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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. You do know that you just described your own M.O. to a tee, don’t you? Calling everyone who disagrees with you a non-thinker, socialist, communist, atheist or a combination thereof. Not exactly an invitation to engage intellectually, is it? So pot -> kettle.
  2. You’re the one who, out of nowhere, dragged religion and morality into this topic. I just pointed out that the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other. No need for further discussion, thank you very much.
  3. Your, let’s say, less than cheerful demeanor. Your need (obsession) to attack, offend and belittle anyone who dares to disagree with you. The way you lash out when you feel threatened.
  4. What religion would that be? All-out capitalism? And since when does religion have anything to do with morality?
  5. It’s what Russia does best. Keep finding new lows of the depravity that they’re capable of. Latest I heard was that they’re burning the faces of North Korean soldiers that were killed in and around Kursk, just to try to hide the fact that North Korean soldiers are actually fighting there for Russia. Russia has really become the evil empire.
  6. Not only did Russia shoot at the plane; after it was hit, Russian authorities did not allow the plane to make an emergency landing on a Russian airfield or airport. How’s that for cold-hearted and cynical?
  7. So many pro-lifers support the death penalty, that’s always been a mystery to me. Apparently pro-life ends the moment you’re born and after that they don’t give a hoot anymore if you live or die. So mighty Christian of them….
  8. Perhaps Trump and his minions should be careful what they wish for. Isn’t treason a death penalty crime?
  9. You can put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. The GDR (East Germany, aka the German Democratic Republic) called itself democratic. I can call myself the emperor of the universe until I’m blue in the face, but that doesn’t make it true. The nazi’s called themselves socialist, but there was nothing socialist about them.
  10. Nazi’s were socialist? So much for having a secure foundation in History and Geopolitics, like you claimed.
  11. So you’re the new master race, are you?
  12. Jeez, the Dutch are at it again. First that guy on the motocy in Samui, now this guy in Phuket. For such a small country, they produce quite a few antisocial a-holes who spoil it for the rest of us. Really makes me proud to be Dutch. Not.
  13. Donald Trump. The best friend Russia (Putin) has ever had.
  14. Maybe you should get up to speed with actual facts before jumping to conclusions. The car was driven by a 50-year-old doctor who fled Saudi Arabia 20 years ago. The man is apparently strongly anti-islam and was worried about the ‘islamization’ of Germany.
  15. Seriously? That’s the kind of ‘logic’ and ‘reasoning’ used by 12-year-olds. Let me ask you this. You probably think you’re a pretty intelligent guy. Now imagine this. You’re out on foot on a vast open and flat plain, with nowhere to hide. Then someone in a car appears and starts shooting at you with an elephant rifle, with a view to kill you for fun. How long do you think you will last with all your savvy and intelligence? And by the way, people are also protein. There’s a reason that hunting down and eating people is frowned upon, isn’t there?
  16. Sure. The Abundant Life Christian School, sounds extremely progressive to me.
  17. Let me quote Luke 6:41-42 to you: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
  18. I would be very surprised if Trump mulls anything other than how many Big Macs to eat today.
  19. I find this post quite disturbing, to be honest. Alcohol should not play such an important part in anyone’s life. Might I suggest AA?
  20. Trudeau has more decency, empathy and common sense in the tip of his little finger than Musk has in his whole body.
  21. If you want links for USA healthcare has become big business, there are literally thousands to be found on Google. Here are just a few: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6139860/ https://www.businessinsider.com/big-corporations-unitedhealth-optum-cvs-walgreens-taking-over-healthcare-industry-2024-4?international=true&r=US&IR=T https://www.economist.com/business/2023/10/08/who-profits-most-from-americas-baffling-health-care-system
  22. Doctors I don’t know, but nurses, hospital admin and staff and such usually don’t get paid too much. The problem is that big pharma and insurance companies want to make big bucks, for their shareholders, their corporate managers, ceo’s and whatnot. Health care has become a huge money making business, which it shouldn’t be. At least not on this scale. I remember a few years ago some young punk millionaire bought a company that made a certain medicine and immediately raised the price of that medicine by like 10,000 per cent. It is just greed.
  23. Sometimes you just have to pragmatic. ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’, or something like that. But still, even though progressive leaders may agree with Musk on this issue, it’s very likely that they have very different ideas about how to fix this. So I’m not at all sure this will be a workable coalition.
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