and I didn't see any riots in the streets because of it! Believe it or not, people DO adapt! I wish they would do the same here in Pattaya City. I usually just skip the plastic bag and throw things in my backpack, unless it something like a fridge or sofa set. :o

  3. I admire those who try to make a stand, but the fact of the matter is that we have zero rights, never will and all lobbying will do is further piss off those at the top.

    And believe me, you DON"T want to piss those off at the top because in all likelyhood, they'll just end up pissing on you! That's one "golden shower" I'm not interested in being part of anytime soon! :o

  4. I sent a big box of presents by courier to my children in the Uk. The c ourier cost twice as much as the presents. Now I'm waiting for my ex to call me and to ask where her cheque is...


    The cheque? Why, it's in the mail, isn't? That's what I always tell my "ex." :o

  5. I've tried explaining to my Thai friends, when they ask me about American elections, the American electoral college and that sometimes the candidates for President & Vice president, even though they may win the popular vote, lose the election because of the electoral college. This happened in the past.

    Anyway is difficult to try to explain to Thais about the Electoral college and how each State has a fixed number of electors(some more, some less) who are the ones who really vote for the Pres & vice pres. and when Citizens vote, they are not really voting directly for the candidates but for electors.

    Their reaction is usually "Americans crazy". I just smile and change the subject.

    Any American in LOS expats out there encounter the same problem when Thai people ask them about American elections?

    With all due respect, I think most Americans are also confused by the concept of the electoral college. And perhaps some of those (Americans) who do understand it question the need for its existence in modern times.

    Confused might be an understatement. My dad is still pissed because he was thinking I was getting a full ride to EC! :o

  6. I am looking for a few different steroids in Thailand. Are they available ? I am looking to buy Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). I was in a bad car accident and need to get back into shape.

    I am fully aware of the side effects of steroid use and just would like to know if I can buy them and where.


    Geez, I think the majority of US baseball players named in the Mitchell Report said the same thing. Be very careful, there is a fine line between the Hall of Fame and the Hall of Shame. :o

  7. No coup because the power will stay with the military.

    The military will do everything to disolve the PPP so they can never form a goverment.

    No fair election is possible at this moment.

    PPP (Thai Rak Thai) will win majority whenever there is a an election because of their great support in the Esan and North.

    The will of the people is not followed.

    Whether you like it or not, agree or disagree: the people want PPP (TRT).

    As long as the military are in control is will be status quo.....aka stuck in neutral and not going anywhere...in the political sense.

  8. Hi Everyone,

    I would like to share this good news to all our dear VISA forumers. I decide to post it here since there is a sizable of American , UK and other western expats live in TL or came here as a tourist.

    This is a letter that I receive from U.S. Didtrict Court Settlement Administrator last week.


    Dear xxxxx xxxx,

    We are writing on behalf of the U.S. District Court because you are eligible to receive a Court-approved refund of fees charged to your eligible cards, which are Visa, Master Card, and/or Diner Club credit, charged and/or debit/ATM cards. The fees were based on FOREIGN transactions, including both purchases and ATM withdrawals,

    from February 1, 1996 to November 8, 2006.

    Please read the enclosed Natice explaining the proposed $336 million settlement and all of your options under the settlement..." :D

    Therefore, if anyone of you received your credit cards (from those co: mentioned above) in the U.S.A, and had done foreign transaction in the period from Feb. 1 to Nov. 8, 06. Go to www.ccfsettlement.com or telephone at 1-800-945-9890.

    Good luck & MERRY CHRISTMAS :D:D:bah:

    smells like a new scam...or is it an old one repeated??

    have you any previous knowledge that any of your cards have been used here without your permission...if not then definite scam...probabaly want your card details etc to refund you :o

    Nope, it the real deal, however, if you aren't one of those who saved every shred of travel paperwork, and aren't one of those globe trotting types, the Easy Refund of $25.00 is the no brainer part of the Class Action Suit. The last US class action suit I was involved in (annuity fund) took three years to settle. :DAhhh.....the life of the almost rich and almost famous. :bah:

  9. Well, the other day, I'm listening to some science program and they mention that mosquitoes, as opposed to many other insects, are NOT attracted to light sources.

    mosquitoes do not study any science that's why they are attracted to light :o i have used the 'zappers' in different countries and can confirm that they always worked. nevertheless, it's also a fact that mosquitoes and other suckers are finding their targets by following exhaled high concentration of CO² from animals and humans.

    Being from Minnesota were the State Bird IS the mosquito, the trick is no heavy breathing. Probably why the birth rate is so low! :D

  10. Having lived in Thailand for many years, I have booked many flights and hotels

    on a good number of Thai websites ... for destinations both in Thailand and it's neighbours.

    Today, after beating the bejeesus out of my keyboard for four hours I finally gave up on

    trying to book a flight/hotel in northern China.

    The websites I logged into Can you be more specific? wanted soooo much personal information ...

    I was waiting for them to ask if I had been "snipped"

    I gave up ... No China holiday again ... ever !

    Oh, and I've been there six times :o ... quite apart from HK.


    Perhaps this should be moved to the travel forum - the OP may get a better response.

    Or maybe to China..tee hee. :D

  11. The guy has just recently 'invaded'the North Pole........ :o

    Putin's Arctic invasion: Russia lays claim to the North Pole - and all its gas, oil, and diamonds

    Geez......gas, oil, AND diamonds? Just shows the man had good taste! :D So who gets the South Pole?

  12. I suppose your reaction to this does depend where you are coming from. Coming from the US, I am used to power tripping porkers.

    Maybe it's just me, but no matter what part of the world I've parked my butt in, I've NEVER <deleted>*k around with anyone in a police uniform. :o

  13. I love a bit of romance and sentimentality but, interesting though it was, was OTT for me. I have never come to terms with weddings being her day. Why? And why should a wife expect a gift and a coloured piece of cardboard displaying hearts and flowers, not to mention some twee prose, every year? Seems all a bit too one sided and uneccessary for my liking. Shouldn't tokens and signs of commitment and devotion be displayed every day of the year by both partners?

    The first time I got married and acquired a mother in law with all the charm and grace of a puff adder, I was taken to one side by her 'friend' who told me that now I had joined the family he would explain the family politics. I replied that I was a traditionalist and that throughout history it had been recognised that the lucky lady was leaving her family's home and would go to live in the one that her new husband provided. It followed that I had not married into another family but that she had married into mine.

    On the other hand the ceremony at the Amphur when my little treasure and I joined forces had all the emotion of acquiring a library ticket. "Got all the paperwork? Right. Sign here. Here's your sheet of paper (suitably embellished with a rose border) each. I'll just get the pooyai to sign. That'll be 200 baht. Now bugger off. Next?" Not too dissimilar to acquiring a passport. Yuk!

    To balance some of the above, I rejoice in my Thai family. They have enriched my life and the things that I have been able to do for them does, I hope, go some way into repaying them for their acceptance and kindness.

    I wasn't too sure were you where going with your story, but your ending was perfect! :o

  14. Hi,

    The school whee I work suggested I try the following Company for Health Insurance. I did and it was extremely competitive>>>>>>>>

    Thai Health Insurance


    Tel: 02642 3100 or check out their site >>>


    worth a go :-)

    Thanks for the heads-up, I was just starting my health shopping for next year and this looks like a good lead....... :o

  15. having lived in thailand for over 18 years i would like to pass on some usefull tips on picking a house

    try to avoid single room appartments they become like prison cells after a while you just have to get out the wall s drive you in sane

    do not think about living near a school the p a system ding dong all day and band practice after school

    that also goes for temples with thier fair's and shows late into the night

    when you find an house look for the speakers they go off at 5.30 in the morning telling you the price of vegatables in the market

    check down the soi if theres a motor bike repair shop forget it and karaoke

    go to the house several times a day check for noise

    the neigbours may like the tv full blast all day

    only say you will stay if the water presure is good

    open a p o box at the post office you'll probable move again

    I like the last suggestion.....that's my go! :o

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