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Posts posted by chicowoodduck

  1. It all depends what you standards are and what you are used to. Do farangs what to live in Thailand and be broke? If so, that is fine. It usually puzzles most Thais why a farang does this.

    For myself, I am flexible with how much I spend and live off of. I have been on high end and low end. But, one thing I don't like to live without is Air Con. I will pay the extra 800 a month to stay cool and keep the mosquitoes at bay. But, I don't pay for UBC.

    I would like to throw out the TV but if you have a Thai mia like I, that is very unwise.

    Geez, the AC is at the top of the list for me......and being somewhat flexible with the spending helps me to achieve this goal. :o

  2. 'Hotmail Warning!!!! Verify Your Account Now to Avoid it Closed.)'

    I have received an email from Hotmail Customer Services via the address, [email protected] saying that they are upgrading their database and deleting unused accounts and if I do not respond by sending my Hotmail Id and password, date of birth and territory, my account will be automatically closed.

    Is this a scam or should I respond with these details?

    There are language errors as above and Hotmail surely know that my account is active etc. However, it is extraordinary if their system allows an ousider to use the address [email protected] if they are not official.

    Any advice please on this and on scams generally?

    Many thanks.

    There are some

    In a word, DON"T! Most internet providers will de-active an email address that hasn't been used for six months (Yahoo has done the "job" on me several times). Your best bet is to locate Hotmails phone contact number and call. They will advise you from that point. Hopefully, you have saved the requesting email for evidence, if needed. :o

  3. I haven't seen another possibility for the extra requirements in Pattaya mentioned yet. If the local office is too busy a few additional BS requirements may convince some applicants to use other offices. Bangkok is only a couple of hours away, and if you have to get your income statement stamped by the MFA and dislike the idea of giving copies of CC info out, using the Bangkok Immigration Office may be a more palatable option for some. Less applicants = less work.

    I'll drink to that idea and drive to BKK too! :o

  4. Some of you guys are so assuming and beat guys up who have actually come to the end of their teather in their relationship.

    I have lost count of the times that I have tried to save our relationship but to no avail.

    Get your facts right...........

    1) I never married a bar girl.

    2) I am not sending her back to thailand just for 'damage prevention' but also this is where she would be happier and for the sake of our children it is important that they have a Thai education and I will cover all costs for them to Learn English.

    3) I am not trying to deprive her what is hers but was sincerely asking the question of what she was entitled to.

    4) Gladly she also has land and property in Thailand which I have paid for so I'm nor the cheapscate that you take me for

    Read and review before you accuse.

    Something about being "fair" as far a both parties are concerned always goes well until money issues and lawyers get involved. I should know, I've "been there and done that" a couple of times. My only advice is to keep asking questions, and in the end, get a better attorney than the "ex." :o

  5. Thanks all for the, especially Clayton for the indepth info.

    I live in England, and as i am on my honeymoon i'm not planning any 'contact' with the locals :o

    I think just for peace of mind i will get some of the main injections from my GP.

    I hear that Jap E, Rabis are very expensive.

    AS isaid in my original post.......the only thing putting me off really is incase the side effects....if any spoil my holiday?

    Just keep in mind that the Hepatitis shots are a three phase deal over a six month period. Getting all three shots provides maximum coverage.....better to safe than sorry down the road. :D Some people have side effects of flu like symptoms for a few days, but nothing major. I think the tetanus shot is on a every ten year cycle?

  6. Could it not be that someone accidently bumped into you, your money fell out and a kindly Indian chap pointed it out to you?

    No? I suppose not . . .

    Actually I think that there are pic pockets in Thailand (and throughout the world) and I appreciate the OP giving the rest of us a heads up. When anyone bumps into me, the first thing I check is to see if my wallet is still in my pocket :o

    Tell Santa I said hi :D

    I just wear a small money belt, carry a small amount of "ready cash," and try to remain sober on any day ending in "y." :D

  7. I don't see the attitude you claim from the women on the forum here but..... I am a traditional man, feminists would call me sexist. I truly believe that men and women have clearly defined roles and when you break away from those roles you have unhappy couples, maybe that is why we have such a high divorce rate in the west. There's nothing wrong with a strong woman, but she better hook up with an even stronger man or I think she will be unhappy. It's basic instinct, I've never seen a happy woman that was with a weak man. Constant fighting and disrespect is NOT normal and is a big sign that SOMEONES unhappy, which is what I see back in Canada ALL THE TIME with couples. Always when the man was too weak. I'm in trouble now!


    Just find the nearest bunker and cancel you next vacation back to Canada. :oOh, and the increase in the divorce rate.....what with women making more $$$ in the workplace, they aren't nearly as dependent on the "man of the house" to be able to survive and live on their own.

  8. Can anybody here explain to me why wearing a suit and tie is appreciated in bizz life?

    Is the message different when wearing jeans and t-shirt?

    I have meetings with CEO's of Honda, Toyota and you name all other big manafacturers.

    Just dressed in T-shirt and jeans, they hate it I know.

    But they still listen to what I tell, ha ha ha.

    Take care all, it is not what you are but who you are.


    They dress up in the business world, going to church, teaching in the academic world, getting married, etc., because it is a ritual of respect and a sense of power for yourself and others. If you have half a brain under your cap, that doesn't hurt, but if you have half a brain under your hat and coat and tie........well, you could probably bitch slap Donald Trump and he'd shake your hand and thank you for the show of kindness. :o

  9. I made a reservation in September for a Rome-Bangkok-Phuket and return flight with THAI, departure date 26-12-07, return 07-01-08. I was on the waiting list until yesterday and at the end I got the confirmation today but I was shocked when they asked me 1.400 euro!!!! I understand it's peak season but I cannot go in march-april, when the fares are lower but it seems too much, last year I paied about 1100 euro fro the same flight, same period.

    I tried with Singapore Airlines, they are even more expensive.......

    Any advice for a change, I will fly again on August.

    Thank you,

    Annetta :D

    It's called "ticket sticker shock" and it won't be getting better anytime soon, at least not with oil hovering around the $100 dollar a barrel mark. The airlines are once again taking it in the shorts....fuel wise. Just check the recent major airline fee hikes in the last month. They love the term "fuel surcharge!" :o

  10. This was hard for me to believe but I recently just read that there is a group of concerned people that are actually trying to get Santa Claus to slim down as it sets a bad example for our kids. They believe that a slim Santa Claus would set a much better example for our overweight youth so they want the stores and other establishments that hire Santa Clauses to start projecting a new image. Perhaps the next thing we will see is Santa Claus in a Weight Watcher's commercial ! Fortunately this could only happen in the US ! :o

    I've got to cut and paste this quote and show my kids, they have been telling me for years that I'm too skinny to be Santa! :D

  11. A seat is allocated to everyone over two. even two year olds have to use the seat during take off and landing and when the seat belt sign is on. The seat, therefore can not be sold to anyone else. You will still have the laugage weight allocation.

    I have children, and understand exactly how you feel.

    Exactly. FAA requires children over two to have their own seat. Under 2 they must be on the lap with a special seat belt extension

    As a flight attendant for 20 years I had to laugh at one of the posters who say that the children don't require much service. Hah! You know how many times I've been handed a baby or a toddler and been "told" to change them? Do you know how many times I've had children throw up all over me? Do you know how many times I've had to wipe down seats that babies/toddlers have thrown up or went to the toilet on? From heating up water bottles to baby sitting to fixing formula. We do it all. I even have to listen to other passengers complain because of the crying, smell, noise, etc. I love children but give me someone who just wants their glass filled with whiskey the entire flight!

    Funny, when we did travel with our baby, we give HER the Jack Daniels and we sucked from the baby bottle! :o

  12. I always leave a light on in the bathroom or hall.

    Mosquitos are attracted to light so they go there instead of the bedroom.

    Works quit well.

    I'm in the "lights on" in the bathroom crowd as well.

    FYI - If my Minnesota (the state bird IS the mosquito) upbringing serves me right, the loving mosquito is actually attracted to the CO2 that we all exhale. My father said if you don't want to get bit, don't breathe. :o

  13. For what it's worth, I just saw this today on one of my travel email threads (airtreks.com) with regard to being a "green" traveler. :o

    For savvy travelers and those wanting to be - In this issue…(Sustainable Travel)

    The environment and our ever changing world continues to subtly present unique opportunities for us travelers to play a special part in the way we travel while conscientiously participating in conservational efforts to help sustain eco-friendly tourism so our future generations will still have a pleasant world to enjoy when we are gone. This does not mean we have to go completely "green" or join an "eco-club", but at the very least, considering a few of the following ideas before, during and after our journeys abroad will certainly help.

    • Buy local – help reduce fossil fuel emissions through supporting local vendors, farmers and crafts people who grow their own food and create their own goods without relying on importation from far flung places.
    • If going on a tour seek out eco-friendly tour operators who practice sustainable travel and give back to their local communities.
    • Know the regulations and special concerns for the area(s) you'll visit.
    • Help preserve the past and leave what you find. It's those all-too-memorable words we heard as kids - "Don't touch!" Funny how this still applies if we want to continue protecting against the degradation of our cultural and historical artifacts and structures including the environment.

    Respect the wildlife – observe wildlife from a distance so they don't feel threatened, and avoid feeding them because it alters their natural behaviors and can make them susceptible to predators while relying on human handouts.

  14. Hybrid cars are going nowhere fast here in Thailand. You see them in Bangkok here and there, but Thai powers-that-be still have not done their part to make them affordable.

    Let's say they do, so that a Toyota Prius can compete with other compact Toyota cars, and hybrid SUV's can compete with gas/diesel powered versions.

    A. Would you sell what you have now and be the first to drive off the lot?

    B. Would you buy one when it's time to get a new car?

    C. Would you stay away?

    Seriously (and, of course, not, for the punters :o ), what would go into your decision process for any of the options above, or anything else related to the notion of owning a hybrid car in Thailand.

    Assuming that a lot of TV members see no point to driving a more energy efficient car, what would get you to buy a hybrid at some point anyway?

    I'm going with selection C. Shifting gears to leg power just seems to be the healthy, "green" thing to do, as well as healthy for the wallet! :D

  15. I know you have a better chance getting hit by lighting twice in a life than winning the lotto here in the good USA but what can I say it's my retirement plan for now.

    If your retirement plans include lottery winnings, better plan on getting hit by a lighting strike instead. :o

  16. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/ba...p?page=download

    This is the one I use for all the forms

    Okay Ignis, I went to the site you've listed like a heat seeking missle and have had a successful experience. Thanks for your assistance, it is appreciated.

    I have also taken into advisement the threads about using the forms available at the immigration places. I just like to have back-up copies in my backpocket, just in case. :o

  17. Never have, and very unlikely to try one because my most common route is SIN-BKK-SIN and on that route the "budget" carriers are no cheaper than the "full service" ones. Supply & demand I guess...

    ... the thought of no pre-assigned seat also really puts me off!

    flying in thailand on budget airlines is still better than travelling a bus with a crazy doped up driver ..........

    I'm with you, much rather take my chances in the air and if by chance we do go down, perhaps it will land on a bus for a softer landing. :o

  18. If she is pregnant, then regardless of how crazy the mother is, or how stupid the father was, he has a duty to provide for that child. You can try blaming her for not taking her pills but when you voluntarily have unprotected sex with someone you consider a psycho you really have nobody to blame but yourself.

    Absolutely 100% agree with you.

    Of course, if it turns out that a lady in a case like this is pregnant, and indeed a little unstable, maybe a little test to prove that he is the father is in place.

    If all confirmed, then I strongly believe in supporting the child.

    Regardless of the relationship between the parents.

    Two bits of sound advice, I reckon, however the back side of my thinking head (yes, the one on my shoulders :o ) says that if you can't go check it out in short order for yourself, send out your trusty "I Spy" crowd to see if there is a bump in the road. If the little speed bump is in fact the real deal, belly up to the bar, buy a round for the boys, and be responsible for another human being in this already over-populated world.

  19. On several occasions, I've wanted to download various Thai Immigration documents (TM.27, TM.28, etc.) for back-up copies from the Thiavisa Application Format Download Manager page, but when I press the download button, it takes me to a Microsoft program page? I already have Microsoft Works - "Word" as my word processor, sooooooooo is there a site or thread I can access that will allow me to either cut and paste or download these and other documents? :o

  20. Well I feel like this at times too, best dont dwell on it and find something to fill your own days.

    I think everyone goes through those "ebb and flows" of could have, should have moments of self doubt or regret, probably has been happening since the caveman times. :o

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