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Everything posted by xtrnuno41

  1. Do the workers get paid? Are they protected from H2S ? Otherwise the pile, blockages gets bigger. Maybe better to replace sewage and make it bigger, so they say climate is changing and more and bigger rains will fall. Would be much better then submarines with no engines or F35's which can only fly with 700 hard- and software faults.
  2. USA is not the same as it was long time ago. But honestly actually, not any country today. They are now thriving for world domination. You can hear it: "America first" "you are with us or against us" GS already got Greece to a bankruptcy. 2008 the whole world was financially down, thanx to Americans. Thanx to pegasus, they used, they could bug lots of governments and CEO's from companies, to have personal, financial gain. They have so many secret agencies, no one knows how many and what they are doing. Thailand can buy F35 but "stripped" edition, it can fly with 700 faults in hard- and software. If my car has one tiny problem with annual test, it is rejected. "My" government bought those F35's, however wanted 80 of them, but at the end we had maybe 30, as the deal was made to contribute to developing costs. Good deal for the Americans, not for us, as we have to put more money in to get 80 F35's. And then Pfizer and Modena got very rich on vaccines. I still have my doubts.
  3. ThE only ones coming in contact with the monkeys are Thai for sterilization and then shown on pic, they squeeze them all together in tiny boxes. So effect of eventually monkeypox is maximum. I wil never touch a monkey, dont trust them..
  4. Just checked Dutch site. 90 days non O (retired) you need insurance with explicit mentioned amounts. 90 days non O (family visiting) you dont need it. I see on a youtube , you can select family visiting but then only 60 days. However with the statement of Ubon joe, i think, it has a setup in e visa then and you have to fill in that page with a denial for that kind of e visa? Weird. However it is also weird nothing is mentioned of corona items. Not about vaccination or QR code, not about the test you need to have to go to Thailand. If i red right on internet about that, you need at least fast antigentest, but then not done by yourself, but by an official !? Also followed manual of e visa, but many things dont come up in that manual. As probably shown manual is for the simplest e visa. IF you dont do it right, they can cancel and you loose your fee, thank you.
  5. Once we had one hitler, now we have many more and they are all on the for common people on the wrong place, they control you and smash you down. Assange, Snowden showed it. There are more like those people, but get smacked down. We ("my" country) almost had war with Venezuela, because USA wanted an arrest for a general they wanted. Yup , of course we let the general go again. There is not any government, company, religion which is transparent or have a decent integrity. It is show again and again. Sometimes someone tells and then shut up. Assange was arrested NOT on British soil. That is USA bending rules, so it could happen. The proces is of course also bend, so USA will have Assange. Just a technical game.
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