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Posts posted by haybilly

  1. Mr.Brad- did you try to find the place at KS mentioned by Electrified?

    I still have a bunch of Nickel Cadmium, Lithium and other nasty carcinogenic batteries- my Alkalines will go in the trash but I am not keen on dumping the Heavy Metal ones.

    Is the place still at KSK?

  2. Hey Haybilly! easy enough for you to cast a vote for Ulysses, and he could really use your support. Just have a look at the poll at the top of this page, and make a click in the box beside Ulysses name. If you make a mistake and accidentally vote for one the unacceptable candidates, you can click 'delete my vote', and the go ahead and vote Ulysses.

    This is good advice for everyone who have so far voted for the wrong candidate and not for UG.

    Is this only visible on a PC, or the dedicated TV app? I generally use neither and rely on my 'Phablet' (ugh! Horrible word) and Tapatalk app- here I can find no poll .

    Better crank up the PC.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm rather sad that I really do have a life outside of TV-I seem to have missed a whole bucket load of fun last night- unlike most of you guys, I don't know Jack behind the Avatar-so couldn't bring any real live attributes into any discussion-I keep my identity tightly guarded (although guessing it would not be that difficult)

    I still haven't even figured out how to vote for anyone, but if I get to work it out before the contest climax-I probably won't tell who I went for. .... but I anyways like UG' s posts and JT, although from Bangkok (or so I thought? ) seems like a cool dude.

    Oh the pressure.

    • Like 2
  4. I have a 500,000 baht note. It was given to me in change as a 500 baht note from a 7/11 by mistake. I was going to be a good Samaritan and say something, but thought naaaa I'll keep that.

    Are you kidding? Gotta be.
  5. Lao Kip alright

    lao kip notes images 10,000

    Err. ..sorry, the poster had not posted an image of his note, or am I mistaken?

    Someone else has posted an image of a Laos Kip note but as far as I can see we still don't have a photo of the fabled 10K baht note.

    Or am I tripping?

  6. A third vote for Gekko's--and a third vote against the amenities--but, if you want such cheap prices you can't get good locations, usually.

    I have tried Kelly's at Mee Chok and it's also greeeeeat!

  7. I'll second this--I've been on True Cable with Visions pack for a couple of years [at least since it started] originally paying 2 separate bills, totaling about 999 baht--just upgraded for free to the 30 mb Down, same-ish TV, Knowledge plus some Sport offering--I rarely waste my time doing Internet Speed Tests--since it is what it is--but, I'm happy with it.

    I am about to move to a new house--a few meters away from the old one--I will then change to the new 799 Baht /month--so, possibly a huge 200 baht per month saving.

  8. I toss all my old batteries over the wall onto the grounds of the wat next door. I am NOT joking.

    I sincerely hope that you are.

    Thanks to Mr. Brad for reviving this Thread Topic--I must have many tens of used Lithium Ion batteries in various places [boxes, bags] around my house--not a safe option since they are highly volatile when 'dead'--but, I refuse to pollute this already heavily polluted rubbish system--I will take a huge bag full down to KSK--and try to find this elusive 'safe dump'--although, in Thailand, once this place gets full, what's the betting it gets emptied into the rubbish system?

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