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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. wow, just got through and its only 3-5 day if you are a florida resident. they also offer non immigrant O visa only I was such a RETARD to post on Thai Visa and trust the advice I got back that they dont so i didnt bring the marriage certificate. Lesson Learned: Thai Visa is completely incompetent and useless, don't trust anything you read here.

  2. Some Americans pay 35% of their income in tax, others pay 20%, others 10% and others pay nothing and receive government aide.

    If Aliens invade, those who paid 35% have not received any sort of identification as of yet, so that the government knows to save them first. Everyone has the same rights.

    So let me ask, what is the difference between taxing rich people at a higher rate and charging farang more for certain services?

  3. Wife has rounded everyone one she knows and got them to hit the embassy with their votes..........also her lot in LOS ....and no secret that she ....and according to HER the whole Thai nation wants Khun T back...via PPP.....

    as for me....mai mee......any good Commis standing... :o ......Hey Godeon did ye sigh that treaty yet?


  4. Ok, I smiled at them tonight and they started cussing at me and threw a bottle. I think they were liquored up so I started running as fast as I could down the upscale soi but then a soi dog started chasing me and then finally it caught up with me and it started to attack my leg until I was forced with a choice: my khao pat gi dinner or my life, so i choose my life. anyways, thanks for the horrible advice of smiling at them.

  5. you guys are so angry. i recommend yoga. or maybe, i dunno, i would never bother with this because i am a positive person, but since you guys are negative, you might want to try and write down 3 things that make you happy and then whenever you are sad like there are more kids in your class to teach english than expected or your wife's mother needs an operation, you can just go back and read all the good things you wrote down out loud to yourself. i read about this in an advanced book on psychology.

  6. i live on a quiet upscale soi and will often be walking home late at night and I don't know what to do when I pass these guys. Should I acknowledge that I see them and nod my head? What would a Thai do in this situation? If it is not proper to nod my head at them, they might think I am mocking them because I am rich and live on this soi and they are working at a different life pace. If I pretend that I never see them, then they might think I am some kind of snob or they might think that I think I am better then them. The street is quiet enough so that whenever anyone walks by it attracts their attention.

  7. A couple of questions about having servants in your home.

    1. Doesn't it feel weird to have a non family member in your home and personal areas and spending large amounts of time around your family?

    2. Doesn't it feel weird to order someone around and have them below you? To be honest, I feel strange just going into a restaurant and spending 5000 baht when I know the person serving me makes that in a month and will never be able to afford dining in the same restaurant. I guess that is the nature of the world and I am not going to pay 5000 baht for him to eat dinner with me, but that constant reminder of how bad some people have it that would come with having servants living with you... it seems like that would get depressing.

    This brings me to a third question. I am only 22 so maybe I have more learning to do but....

    Whenever I go to stores or restaurants or just walk down the street and see people doing minimum wage type jobs, or the types of jobs a monkey could do, or the type of job you wake up and go to for 40 hours a week until you die, the types of jobs that 90% of the people on earth do it depresses me. I don't know these people do it everyday. So, I am sort of cynical towards them like "What is wrong with you that you can come here everyday and do this?"

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