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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Sleepy Joe, Crooked Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary, the failing NY Times, and so on. Ring any bells?
  2. Calling Rush Limbaugh a hero in conservative politics is rich. Here’s a reminder of what Rush Limbaugh really is/was: Of Limbaugh's controversial statements and allegations they have investigated, Politifact has rated 84% as ranging from "Mostly False" to "Pants On Fire" (signifying false statements that cannot be reasonably assessed as merely errors), with 5% of Limbaugh's contested statements rising to the level of "Mostly True" and 0% rated "True". In short: 0% of what the man said was true. The same (probably) goes for Tucker Carlson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rush_Limbaugh#Controversies_and_inaccuracies
  3. I’m not sure he’s crazy. Just a huge money whore. Like all those televangelists out there fleecing the rubes so they can buy a shiny new 100 million dollar private jet. It’s all about money, and some people will go to any length to get as much of it as they can, including selling their soul to the devil.
  4. If this was about almost anyone else, it would be insignificant. But Trump called Joe Biden ‘sleepy Joe’ about a million times. So when he then falls asleep himself, several times, it suddenly becomes quite significant, wouldn't you agree? Or don’t you see the hypocrisy there?
  5. This is not about the electorate system, which is ludicrously outdated, I’ll give you that. This is about the gullibility of many Americans who will believe any (right wing) conspiracy theory fed to them through social media. Feeding them dis-/misinformation is so easy these days through all kinds of social media. Russia did it, and is still doing it, Prigozhin openly admitted to that. China is no doubt also doing it. And it’s glaringly obvious who they want to be the next president: the one who keeps expressing his admiration for dictators like Putin and Xi.
  6. Are you talking about the great orange one, who always starts whining months before the elections that it’s impossible for him to lose, unless the elections are rigged?
  7. I’m not looking for anything. I’m probably going to be in Hua Hin for 3 months this rainy season, so I just wanted to know what the rainy season in Hua Hin is like.
  8. The defense even had the gall to claim that Trump was a family man. I mean, seriously? Especially in NY, everyone who hasn’t been living under a rock knows that that is a blatant lie. Building your defense on obvious lies is not exactly very clever, to say the least.
  9. It’s the RTP’s MO: sit on their backsides playing on their phones, kindly requesting the criminal(s) to turn themselves in. Heaven forbid they should have to leave their comfy airconditioned offices and go out into the heat.
  10. So? The National Enquirer is a rag that tells porkies all the time, I’ll give you that. But Pecker is under oath, if he starts telling lies on the stand he’ll commit perjury, which the judge probably won’t take very kindly to. So I’m pretty sure that what Pecker is saying is what actually happened, a.k.a. the truth.
  11. The dementia patient vacated the WH is January 2021, albeit quite reluctantly, after trying to overthrow the result of the 2020 election. He also took a truckload of highly classified documents with him to store in his bathroom at Mar-a-Lago and show them or brag about to people without the proper clearance. The current guy in the WH is quietly going about his business, actually doing a fairly decent job, certainly compared to his predecessor.
  12. Why are they just suspended? How about canning their @sses and throwing them in jail? Too many times I have read about clowns like this just being transferred to an inactive post, or suspended. Start prosecuting them and throwing them in jail, maybe then they will think twice before trying to shake down innocent entrepreneurs who are just trying to make a living. Thailand, hub of mafia.
  13. Indeed. All those climate deniers remind me of that scene in the movie Erik the Viking: “this is not happening”.
  14. Piers Morgan saying something I agree with wholeheartedly. Never thought I’d live to see the day….
  15. The point was that many covid infections could have been prevented, had the Trump administration taken this seriously. So the same goes for long covid. Other long term illnesses are much harder to prevent, or not at all.
  16. And how many people with long covid? Imagine not being able to work anymore, not have much of a social life anymore, if any, having barely enough energy to just survive. Many people are facing a very uncertain and unhappy future because they don’t know if they will ever get better again.
  17. So (almost all) legislation on labor, energy, infrastructure, healthcare, education, protecting the environment, and so on, is a waste of time?
  18. I think Joe Biden has done a lot for the the average American. In fact, he introduced legislation that all the MAGA nutbag representatives voted against, but when it passed they bragged about it to their constituents and took credit for it. Kind of hypocrite and despicable, don’t you think? But also kind of an underhanded compliment to Biden’s administration, come to think of it. When you talk about feeding from the public trough, those are the representatives that really fit that bill. They do absolutely nothing for their constituents, actually vote against legislation that would benefit them, and then when it passes they have the gall to take credit for it. And for that they rake in $174,000 dollars a year. Plus a whole range of benefits.
  19. So every civil servant is feeding at the public through? You must not like civil servants very much. How long has Mitch McConnell been feeding at the public trough? And Gym Jordan, who’s been in the House for 16 years, introduced a very meagre 30 bills and not a single one has been signed into law? What about Hal Rogers, who’s been in the House since 1981?
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