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Everything posted by poohy

  1. Remember Israel live in a tough "backyard". Shame its someone elses backyard
  2. I live in Wakor just past Klong Wan i drive a motorcycle through army base daily (certainly each evening as i drink in PKK town most nights) you do not need to sign in However Possibly a pain for tourist's if rule is applied regularly
  3. Maybe i was lucky I returned after 28 years away HRT test took place a job centre i was confirmed UK resident a week later universal credit and rent payment stated within a month i was honest told them i had run out of money come back to work till my pension kicked in October 2024 when i would return to home in Thailand Nationwide opened bank account no problems qualified for NHS check up free eyes tests meds now awaiting small hernia op on NHS (12 weeks ) then time for the off Plenty of well paid jobs around so moving back ahead of schedule
  4. It was way better 15 years ago and these bleeding "uuuuuuuuuu tubers" and their decrepit relatives are certainly not wanted So basically Move along nothing to see here!
  5. To the OP exactly the same happened to me new passport plus new phone bought in UK......the perfect storm note i had to keep using old phone for internet banking until i could go into BB branch it cannot be changed overseas it seems ( i tried card number and PIN route .....message visit branch AND yes no large transfers until HO have finished their "whatever" which takes 5 days
  6. Transfer to retirement visa plus multiple re entry An agent can assist and expediate this with this cost is around 30K
  7. Best post I've read for years sort of sums up Thailand is best ,there is an element of this in every Thai woman most learn to keep their mouth shut and opinions to themselves after a while i am currently in UK, now we need some work doing in house we live in a pretty remote area, Mrs. Poohy phones me up as shes Bangkok born and bred and ignores most of the locals (country folk you know , we have only lived there 13 years) and does not know who or where where to ask to get things done
  8. I had to hire a policeman as body guard for a week 2003 ish in Bangkok wife tried to (shoot) kill me
  9. Air fare are triple pre pandemic prices not good for any tourism Birmingham(BHX) BKK BHX pre pandemic 500 GBP ish this month 30 day rtn ticket around 1500 GBP
  10. I'm here in UK now most immigrants from what in my area i see are Albanian or Romanians either they are not from persecuted countries and are economic migrants who see the benefit in benefitting from our system
  11. I agree you try boarding Emirates out of BHX without a return or onward ticket or a form of Thai long stay visa and re ntry permit you won get on the plane1
  12. Yes all vans stopping in hua hin And then continuing north will drop you off opposite airport for another 100thb from memory you arrage when getting on in pkk
  13. Used to be in travel business IMHO Teachers are/were always trouble Old saying is....if you "cant do" you teach
  14. why? Simply no need its for his benefit not some whim of the IM
  15. Yes sad but true living in the UK at the moment this sums most peoples here view or knowledge of the kingdom
  16. He is lacking the intellectual Capacity to pull his socks off never mind much else
  17. Not by a long shot but once more the truth is massaged here in LOS I would imagine it will get harder to massage each year until implosion
  18. Well it hasnt taken them long to truly Eff that up has it
  19. surely yes or no would be more helpful I have lived in Thailand for 23 years but currently in Uk till October hate dope makes me sick so no horse in this race read ...dope is legai so surely you can buy it for gods sake this is supposed to be news forum not a bleeding séance YES OR NO
  20. no you have to buy separate tickets try BKK Penang (Butterworth) Butterworth KL KL Melaka Melaka Sin
  21. if money not required in bank do it yourself its not hard if you really want someone the odd lawyer might help
  22. Unless you can get such an appointment its a possible 14 week wait in UK at moment Just come back from post office who do check and send option
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