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  1. 3 years ago, when Russia invaded Ukraine, I was of the opinion that Putin did it to stop Ukraine joining NATO/NATO accepting Ukraine as a member. However, I moved towards the mainstream (I imagine) of views in that Russia was the bad guy on invading Ukraine. 3 years on though, I broadly agree with Trump - in that the only was to end the war is to try to seek an agreement with Russia; Ukraine - even with the assistance of various European countries, will never win the war against Russia. A lot of armchair warriors will no-doubt disagree with me, but this is the only way to end the war; if not, maybe Putin will get China on board on his side besides North Korea... what's to stop him? (Talk about "cringeworthy"... it is not as cringeworthy as Biden & Co's total retreat from Afghanistan; total respect to all that served there).
  2. My advice is never ever use taxis.
  3. At the risk of being called "low IQ", I agree with you.
  4. No doubt another "low iq" person...
  5. 1. I read yesterday that the U.S. is currently stumping up 50% of the total contributions to NATO. 2. If this misguided notion of Ukraine becoming a member of NATO had never arisen, Russian would probably not have invaded Ukraine in the first place.
  6. Best to give that restaurant a body-swerve then.
  7. If there is anything to cut off, do it.
  8. Give me a mo. and I'll get back to you.
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