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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. I’m going to retire at the end of next year, and will be moving to Thailand. I will be 67 years old then, and will get a pension of around 75,000 baht a month. I don’t have 800,000 baht for a retirement visa. Don’t have 500,000 baht for a DTV either. I do have a Thai girlfriend, and we will be living together, but we’re not going to get married. I would prefer to live in Thailand year round. But if necessary (i.e. easier visa-wise), I would consider living in Thailand for 6 months, and then in Cambodia for 6 months. What are my options?
  2. I was browsing the cost of expat health insurance in Thailand and was rather shocked how much it costs: if I want insurance for myself and my Thai girlfriend, prices seem to start at around $500-$600 a month. This is almost double of what I would pay for health insurance in my home country. I would love to hear what kind of insurance other members of this forum have and how much they pay for that. I’m going to be 67 years old, by the way.
  3. By the way, surprise, surprise, Trump and his team are already breaking the law: https://www.yahoo.com/news/surprise-surprise-trump-presidency-already-173119922.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEibhd_ucJRga1p9-H-kZma8PajtOY0_VYsHbvqPX3NQcYXPe10tN3kZjIB1W2qXZQFuTW3yMHnzDZmhrxJWcWrbTFCMWG9QuBvWZYT6WbLXQbppNZy11_M_NFGXTj8I5ssdNrgXhE8B-b2PGXZ50ZaH9hKmUjWwb3OIyFajp_hA Gee, who’d have thunk it? Anybody wants to bet how many times he and his team are going to break the law again? Trump apparently wants Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Matt Gaetz, the (alleged) child molester and kiddy fiddler, is nominated to be the next Attorney General of the USA. Let that sink in for a minute.
  4. I would go so far as to say ‘dictating policy’.
  5. Trump visited the White House yesterday, where he was welcomed by Joe Biden. And Trump even thanked Biden for the smooth transition. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-host-trump-white-house-symbolic-peaceful-transfer-power-rcna179619 Does anyone see the irony here? I mean, the last time Trump was in the WH, he tried everything he could to remain there, and wasn’t even at the inauguration of Biden. And imagine Trump were president now, and Harris had beaten him the way Trump has beaten Harris. Do you think Trump would have the courtesy to invite Harris to the WH? Not a snowball’s chance in hell!
  6. Ah, just another excellent opportunity for the rozzers to make some extra cash. Several thick brown envelopes will change hands, the bar owner will get a slap on the wrist, it will all be labeled ‘a misunderstanding’ and that will be the end of it.
  7. So it’s perfectly okay for Musk himself to make sick jokes, like why no one had attempted to assassinate Harris yet (which he repeated several times), but when they make fun of him he gets his panties in a bunch. Just another right wing lunatic crybaby who likes to dish it out, but can’t take one on the chin like a man.
  8. This always cracks me up, all those police ‘crackdowns’, looking for praise for doing their job for once, instead of doing their job 365 days a year, as they are supposed to. But I guess that gets in the way of all the grifting and illegal money making schemes they have going on the side, which is of course far more profitable (and time consuming) than actually doing the job they’re supposed to be doing.
  9. So you think it’s totally normal for someone to claim he’s been attacked by a demon in his sleep? Or to tell a creepy (so creepy!) story about an angry father coming home who’s going to give his daughter a good spanking? And then off they go to their Satanic Temple Black Masses or Thelema "Book of the Law" study groups, then off for an Ayahuasca vacation with a brujo in Peru. How do you know these are just lefties who do that? Do you know all of them personally?
  10. Is that the same Tucker Carlson who laughed like a maniac when addressing the crowd at the MSG Trump rally? Is that the same Tucker Carlson who said this during a rally in Georgia last Wednesday: “Dad comes home and he’s pissed,” Carlson continues. “He’s not vengeful, he loves his children. Disobedient as they may be, he loves them … And when Dad gets home, you know what he says? You’ve been a bad girl. You’ve been a bad little girl and you’re getting a vigorous spanking right now. And no, it’s not going to hurt me more than it hurts you. No, it’s not. I’m not going to lie. It’s going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me. And you earned this. You’re getting a vigorous spanking because you’ve been a bad girl, and it has to be this way.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/24/tucker-carlson-speech-trump-spanking The man has obviously gone off the deep end. And the MAGA crowd loves it. Scary stuff.
  11. How many times has Faux News edited an interview with Trump so as not to make him look like the clueless dumb@ss that he is?
  12. Let me guess: a slap on the wrist, a couple wai’s and transfer to an inactive post? It was probably just a misunderstanding, right…..
  13. How dare they, those filthy foreigners? Only Thai mafia and RTP are allowed to do that…
  14. It beggars belief that some 60-70% of Republican voters are still convinced that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. So that’s a very good reason for Vance not willing to admit publicly that Trump lost. All these people live in la-la-land, of course, with their silly and ridiculous conspiracy theories. Trump lost by 7 million votes!! Get over it already!!
  15. Hmm, I wonder which one is right. Didn’t Trump just admit that he hated paying overtime, that he just wouldn’t do that? How many small contractors did he stiff with the bill? What about Trump’s charity organization? How much of the money that he collected for charity did actually go to charity? How many times did he give a round to everyone in a restaurant or bar, and then just walked out without paying? Many more examples of that kind of callous cheapskate behavior can be found if you spend a couple of minutes on Google.
  16. They learn from their lord and master.
  17. So no link? Why am I not surprised. You’ve got nothing, just another baseless claim from a clueless MAGA cult member. Who’d have thunk it?
  18. When/where did the FBI admit there were plants? Link please.
  19. Just like the ‘peaceful protesters’ on Jan. 6 were riled up by Antifa (or they even were Antifa, disguised as Trump protesters) to storm the Capitol, right? Jeez, there’s one born every minute.
  20. Seeing this guy behave like a total sh!thead makes me feel so proud to be Dutch….
  21. I’m not sure a taxi is much faster than the express bus, and lots of taxi drivers are completely bonkers and drive like crazy. So I prefer the bus: Roong Reuang VIP, goes straight from Suvarnabhumi to Hua Hin airport. It’s about 400 baht and you can book in advance: https://12go.com/nl/bus/bangkok-airport/hua-hin?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADEdHW4gTFAntwtNixYHZ7q2yc70r&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgrO4BhC2ARIsAKQ7zUn9pO25UPAK6D1yYA1WqtzD-895rJerBfbidzIPJ985blHQWsYfgIwaArnHEALw_wcB From Hua Hin airport you can have someone pick you up, or take a Grab to wherever you’re going in Hua Hin.
  22. Read a book once, long time ago, and some guy was talking about Bangers, Singers and Hongers. Took me a while to figure that out. In my defense: I was 16 at the time, and English was/is not my native language.
  23. Trump screaming ‘I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT’ in all caps on truth social may have something to do with it….
  24. And you’re so proud of him for that, aren’t you? But you do realize that The Don has been convicted for that, right? He’s now a convicted sex offender. Says a lot about you that you idolize a lowlife sleazeball so much.
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