USA is not the same as it was long time ago.
But honestly actually, not any country today.
They are now thriving for world domination. You can hear it:
"America first" "you are with us or against us"
GS already got Greece to a bankruptcy. 2008 the whole world was financially down, thanx to Americans.
Thanx to pegasus, they used, they could bug lots of governments and CEO's from companies, to have personal, financial gain.
They have so many secret agencies, no one knows how many and what they are doing.
Thailand can buy F35 but "stripped" edition, it can fly with 700 faults in hard- and software. If my car has one tiny problem with annual test, it is rejected.
"My" government bought those F35's, however wanted 80 of them, but at the end we had maybe 30, as the deal was made to contribute to developing costs.
Good deal for the Americans, not for us, as we have to put more money in to get 80 F35's.
And then Pfizer and Modena got very rich on vaccines. I still have my doubts.