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Posts posted by disgruntled

  1. ^ I doubt you'll get this because I know this is late. You are probably back home already. Anyways, there's not much you can buy at 7Eleven. You can eat the peanuts and broad beans in the packs. The salted eggs, fermented pork (Nam) and some of the meats probably ar eokay. The diet sodas are okay for some people. There might be tuna but don't get the kind which is already mixed with mayo and sugar. Just get the plain tuna. The hotdogs they sell at the counter are okay too.

    You might be able to get something like fired fish in some of the local shops. Cashews work too but their carb count is a bit high.

  2. Seems its always been this way throughout history. Crime has always paid. Exploitation has always been the way to get really rich. Murder even works. It would be nice to live in a better world but we still haven't reached that point. The corrupt are the only people who can say that the is a fair playing field. Go watch Batman that might cheer you up. It works for the rest of the masses.

  3. I don't really count carbs that accurately. I would say I am probably anywhere from 20 to70 grams per day. Some days I snack on too manay peanuts and broad beans. Yesterday i went to sizzler and had two salads, a soup and my meal which was pork and sausage. I like to eat Pad gra pow, Larb, and other meat dishes which can have higher carbs depending on who makes them. It's really a mix for me. I'm trying to lose weight right now so I am going a bit low most of the time I would guess. I'm avoiding the diet drinks and just having water most of the time but I do have quite a bit of coffee everyday. Oh, last Saturday I went out with a buddy barhopping. I probably had 8-10 drinks that night. Whiskey and soda and gin and tonic work well with this diet. I also had a long island iced tea with diet coke replacing coke. Over the pst two months I have drank fairly often without too many problems loisng weight. Most of the time I don't drink though.

  4. Well, just an update. I am still doing the lowcarb thing. I have yet to really exercise and have lost about 12 kilos in the last two months. Being in this lowcarb state, I feel pretty good mentally and physically. The compulsion to eat or drink excessively isn't there as it would be normally. This is the advantage of eating low carb I think. When I eat low carb I just don't have the desire to eat all sorts of stuff. Eating low fat might be better at building discipline than lowcarb as you will always have the hunger for more if you have ever been a person who just overeats all the time. I guess you could look at it like this for people who are compulsive overeaters: A lowcarber is almost like an alcoholic going cold turkey and not drinking any more alcohol whereas a low fat dieter is an alcoholic who continues to drink but cuts back on the drink by willpower. Both lowcarbers and lowfat dieters can be successful or fail in the long run. Those who don't suffer from food addiction are more likely to lose weight than those who are addicted in the way an alcoholic is addicted to drink. I am someone one with addictive eating habits when not low carb dieting. For now, I am sticking with this way of eating.

  5. Seems like exercise can really make a difference if you are low carbing, Frank. I've lost a bit of weight low carbing but now I need to kick in the exercise to try to keep it moving.

    dclary, I like your blog. Looks like you've got quite a few posts. I'll have to read through it sometime.

  6. I would guess the best place to be nowadays is where the oil is. Haliburton knew that and move its headquarters.

    Americans have suffered with a weak dollar and now thailand may but this does not mean the US dollar is going to gain in strength. What would cause that? I'd say the US and Thailand are in for bad times.

    Starbucks is closing 500 more stores. There's not much to say a stronger dollar is on the way from my view.


  7. Eek,I agree with most of what you say. Of course, the preacher and the 'faithful' of today are much different than those of years past. Being faithful has nothing to do with sex alone. A man who tells one lie to his wife has been unfaithful. A man who says he loves his wife but really doesn't is unfaithful. Wouldn't you agree? Or is having sex the only way to voilate a person's faith?

    I'm not a liar. I don't lie to me wife. My wife knows what I have done. I guess under the beliefs of certain religions you could call me unfaithful but then you could also say that all gays and women who don't submit to men are damned to hel_l too. Pick the things you like about your religion and hold them high above yourself for the world to see that you really are a believer.

  8. The lower the baht goes the more hel_l is going to break loose if makes imported oil more expensive. I don't see any advantage of a weak baht for the local population until there no work at that point then maybe people will accept anything. People need to come to terms with this new reality of cost and at that point psychologically we will be able to move on. In the meantime there will be a lot of anger and blame which is misdirected. This situation is horrible. The poorest peoples of the world are going to suffer and poor govenments are going to waste loads of capital trying to make them happy.

  9. Wow. Stocks are tanking again. Where have all the know-it-all analyists gone who were so positive saying buy buy buy gone? I wonder if they lost money? I've always worried about this but I didn't take my money out now I have lost some too! I really hope that the analysts who were so positive have suffered. The US government does not need to help the criminals who lie and steal to get ahead by bailing them out if things get worse. Let those who bought in (like me a little guy) suffer from their choices. The big brokerage houses and the venture capitalists etc need a good culling by this. They've been bailed out too many times throughout history. Luckily I don't really have any money in this game. Those who expected just wonderful winnings need to accept their amazing loses. Okay I'm mean but let the dying die.

    Cheers to those who called this market and held out. There's a new world on the way!

  10. If you watch a movie with sex in it you are most likely watching unfaithful people go at it. Why would someone who is faithful even take a look at other women. Sexual attraction must only be towards your wife or else you really aren't faithful to her. Looking at any adult material or looking at other women even out of curiousity represents lusting for another. We all should live up to our own beliefs. If you claim to be faithful then make sure you are. It might not be a simple as you think. It might be easier to be faithful when all the women around you are covered in Burkhas. Faithfulness really isn't just about intercourse now is it? What do the faithful think makes someone 'faithful?'

  11. People won't change their spending and luxury habits. The shopping malls are full here in LOS and other places. I expect there to be a sudden halt of spending when job losses go up and the money just isn't there to go out and eat and drive everywhere. Habits are hard to change and so many of our bad habits are conencted to spending. There is going to be a lot of pain at one point, even right here in LOS.

    With the mentality that a lot of people have nowadays in this world of easy money, I bet many will just run up their credit cards and go bankrupt letting the system/government deal with it. They know they are going under so they'll say screw it and try to get as much as they can before they do. Homeowners will fight longer to keep what they have but those with nothing to loose have nothing to loose.

  12. As far as I know Robert Mugabe and Osama Bin Laden are faithful men.

    Why is this even an issue? Those who bring it up are jealous of those who have more freedom then theirselves, they think people having sex with more than one person hurts society or families, or they have a religious agenda. If you want to complain, then you should complain about the people who lie. That's it, the men and women who liar to their spouses and others. You should be angry at the liars in government too. You should be angry at the men who lie to start wars and kill thousands of people for their beliefs. If you support a liar then you too are a liar. Don't join the unfaithful liars.

  13. I just have to speak as one of those who has had some sexual action on the side. I don't do it often, probably once every two years in terms of actual sex. If I go to massage, I might get aroused - does the church which establish marriage consider that sex?

    I love my wife but I never went into my marriage for contractual reasons. I did it for my daughter so that she will be treated equally in this cruel world where so many of 'God's chosen' use their standards to hurt those who do not follow thier beliefs. Yes, that's what this poll is all about. It's about religion and please do not deny it.

    Since we are talking about religion I must say that anyone who has divorced has been unfaithful to God and their wife. I wish those posters who need to could change their votes now but the computer program won't let you. Divorcees are unfaithful people.

    There are a lot more ways in which the 'faithful' have sinned. You should try to look at yourselves and find your sins.

    As for me, I don't follow your beliefs about marriage and sex. Marriage is a creation of oppressive closed-minded people. I don't think I have done wrong to my daughter or family. I would love my wife as I do now were I married or not. My wife knows what I have done and knows who I am in terms of trust. I have never lied to her. Since the world is run by oppressors, we have to do what we have to do to live 'normally'.

    Marriage was created. It came from teh idea of one person and then it was developed further and exploited. It's not bigger than man.

    The creators of marriage also thought...

    Marrying someone outside your race was a sin

    Marrying someone from another religion was a sin

    Having sex the 'wrong way' was a sin

    A woman enjoying sex was a sin

    Looking at other women with any sexual attraction was a sin

    Men should not wear condoms

    controlling pregnancies or births is a sin

    being gay is a sin


    I hope those who are heading to heaven follow these too.

    Someone asked what the next topic on this subject will be. I will start a poll asking members if they are sinners and exactly what their sin is next. Please don't use the easy way out and say everyone one is a sinner so I must be too. I expect all the holier than thou here to post with the vivid details of their sins since you know you have them.

  14. I do the money thing and I don't really like sharing glasses etc. I like to have the same color and kind of hangers in my wardrobe. I am obsessive about keeping notes of things to do. I recycle every bit I can if possible down to paper price tags on clothes and store receipts; that goes way back to when I heard acid rain was killing trout in the late 70s or 80s I guess. When I am sitting with the remote control watching TV I will unconciously start making some pattern on the keys with my index finger. I might have some type of compulsive disorder for cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary stuff. I have a habit of giving things away as soon as I don't think I will need it or giving something away if I think someone else would benefit more from that item than me.

  15. If you aren't in the Olympic games you are obviously less of a human by the OP. What a silly list. Why not add if you can't run 26 miles. Shouldn't everyone be able to run a marathon on demand. Why just swim a mile that's easy for people who swim. I'd like to know what happened to the "Fitness Pioneer" Was he in that movie 300? Did he consider himself an invalid when he could only do 49 pushups or pullups? BTW physical fitness has nothing to do with mental fitness. You might just be a very sick individual despite being able to do a few pushups.

    Why not have the Thaivisa Olympics at the next TV get together. Take down the names of the posters who claim to be with it physically and have them compete in contests related to the events listed here. Prizes could be offered to the people who can complete the tasks in the least amount of time. It would be like the real world of animal competition so these guys should take on this challenge to see if they really are what they say. Survival of the fittest. The first to complete the task is the fittest. The person who wins all competitions is the fittest of the fit.

  16. Been looking at this site for quite a while and its become dry. There's too much censorship here for me. I really think TV has become some sort of fact only forum where taking the piss is a crime. So I've got to go. BTW I've followed this site for 5 years! I won't close the door on the way out because I am sure others will follow me in search of something new. We all came to Thailand for something new but a few people have forgot that.


  17. Thanks for the reply wp. I guess this question might be hard for people to answer honestly. I guess I am too inquisitve and cynical for these boards. Everything at TV has to be so serious. I give up. If I am wrong about this, I guess I have some sort of vitamin deficiency and I just don't get it.

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