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Posts posted by TonyLeung

  1. Ive read people mention that when they had items purchased they were required to pay customs tax. Is this amount tacked on at the intial purchase, or is it paid in Thailand, and if paid in Thailand - where? Do they notify you at the post office that your package has arrived? If you do pay at the post office, is the package then delivered to your home or must you bring it home yourself?

    Is it every shipment or just luck of the draw?

    If the package does not have any contact information on it, how do they get in touch with you?

  2. i don't think its impossible to help them learn how they can make money. although, it will be hard in a rural region. if it were bangkok it'd be much easier.

    but i agree, it does seem like he is saying "lets give them 150K baht and be done with it"... likely not gonna happen.

  3. Most people in politics come from families with money. This is most obvious in America where Presidential candidates are all worth tens of millions of dollars and John Kerrys' wife is tfrom a family worth billions despite the modest salary of their political position... So it is silly to assume that all of that money came from corruption, although given the nature of politics some of it probably did.

    BTW, these men are likely worth much more than what was quoted.

  4. OP,

    Maybe buy them some fishing equipment worth 150K and they can make some extra money that way? Maybe buy them one of those silk making machines and they can weave clothing and sell it somewhere. for only 150k i would buy some kind of equipment that they will be able to use to make money. I wouldn't give them cash.

  5. There are not that many young farang in Thailand. Most of the farang in Thailand marry a women much younger than them. Are you really going to say Ping(25) choose to marry Joe(26) instead of David from Australlia(58) is a conclusion that white skinned Thai women have no interest in farang?

    The main reasons farang end up with dark skinned women:

    1. Most farang getting married are marrying someone much younger than they are. The white skinned girls are more likely to have better options than an old man.

    2. The dark skinned girls are more likely to pursue a farang. They are more likely to return his smile. They are more likely to work in the restaurant he eats in or the hotel he stays at.

    3. Rich families pressure their daughter's on who they choose to marry.

    IMO there are plenty of young falang in Thailand, it's just that Thailand tends to "age" them rather quickly.

    As your point 1) above: having options and being interested in someone aren't very different things. Darker skinned gals as mentioned, simply have fewer options... so of course they might seem to be more "interested" in farangs. There are plenty of light skin local gals with "worse" options out there as well (the same as darker skinned gals), and they are certainly not from well to do families per point 3), yet overall, again it's mostly darker skin girls

    who end up with farangs. As for point 2) again, IMO that's because of a lack of options that darker skinned gals have. It's similar to the situation that African American women often have to deal with.

    One thing you're spot on about is that they are more likely to work in restaurants, hotels, and just about any daily wage type occupation (although there are plenty of lighter skinned girls doing the same as well).


    What do you mean there are young farang in Thailand but they age fast?

    How old is the average Thai women at marriage? What is the averag age of her husband?

    So if I am wrong, why is it that you think only the most desperate of Thai women end up with farangs?

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