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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. Something I've tried to teach many times and failed again and again is that not everyone who flatters you and pays you a lot of attention is really your friend, so don't lend them any more FXXKING money!.

    I taught one GF to love lamb. When I first bought it and she cooked it for me she thought it smelled disgusting and looked at me with horror as I put in my mouth. But I forced her to eat a piece. Big mistake. She fell in love with lamb and wanted it for every meal and it costs a fortune in Thailand. That little bit of education probably cost me nearly 1000 Baht a day!

    Did you give her mint jelly to go with the lamb? YUM!!!!

    I think you are on to something......mint on lamb is like whip cream on pie......m-m-m-m-m-m-good! I'm putting my GF into training right now! :o

  2. OK this is sooo simole you buy a one way ticket and make a reservation for the return. This is what I did the last time I went to Thailand as the airline would not carry me unless I had a return ticket, I went to there desk at the airport and made a reservation was given a paper showing my proposed return flight to the UK. Cost FREE and soooooo Simple.

    Good advice! I have an O-A Visa and the China airlines reservation lady still gave me a bit of a hard time when I purchased my one-way to BKK, but no problems after that. :o

  3. Channel: Channel 4

    Air date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 - 22:00

    Description: Documentary which takes a look at the other side of the sex industry through the eyes of working girls. The Thai village of Kranuan holds an annual competition celebrating the best foreign husband. Sex-bar worker Fon is being paid for by her Birmingham boyfriend, and hopes he will take her back to Britain. Meanwhile, single mother Lek tries to find a western spouse via the internet to help support her children, but as the e-mails dry up she reluctantly heads to Bangkok's red light district

    Type: Documentary

    channel 4 documentary to be shown tonight at 10pm in the UK - title 'my boyfriend, the sex tourist'.

    I forecast a period of maximum cringe. :D:o:D:D:D

    Just another reason why I do NOT own a TV! :bah: There is a fine line between nourishment and punishement and I'm a nourishment type guy!

  4. Feelin pretty down about the lack of snow in Bangkok...... really takes away from the Christmas spirit. Where would be a good place to go? Respond or pm me any help is appreciated. Feelin homesick :o

    Don't despair, Al Gore says that the firdt BKK snowfall is just around the corner! :D

  5. Good story. Goes to show you... the number #1 survival guide is Thailand is keep your nose clean, head down, and mind your own business. And never ever give money to anybody. You did the right thing.

    Ditto on that advice.....best to mind you own business, except for the having a few friendly beers part! :o

  6. Limited systems of dual pricing are common in many places, whether they are listed as a "discount" for some and regular price for others, or free for residents, but charges for others. I think the basic problem is that it is endemic in Thailand. When I have been to the Grand Palace, I have to pay, locals don't pay at all. This is fair as it is apart of their cultural heritage--I, on the other hand, am just a curious onlooker.

    Yup, never have problem with this......it's the way it should be.

    The other thing that is a problem is that even if you are a 'resident', have a long-term visa, work permit etc. You still pay double (most of the time).

    Probably should be getting a discount at 1/2 price in my mind!

    The final thing is that, I am sorry for dual pricing for food (a menu written in English sometimes lists higher prices than the Thai menu), haircuts, etc. etc. A little over the top I think.

    Yikes! Isn't hair all the same....just cutting it, not inventing it! One price should fit all! :o

  7. yes, the first time the signs were confusing - now I just remember where to go

    I'm in the same boat, just follow my bread crumbs from my previous trips......... :o Forget trying to figure out the sign mess at the majority of world-wide airports.

  8. Since I'll be the last to know when I'm headed for my final "dirt nap," I've got everything neatly typed out so that my next of kin can follow the bread crumbs to the vault. I'm hoping to have spent every last cent before that day comes into view! :o I've yet to see any luggage racks on a funeral hearse, so why not!

  9. Can anyone recommend a good dentist in Samui? I am more bothered about them being good rather than cheap! I am a VERY nervous patient... :o

    I'm on the same dentist bandwagon, need a good one, not a cheap one. Hopefully someone has had a good experience?

  10. I see many Thais taking home part full bottles after a night out.

    On the other hand I have seen one or two drunk but that is usually at parties, so not sure where you see all these drunken, fighting Thai people.

    Must be the old "one is too many and two is not enough!" I've seen the binge thing no matter what spot on the planet on on. :o

  11. At the end of the month I'll be returing to LOS for an extended stay (at least a year on this trip) and I'm wondering about the prospects of getting my medications refilled? I have all my doctor's letters and prescriptions outlining my need for being on the Terazosin (prostate) and Hydrochlorothiazide (blood pressure) medications (good to have the paper trail for immigration if nothing else). My U.S. doctor said that he is highly doubtful that any chemist would do a re-fill for me based on just a written note from him. He suggested getting them mailed to me from the U.S., but I'm skeptical of the Thai Post even on a good day. Has anyone had a similar experience? I've got about a three month supply in my suitcase. :o

    Hydrochlorothiazide (blood pressure)You can buy this over the counter, just take a empty pk/box, your better off at a small Thai Pharmacists, they all speak English

    Yes - its sold under a number of brand names as its generic now off patent

    I take it in combination with Losartan potassium (Hyzaar Forte) but hope to go down to Cozaar which is just the Losotarn (or even no drugs) when my new get fit regime and diet kick in - finger crossed.

    Thanks for the advice, it sounds like I've got all my ducks in a row and will not have to be too concerned with getting my meds re-filled in a timely and efficient manner. Good luck with the new regime! :D

  12. At the end of the month I'll be returing to LOS for an extended stay (at least a year on this trip) and I'm wondering about the prospects of getting my medications refilled? I have all my doctor's letters and prescriptions outlining my need for being on the Terazosin (prostate) and Hydrochlorothiazide (blood pressure) medications (good to have the paper trail for immigration if nothing else). My U.S. doctor said that he is highly doubtful that any chemist would do a re-fill for me based on just a written note from him. He suggested getting them mailed to me from the U.S., but I'm skeptical of the Thai Post even on a good day. Has anyone had a similar experience? I've got about a three month supply in my suitcase. :o

  13. My Thai partner votes in every election. Is registered in the local Ampur/Tambon, so long distance travel is not required.

    No vote, no right to complain! True not only of Thai but ALL, including expats that do not bother to vote absentee in their native countries.

    Spot on! If you don't take the time to do something (vote) that is your right, don't come back and bitch and moan later! Some would give almost anything for the honor.

  14. Singapore Railway station is like some strange back wood affair.Like the scene in Mad Max 1 when the bikers were collecting the coffin.

    But Will get you to Bangkok in a number of days.

    I really would love to make this trip but it aint going to happen with two kids in tow.

    Geez, what a great visual and a good laugh to boot. Now I've got to go check out the Singapore station for myself, sounds like a hoot and a half! :o

  15. First post here :-)

    Just got my confirmatin that I am accepted into ramkhamhaeng university, so I am moving to Bangkok next february from Norway. Must say I am looking forward to the sun and the weather in Thailand in opposiion to Norway with 2- celsius and only light from 9-3. My question is: I am confused with the size of Bangkok, and cant quite figure out the district the university is located and how much I must expect to spend on an apartment close to it?

    Let's see, 12 million plus people, ten million motorbikes, and a zillion cars.....you make want to bring some of that cool, refreshing Norwegian air with you! :o

  16. sbk....I posted it on here because this is where I saw the original topic about the man losing his house.

    I will leave it up to you if you want to move it. thanks.

    Move it? hel_l, I'm going to frame it! Thanks for the positive thread, it made my day! :o

  17. Never had any problems at the US Embassy. All the people working there seem efficient in doing their work. Of course I haven't tried asking for money or airplane tickets, nor do I go there to socialize.

    On the other hand, I think some sort of service should be available for people who run into trouble. A service, which would enable these people to be able to get a ticket home ( like in the case of the Norwegian man ), to be repaid at a later date. Then again this might already be available at a US Embassy.

    I'm in the same boat, never any bad experiences either here or any other US embassy around the world for that matter. I'm hoping it would be the same service in case of an emergency.

  18. this is very common in Thailand. both dumping your kids on a blood relative and dumping them on a friend.

    Somehow, the word "dumped" is not always the accurate term in my mind. My GF runs a very successful internet/travel business and doesn't always have the quality time available to be a 24/7 mother. Her family gladly takes on the child rearing responsibilities for large portions of the year (excluding school holidays). I just think back to when my kids were young and I dropped them off at the child care center for most of the day or left them with the grandmother on a weekend so I could take care of my "making a living" job. It was never the "ideal" situation, but I made it work, as does my GF, and hopefully it turns out to be a win, win situation.

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