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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. In the US, people sue Mcdonalds for making hot coffee too hot.

    In the US, people sue laundries for billions of dollars for a pair of trousers.

    I hope by the time the somtam lady gets sued by people for making somtam too hot in thailand, I am dead already.

    Right on the mark....and with the luck, I'll be taking my "dirt nap" as well! :o

  2. Hate shaving and Hyundai's but my ex girlfriend and current squeeze both go gaga at a 3 day growth. lets not forget that Thai guys are facially follically challenged

    Yeah - same with chest hair too but back hair often brings our the expression, "King Kong".

    PS: is the OP in favour of body hair or not - I think we should be told as he has made it his business to comment on the personal appearance of others.

    Maybe we should insist on women wearing very short skirts on the BTS?

    Now if I could twist my head in a 180......I'd have a hairy chest because my back has all the hair! Go figure. :o

  3. You could say its a bit like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you can keep looking but you'll never find it!


    Sort of like going on a "snipe" hunt during summer camp.....we had those kids slogging through the surrounding swamps for days looking for that pesky little devil. In the end, they figured they would just setle for finding the Loch Nest Monster. :o

  4. Unshaven is probably best if you are taking up home on an island by yourself, but if you have the shaving tools, I'm thinking smooth "like a baby's butt" might be preferred by the opposite sex. My girlfriend HATES road rash! :o Just a sidebar.....don't those going on the bald side of life seem to have more facial hair and pony tails? :D

  5. He was a real con man of the old school, PT Barnum style. Got us for a few thousand dollars, but it was fun the whole time. Had a trailer full of his artwork, which he was trying to sell at outrageous prices. I always wondered if he sold any, there is at least a trailer full of it floating around somewhere.

    One of those guys, no real schooling, living by his wits and living hard. I will say this about him, he lived life to its fullest. RIP.

    He got his start trying to jump a few trucks and a box of rattlesnakes and as luck would have it, he landed in the box of snakes! Of course that got the crowd all wound up and Evil too! The rest, as they say, is history! :o

  6. I believe everyone has the right to life, irrespective of how evil they are.

    thats the sticking point then.

    i strongly believe the opposite , that the evil should not expect any mercy from the society that they have attacked.

    I agree. Once someone has shown that they do not respect the life of another person and that they have deliberately taken it away, they no longer deserve the right to live.

    As for "the system", it is up to the executive - the government - to make sure the the judicial system works.

    Let's not forget that blood money is often the persuader when families spare the life of a killer.

    But by no means always

    :o Using the Amish as an example??? :D That's scraping the barrel, isn't it?

    I'm thinking I like the o' West more and more. If you got caught, you got hung. They didn't wait around for years thinking about it. :D

  7. Hi folks,

    Need some advice. I'm going to Pattaya in early Feb 08 on business for 1 week and had thought about booking a flight from London to Pattaya and finding hotel either when I arrived or probably online before I leave. But it seems as if I might be better to book a package flight + hotel from a Travel company, they seem cheaper than booking the flight and hotel separately....what do you think?

    Also could you recommend a few hotels/guesthouse for me? I'm Looking for a modern newish exl/good standard, air con etc and away from the Pattaya night life, would prefer a quiet family area.

    Many thanks in advance and I appreciate the help :o

    A travel company is more likely to stick you somewhere that gives them a good commission but isn't necessarily guest friendly etc.. You might prefer Jomtien if you want somewhere quiet.

    Good advice....plus it's a stone'e throw from anything in and around Pattaya City.

  8. Guest House it tells mt that the Thai are getting soft! I support capitol pinishment-the monies spent keepimg people alive would be betterr spent on health care or educaation etc.

    There are miscarriages of justice occasionally ,no doubt. but that does not change my views.

    Simply put, if you do the crime you should do the time! :o

  9. Buyer beware seems to be the order of the day at markets anywhere. Shop around - there's always a number of stalls selling the same thing. I looked at some jewellery at a market in the Hot Springs region north of Chiang Mai last week. I thought I did well to bargain down from 2000 baht to 1100 baht. Thai other half talked the seller down to 400 baht.


    When I do the shopping thing (which isn't that often), I usually do a "loop de loop" of the market place to see what the prices are as well as listen in to hear what people are offering and refusing. It doesn't matter what you end up paying.........some friend / foe down the line will tell you they got it cheaper! :o

  10. what is it with thai chciks and construction............lol. i see emm too.

    Yeah! Whats up with that? And they are dressed like a snow storm is about to hit... Just watching them made me even hotter........ But that beautiful Dark Skin on those construction girls...... aaaaa I wonder if my gf would consider a career in construction :o

    Between the dust, dirt, sand, wind, rain, sun, and a host of other bad to the bone elements, they need all the protection they can muster. I'm surprised they don't have MORE stuff on. :D

  11. Hey guys as i said i got no money, so i will be sleeping outside or if someone let me in their house on the way its great. I belive this can be done. I also been a boyscout before i know its not much but i know basics for survial. I am also very scared to end up in jail but in the same way i feel very excited to. I will post here as often as i can about where i am and how i am doing, so please keep this thread open atleast 1 more year (hehe)

    I will do whatever it takes, walk and hitchike with people. Maybe i never get to Norway but atleast i had a adventure.

    Maybe i settle down for a few years in a small village i china, i mean who knows! I will wear old clothes and make myself look thai, i wont be going around in gucci jeans, a white tank top and sunglasses.

    I like the thought of being free, you might say you are free if you are rich or wahetver, but the true is you are bever free and you will never be free if you dont challange yourself and have nothing.

    I have been working the import/export here for 2 years now, but my buseiness went downhill and i ended up on the street, i can honestly say am more happy now because i can do what i want.

    I am a very healthy guy, i never drink,party,fuc_k around,take drugs or do other stupid things. I also been going to gym and thai boxing quite long so my shape and health is pretty good.

    On the way i will bring some old clothes which am going to wear and my back pack. In my back pack i have another set of clothes,food,water,2x Knuckle Buckers (you never know what might happend) a compass and a maps over asia.

    Both of my parrents died in a car accident while i was here, something that i feel bad about and i dont have any friends in Europe, my goal is Norway but when i get there i dont know what to do, thats why i say maybe i settle down in a small village somewhere on the way if the poeple are nice and if it is a quite place.

    Anyway am going to sleep now with the rats outside hehe, wish me the best of luck, i wont be back here for maybe 1 week, cheers

    Just a thought......go read the book or see the movie "Into the Wild."

  12. Youve got my blessing and safe voyage AA, im a loner at heart and you are doing something i should have done years ago when i was more fit, Ive travelled Europe many times on old motorbikes including Norway, and have found friendly people everywhere, sharing food and drink, Be carefull with borders though, although there is not many Iron Curtain countries in the world now, good luck and hope to hear about your adventure along the way, Lickey & Pan..

    I see jail time in your future. As for sharing food, I'm thinking the offerings will be slim and none in the first "gray bar" hotel you get checked into! :o

  13. That kind of stuff almost never happens to me here, or anywhere, but I probably give off a vibe of don't mess with me that way ...

    The truth is most of the Thai people here are not from here, and those working with tourists are mostly not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, so opportunistic larceny is quite often ready and waiting to happen. You need to put your guard up. Like in America.

    Carry small notes and be on your guard anywhere you travel around the world, not just in LOS. It's a jungle out there and when you go on safari, you carry a BIG stick. :o

  14. So far I am too lazy or cheap to try any of these ideas. Loved the bird of prey robot video though.

    Given that, what works well to clean the bird poop?

    You could always just flip them the bird! :o On a serious note, we always just used a bit of household bleach / water mixture for clean-up. And we used a set of good protective gloves!

  15. really dont like it. i suffer diaarhoea every morning whenver i have spicy food. fail to understand how the thais can eat it every ###### day.


    I like it, I suffer, and therefor I go........often. :o I grew up on bland food, so anything with an extra zing has an appeal to me. Of course that's me talking and not my stomach.

  16. From the new airport how long does it take to get to Pattaya.

    and how far from say kason rd both by taxi,,approx time and cost


    I've done it several times and several ways. If I head towards Pattaya City central around the noon-ish hour from the airport I always plan on 2+ hours. When I use the van service it's around the 800THB mark. If I use the taxi/hire car method it's around the 1,100 THB mark and I pay the tolls (35/40THB at each booth - 3?). Traffic is fickle at best, it IS the holiday season after all,so always plan on the 2+ hours no matter what, especially when heading back to BKK to catch a flight anywhere. :o

  17. Simple pleasures indeed. I too enjoy watching the tiny creatures that inhabit our garden. This poet put it best I think:

    W. H. Davies


    WHAT is this life if, full of care,

    We have no time to stand and stare?—

    No time to stand beneath the boughs,

    And stare as long as sheep and cows:

    No time to see, when woods we pass,

    Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

    No time to see, in broad daylight,

    Streams full of stars, like skies at night:

    No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

    And watch her feet, how they can dance:

    No time to wait till her mouth can

    Enrich that smile her eyes began?

    A poor life this if, full of care,

    We have no time to stand and stare.

    No time to stop and smell the roses? I put the blame solely on the microwave generation...everything has to be done in 60 seconds or less. Pity. :o

  18. above avarage service above avarage tip is justified.

    I never tip to those who are just going through the motions, which on the most part describes about 75 per cent of those I come in contact with. :o I will, however, ALWAYS leave a tip (20%) to those who go above and beyond the call of service.

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