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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. Man, you guys are seriously delusional. Let me just make some factual observations:

    *Most falang men prefer light-skinned women. 99% of the falang men on this planet are with light-skinned women, i.e., falang women.

    *Attractive Thai women (by Thai standards) who are educated and reasonably well-off are almost always with Thai men.

    *Successful and/or attractive Thai men prefer light-skinned, Thai women.

    *Even dark skinned Thai women prefer Thai men, all things being equal, but know that "good" Thai men are not attracted to them. So they either choose a poor Thai guy with no prospects or a falang. Some choose the latter.

    *Falangs will date any young Thai woman, but if they tried to date exclusively attractive Thai women (by Thai standards), they would have difficulty getting a date, let alone get laid.

    The bottom-line is this: When I walk out my door, I see falang men with dark, monkey-faced, hideous Thai women. When I see an attractive Thai girl (by Thai standards) she is almost always—heck forget the almost—always with a Thai guy. This is reality. Everything else is just noise.

    Pretty much spot on except for that uncalled for insult at the end.

    Naturally, there will always be exceptions to the above generalizations.

    As an informal litmus test, teachers/office managers/etc. here can do an informal survey (used to be part of my teaching routine a decade ago to get people to stop saying "spec" : as in the local saying "what's your spec?" or taste in the opposite sex). For gals, the answer is almost always "kao, tee, sung, sai wan." (pale, Chinese, tall, wearing glasses). With the next most common answer being "sung, kem." (tall and dark... along the ol' talk dark and handsome lines). It's all the same whether asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, Indians/Sikhs, or even mia falang. When you turn it around and ask the guys, it's "kao, suay, muay, x" (pale, pretty, Chinese, and sexy). It doesn't matter if you're asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, or Indian/Sikhs.

    There's an unfair double standard out there where dark guys get a pass, but dark girls get snubbed.


    There are not that many young farang in Thailand. Most of the farang in Thailand marry a women much younger than them. Are you really going to say Ping(25) choose to marry Joe(26) instead of David from Australlia(58) is a conclusion that white skinned Thai women have no interest in farang?

    David choose to marry Boo(21) from Roi Et because Boo thought David was better than Sook, her second cousin who works in 711.

    The main reasons farang end up with dark skinned women:

    1. Most farang getting married are marrying someone much younger than they are. The white skinned girls are more likely to have better options than an old man.

    2. The dark skinned girls are more likely to pursue a farang. They are more likely to return his smile. They are more likely to work in the restaurant he eats in or the hotel he stays at.

    3. Rich families pressure their daughter's on who they choose to marry.

    This is not a dig to Asian males but assuming that women care about things like height and masculinity, most Asian males don't come very close. In the USA, there is a light hearted joke that Asian guys can't get a hot caucasion girl friend. Of course, most of the farang in Thailand are lucky if they aren't bald yet and their body is still pumping blood let alone testosterone.

    Here is another point, you rarely see a white skinned educated rich Thai girl with a short Thai male. Have you noticed that all the modelish looking Thai girls seem to end up with the modelish looking Thai guys? Who would have thought it? Short thai males do worse than tall Thai males when it comes to getting girls?

    This whole thing is silly and if anything it resinates the fact that if the world was a high school and they sorted farang to different classes (countries), Thailand would be for the mentally handicapped.


    a young, rich and handsome farang

  2. if there are no laws regulating interest rates on loans than i am clearly wrong and apologize. i have spoken with Heng before about his pawnshop business and i think he said that they are legally allowed to charge 1% interest/month.

    if someone accepts a loan with a 50% interest rate, i think the default rate must be very high. what is the normal process when one cannot repay the loan?

    Thailand has debtor's prisons? more details on that please.

  3. Agreed in principal. However, the long-term outlook for a lot of locals doesn't seem to go beyond tomorrow afternoon, and then when you get off-duty cops and soldiers working as enforcers and debt collectors, the plot thickens somewhat. :o

    Well, there are obviously a fair number of significantly more savvy locals who DO have a longer term outlook - they are the ones giving the loans and making the money. And good luck to them.

    Dog eat dog, social darwinism and all that stuff.

    You can't legislate to save the ignorant from themselves, I'm afraid.

    You sound like a 16 year old kid who just got done reading Nietzsche. When the farmer doesn't make April's payment, do you think the loan shark goes to the local courthouse? No, because it is illegal to lend money at those interest rates. So what does he do? I guess he either takes his daughter and sells her to a brothel or he starts breaking parts of his body?

  4. Don't you feel that answer is just a bit insensitive.... perhaps even pompous? Is "individual responsibility" practiced by more than 10% of the populus here? I daresay, NO! And for those remaining 90%, well, let them eat cake!

    Insensitive? I don't know. Frankly, whether it's insensitive or not is irrelevant. It doesnt stop it from being true.

    As adults EVERYONE (unless they are handicapped in some way) should be accountable for their own lives, including their successes and failures. I don't see what's wrong with that as a philosophy as life.

    No, I don't suppose more than 10% of the Thai populous are that way inclined. Further, I think even fewer in the nanny societies in the west are that way inclined - everything is always someone else's fault. If they get into debt, I hear people whine, it's because the banks made it so easy to borrow. <deleted>? If they get fat, it's because fast food companies make their burgers too tasty. <deleted>.

    So, 90% / 10%? Yes, perhaps. I guess that's why 10% of the population generally own the vast majority of the wealth. As I said before, dog eat dog.

    im all for personal responsibility but this is silly. you don't see any reason why it should be illegal to lend people money at 50% annual interest rates and then break their legs if they dont pay you?

    debtor's prisons were abolished a long time ago.

  5. My wife told me about a neighbour who borrowed money to buy a car.

    I asked her how much interest do you pay in Thailand?

    She said 4%. I replied - "Oh that's very reasonable, 4% per year!"

    Then she said "Oh no - 4% per month .. and the money lender takes a mortgage over their land as security.

    48% per year - OMG! How do people fall for this?

    I met a German guy who was telling me quite proudly that he was making good money

    and aquiring blocks of land when people defaulted on payments.

    I find this disgusting and immoral, charging outrageous interest and then grabbing land off

    poor Thai people.

    I highly doubt you can legally lend money at these rates. Therefore, there is no contract, as contract is a legal term. Instead, its basically extortion, only the person being extorted agrees willingly to it.

  6. depending where you stay, every city has large discrepancies in violence and crime. There are many ghettos in the USA, places where I wouldn't want to go without an armored tank and drugs are being openly dealt. I have not seen anything similar in Thailand. Maybe they exist, I have no idea.

    Whenever I go to the smaller towns in Thailand I always feel unsafe. I feel like I stick out and I always think to myself, if they were to rob me and bury me, who would ever find out? This is probably an irrational fear, and it doesn't stop me from traveling and enjoying these places, but I am definitely more comfortable in Bangkok.

  7. Its not that close in the soi, if you are lazy you might be inclined to take a taxi or moto, although on a quiet Sunday it was enjoyable.

    I ordered a calzone and was satisfied. It was a bit expensive, but I guess that goes with the location. My only complaint is that they did not serve the calzone with a side dish of spaghetti sauce which I found odd. The staff seemed attentive, so if I had asked I think they would have accommodated me, but we were in a hurry so I didn't bother. Another minor complaint was that there was no salt shaker on the able, but they did have red peppers and garlic powder, so that was a nice surprise. I will return.

  8. China is a giant country. Thailand is a small country. It is only natural/inevitable that the Chinese would control Thailand.

    Inevitable as in the Chinese control of Vietnam?

    Yet here is poster number two who makes my case. Is it any wonder that a variety of historical determinism found such a receptive ground amongst the Han? Manifest destiny may become the relatively benign precursor of something far worse in the 21st century.

    i would be very surprised if there weren't the same Chinese influences and power segments in Vietnam as Thailand. Is this not the case?

    Thailand is controlled lock, stock, and barrel by the Sino-Thai elite. The same is not true in Vietnam and has not been true since the Vietnamese expelled the Han invaders centuries ago, one of the few people to expel Han occupiers. That is not to say that ethnic Chinese did/do not have a major interest in the Vietnamese economy, but they do not run the country yet as they do in Thailand.

    Give it some time... :o

  9. China is a giant country. Thailand is a small country. It is only natural/inevitable that the Chinese would control Thailand.

    Inevitable as in the Chinese control of Vietnam?

    Yet here is poster number two who makes my case. Is it any wonder that a variety of historical determinism found such a receptive ground amongst the Han? Manifest destiny may become the relatively benign precursor of something far worse in the 21st century.

    i would be very surprised if there weren't the same Chinese influences and power segments in Vietnam as Thailand. Is this not the case?

  10. I know a lot of farangs here, and none of the farangs I hang out with think it is a derogatory term.

    Glad to hear that. Or else I would've thought the IQ of average farangs is very low.


    Most of the Westerners in Thailand speak no more than a basic modicum of Thai, if any at all, and are unrehearsed in Thai cultural idioms preferring to believe it is a cultural charm.

    The benefit of naivety, no doubt.

    Well sorry, but I don't fall into that group. I speak, read, and write Thai, and currently work part time as an editor and translator (Thai to English) for a major corporation. I have studied Thai off and on since 1980, including university courses, and have lived here for more than 16 years since first setting foot here in 1980. I say that not to brag, but to tell you that I know far more than a 'modicum' of Thai and am not naive. I can tell you that your interpretation of the word 'farang' is completely and utterly incorrect. Farang in and off itself is a neutral word. It can indeed be used negatively by those who are not happy with farangs, but so can any word. The vast, vast majority of Thais that I know and interact with do not attach the stigma you feel it has to the word. If you and a few others here want to act like sensitive little PC flowers that is your prerogative, but I doubt very much that you are going to persuade anyone, and you will certainly not persuade any Thais.

    he probably spends most of his time in bar/tourist areas. thats the only way i think someone could come to the conclusion that farang has a negative connotation.

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