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Posts posted by sleepwalker999

  1. 3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    Actually it probably is, a lot of things get misinterpreted these days. In Tesco my, not yet, 2 year old step granddaughter Jackie kissed me on the lips through my mask, she then thought about it for a few seconds then pulled my mask down and kissed me full on the lips, nobody batted an eye lid. As for the nipple thing, young kids who have been breast fed a long time seem fascinated by them, early in the morning Jackie bangs on our bedroom door and wants to play with me in bed (I'm her favorite person apparently) occasionally she has put her lips on my nipple only to burst out laughing afterwards, she does the same thing with my wife's mother. I play with both my step granddaughters (the oldest is 5) when they are naked and it's hot outside and spray them with water from the hose pipe, it's all very innocent but I suppose somebody with a dirty mind could make something of it if they wanted to.

    You are twisting your experiences with what actually happened with this music producer.  


    1) He asked his daughter to lick his nipples.

    2) He had his hand down her bottoms for an extended period of time like it was the most natural thing in the world. 


    Can you honestly say these two things are appropriate from any father in the world? If I saw my wife do either of these things with my sons I would feel physically ill. 


    I have no interest in a people's court but if you are going to share videos with the rest of the world of you casually fondling your daughter then be prepared to face some honest criticism. Hopefully he has learned from this experience because his behaviour is in no way healthy. 



    • Like 2
  2. In my school, two teachers opted out of taking the vaccine and all staff were informed of this decision. Both members of staff were told when onsite learning resumes only vaccinated teachers will be allowed to teach onsite. 


    I think it's fair enough and I would imagine it will be pushed twice as hard when it comes to foreign teachers. I mean you still have a choice it's up to you and I think it's fair considering all choices in life come with a consequence attached to them. 


    Maybe you can look into online teaching instead?

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, tonray said:

    They are trying to sell you an annuity with a life insurance rider attached. You want to buy term life insurance instead...the annuity deals are generally bad values, come with high commision costs up front and have surrender charges should you want to cash out early. 


    Thank you for your reply and clarification, really helpful. 


    • Like 1
  4. Everywhere I look for life insurance I keep coming across life insurance that appears to work more like a very odd savings scheme with a very low interest bonus attached to it, SCB are trying to to sell us a scheme like this at the moment attached to a mortgage and it seems like an obscenely expensive savings plan. Has anyone had a positive experience with a scheme such as this? Does anyone have any experience of purchasing life insurance here that is just paid for like a product on an annual basis? 


    Just for a bit of a context we are in the process of buying a house and if something happens to me I want to make sure that my family is left in good shape and able to continue paying the mortgage etc. 

  5. I have often thought about trying out teaching online but I have never seen really decent rates from any of the Chinese websites and I think that industry seems to be on the verge of dying now with this new Chinese government policy, I also would strongly advise you to leave the 316 baht per hour place, that's just flatout awful money and you are bonkers for accepting it. 


    657 baht on the other hand while closer to a decent rate(which to my mind is 1000 baht minimum) is not 'more than ESL' unless your talking about beginner level (talking about teachers here) places like Inlingua and ECC. 

  6. Exploring the option of trying to work in either of these schools in the next few years, just wanted to ask if anyone has any experience in working at these schools or any other IB school in Bangkok or elsewhere in Thailand?


    Interested to hear about salary, workload, behaviour of students, general atmosphere at the schools etc. 



  7. On 7/17/2019 at 5:58 AM, YetAnother said:

    they treat us like dogs and we are in the conversation for 'helping' them ?


    You must have an awful life here, I feel sorry for you. Would you not consider going home?


    I've lived here for 11 years and have never once been treated like a dog, not once. 


    If you want an example of people being treated like dogs go take a look at the construction sites around this country or at the people working 12 hour shifts for 330 baht a day. 


    Hope you can learn some gratitude and a bit of appreciation for life here but I suspect you will just continue being a grumpy old sod. 

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks for the post 7by7 I didn't think they would assist in repatriating him but thought I would ask anyway.

    That's interesting about the loan I will contact them tomorrow.

    He moved here when he was 58 years old so I would assume he has paid at least 11 years worth of NI through the years so should qualify for something from the brief research I have done, I will contact this lot now


    If anyone knows anything about getting a loan from the British embassy please do let me know

  9. I know there are lots of these threads floating about but I can't seem to find them at all.

    I was out looking for something in a local shop when a motorbike taxi driver I know called me over and asked me to chat to an English guy by the name of John. To cut to the chase the guy is over 70 years old and had just been arrested the previous night for sleeping on the streets, his money has been slowly dwindling away and now he is down to a big fat zero. He is fairly well known around the area as the police officer gave him a thousand baht to keep him going and has been letting him sleep in the police station for the previous few nights and is now going to let him stay in some room upstairs in the police station - odd isn't it?

    The guy showed me his passport after saying that he needs to renew his visa next week although the visa actually expired last year and he has now been overstaying for one year.

    He says he wants to stay in Thailand so I told him I would see if I can find some way I could help him out. So I have some questions to ask if anyone can answer please do

    1) Is it possible to get him flown back to England and put into some some sort of care via assistance by British embassy?

    2) Is it possible for him to claim a pension while in Thailand so he can get at least scrape by over here?

    I'm not really sure how else to help the guy out if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know.

  10. How long does it take to get from Udon to the Thai consulate in Vientiane?

    There just doesn't seem to be the early flights there to pull it off...I really just want to leave in the morning and arrive home the following evening.

    Nok Air have a fly and ride service but that arrives in the city at 11 will that give me enough time to get to the consulate and apply for the visa?

  11. So I have just resigned from my teaching position and after I cancel my work permit I will need to leave the country to cancel my non-b and get a new shiny tourist visa instead.

    I want to be out of Thailand for the shortest time possible so am open to travelling by air basically I just want the most painless, cheapest and quickest option to get out of Thailand and back in one piece with a double entry tourist visa.

  12. Thanks for all of the replies.

    Yes Dasa is very well organized and customer friendly but I wouldn't describe it as comprehensive. I have been in there a few times but can never get exactly what I want which I suppose is to be expected in a second hand book shop.

    2,500 baht for a 1 year old Kindle is very tempting but i would have to check through the differences between this new generation of models and previous ones to see if it's worth the gamble. I would have to say for now I'd be happier just buying myself a brand new 4th generation model.

  13. Bangkok is a pain in the arse for finding books. There seems to be one good bookshop in the entire city (Kinokuniya in Paragon) which is an hour from where I live and then a whole bunch of half-assed second hand shops, so I have decided to take the plunge and try a Kindle. Ordering books off the Internet is a decent solution to the problem, but it can be annoying waiting two weeks for a book to arrive that you fancy reading now, and also if I ever go home bringing a library of books with me is going to to be bloody expensive.

    So ordering from amazon.com they have an estimated import fee deposit which comes to $32 does anyone know should this cover the costs of imports or could I be looking at some extra charges when I get it delivered to my house?

    All together I'm looking at 5,070 baht for this model including all fees and it will be delivered within 2-4 days. anybody have any experience with buying a Kindle on-line?


  14. My son's birthday is coming up. He loves the games on the PC but thought I would get him either Guitar Hero or Rock Band for his old PS2.

    Does anyone have any idea where I could find either of them in Bangkok?

    I did see a fake thing called Guitar Mania in one of the local shops but would be nice to get the real deal for him.


  15. Hey appleman

    I'm a Leinster man myself and enjoyed the final in Soi 8 bar last week. But really looks like there is no one showing the Magners final at all.

    These are the best three bars for showing rugby




    I would give Soi 8 a call though they might end up showing it. Also the guy who runs Sports Corner might get you sorted with a stream it's not the nicest bar in the world but the owner is a very decent chap who will try to help you out as much as possible.

    I'm hoping that BBC iPlayer are showing it and I will just watch it recorded tomorrow morning.

  16. This thread is hilarious because I have been moaning about the exact same thing in my house for the last month. Every time I walk into the kitchen there is this disgusting looking thing looking back at me from the counter and the same goes for the sitting room. I just don't think it even crosses my mother in law's mind to ever wash the things.

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