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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. the truth is that Thais really don't care if you wear the shirt or not. You think you are going to gain some huge amount of respect for wearing it? Do you see the bored looks on their face when they play that song for the ten millionth time? Not everyone wears the tshirt. Not everyone is obsessed with that type of ideology.

    Many of you guys want to pretend you are a part of some 1950's sub culture because you have an elevated social status in this country or something. Like everyone is watching you. They arent. You are just another farang, whether you wear the shirt or not.

  2. Living in Thailand, it is hard to leave the house without seeing a farang with a bunch of tattoos on his body, and many many farang have choosen to get an animal tattoo. Today I saw a guy with a lion tattooed on his shoulder and yesterday I saw a guy with a dolphin on his wrist.

    I figured this would be the best place to discuss this issue. I am sure you guys will have many opinions, and I would like to hear them.

    So what is the best animal tattoo to get and please post a picture of your own.

  3. and i realize i am trolling a bit and meant it more light hearted than that but i cant see myself getting worked up because some idiots decide to have bar fight in the middle of the night in a go go bar in pattaya.

    sometimes i try to close my eyes and see the world from other's eyes, and emphasis with them, like why they decided to get a large ugly tattoo of a lion on their shoulder, but i cant do it.

  4. have you ever been inside one of these bars? its the dregs of both western and thai society. you have a bunch of poor farm girls selling their pvssy trying to land a rich boyfriend thrice their age and weight and a bunch of middle aged men sitting there ogling them.

    it seems unlikely that a former doctor or scientist decided "why dont i go down to pattaya and make some extra pocket change pimping out farm girls"... not necessarily impossible, but highly unlikely.

    And yet former (or current) doctors and scientists happily visit those bars. If you don't know this then I can only assume that you personally don't spend a lot of time in those bars.

    Which is fine.

    But then you're not really super qualified to be commenting.

    so of all the farang pepper spraying people in brothels at 3:00 am, what percent do you think are doctors and scientists? i think benedict is on to something with his social darwinism theory.

  5. have you ever been inside one of these bars? its the dregs of both western and thai society. you have a bunch of poor farm girls selling their pvssy trying to land a rich boyfriend thrice their age and weight and a bunch of middle aged men sitting there ogling them.

    it seems unlikely that a former doctor or scientist decided "why dont i go down to pattaya and make some extra pocket change pimping out farm girls"... not necessarily impossible, but highly unlikely.

    the people i associate with don't find these places very interesting but i guess you guys do. lolz

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