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Posts posted by robbiecia

  1. City Hall must be really really bored.

    This is total and utter rubbish.

    Thai drivers consider pedestrians a little higher than the bacteria around the toilet bowl.

    I could stand at a zebra crossing all day and not one driver will even consider for a nanosecond about actually stopping.

    I could dance around on the side of the road in a Ronald Macdonald outfit with strawberry donut shoes and i still won't be noticed.

    This will just not work, plain and simple.

    Drivers here will not change, and yes, you can judge a nations civility by how it's drivers treat pedestrians!!!!!!!

    So are you saying they should do nothing?

    I see so many negitive comments on here these days - if they do something - people jump all over it saying it won't work or they shouldn't do it or the BIB are just after money, same happens if they do nothing - Thai doesn't care.

    Yet now I see majority of people wearing helmets, yes the BIB got some money but end result is that most people now wear helmets.

    When I first came here, people thought traffic lights were for decoration but now most people stop.

    Same for indicators - now maybe 50% use and increasing.

    There are many things here that could be improved - at least give some credit for trying to improve something.

    This city hall directive is pie in the sky

    Lip service with a 500 baht fine

    If you wonder why you read so many negative comments.......try crossing the roads here like i do 4 times every day.

    Live here long enough and you see straight through the waffle.

    Ever wonder why the fines are only a few hundred baht?????????

    Yet most cars cost over a million.

    A 500 baht fine will NOT change a nations driving habits.

    Make the fine 5000 baht and people might take notice.

  2. City Hall must be really really bored.

    This is total and utter rubbish.

    Thai drivers consider pedestrians a little higher than the bacteria around the toilet bowl.

    I could stand at a zebra crossing all day and not one driver will even consider for a nanosecond about actually stopping.

    I could dance around on the side of the road in a Ronald Macdonald outfit with strawberry donut shoes and i still won't be noticed.

    This will just not work, plain and simple.

    Drivers here will not change, and yes, you can judge a nations civility by how it's drivers treat pedestrians!!!!!!!

  3. Nope, smarter.

    The dating web sites are a clearinghouse for prostitutes. SMS is perfect for guys without the intelligence and social graces to carry on a viable conversation.

    Absolute twaddle my friend

    Agreed that there are working girls on these dating sites, but intelligence lies in the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff :)

  4. "My final answer to was to inquire how stupid she thought I was..."

    Well, let's see how stupid...you paid to use a Thai internet dating site, and you agreed to an SMS-based relationship.

    Holier than thou are we?

    There is nothing wrong with using an internet dating site.

    A viable option to the local cattle markets.

    SMS is a logical way to start a relationship.

  5. We take our chances living here in BKK.

    There will be little or no government support

    Somchai is sick, he has the swine flu, first thing he does is go to 7/11 for some "sara"

    On the way he picks his nose, has a good root around and then gets to the door. He then does what every local does, he opens the door with the greasy handle.

    All we can do is follow basic hygiene.

    Avoid touching door handles (you can open the door with the clean glass 12 inches above)

    Avoid touching elevator floor buttons with your fingers, same with vending machines on the BTS and MRT.

    ATM machines are another reservoir.

    Don't rub your eyes without cleaning your hands (another easy way for a virus to enter the body)

    All we can do is live our lives and be aware of "media hype"

  6. Throwing around numbers about the flu strains of 1912 and 1918 are not relevant today!!!!!!!

    The world is a different place, more people but generally better sanitary conditions and medical care

    My point is that the media do over hype this stuff.

    Personal hygiene and common sense is all that we have got.

    When a bad strain arrives, you can forget about any kind of "cure"

    It will take from 6 months to a year to isolate, test, develop and produce an effective vaccine

  7. The present strain is no worse than a regular flu strain

    However the worlds media are "hyping it up"

    My take on this is that the media should be very careful about crying wolf

    .......................Sars, bird flu and now swine flu

    These outbreaks have killed less people than an ordinary flu in a given year.

    The big worry is when a really dodgy strain arrives, and the world doesn't take it seriously in the early stages

    Hyping up every strain that comes along will desensitize people

  8. long term rental is what's available. Is similar to leasing. A Vios can be had for as little as 12k/month. My company rents Camry for me on a 1-year contract at 38500/month.

    That just about answers you question

    With rates like that...............they must be having a laugh

  9. An Italian woman who missed Air France Flight 447, which crashed in the Atlantic, has died in a car crash, the ANSA news agency reports.!

    Chicago News

    Johanna Ganthaler a retiree from the Bolzano-Bozen province, was on vacation in Brazil with her husband Kurt when the pair miraculously missed the doomed flight to Paris. But their luck ran out on an Austrian road earlier this week when their car swerved into the path of an oncoming truck outside the town of Kufstein, the Times (U.K.) reported. - She died.

    Guess if your time is up you can't escape.


    That sounds scary

    Just like those movies about the kids that cheat death only to die one by one later :D

  10. I'm coming again next July. I was wondering if the skytrain to the airport has opened yet or not, two years ago it seemed almost finished.
    Earlier it was announced that it would be opened on the Queen's Birthday (August 12). More recently it was announced that it will now open on the King's birthday (December 5). <snip>

    And even more recently announced that further delays (in paying for it) have put the opening back to next march 2010

  11. Mr Plus

    I won't waste your time pointing you at british comedy, as a yank it will go over your head. :D

    As for drama, posters have mentioned some excellent shows.

    If you are in to educational stuff (travel, natural world, science) the BBC is second to none :)

  12. If a Thai local had hit you in front of his gate...........he would deny everything.

    I suggest if there were no witnesses, you consider the same.

    Anything you have said about it was just a mis-communication.

  13. I always wonder why Brits think their TV is superior. From the samples I've seen, it's as crappy as any other TV.

    Americans at least created some truly amazing shows like Lost and Heroes, comparing to that Brits are still in the high school amateur category.

    Both Lost and Heroes have lost the plot after first successful seasons, but that's not the point.

    You have got to be joking

    US tv has absolutely nothing over quality BBC productions

  14. On a lighter note, don't you just love it when the salespeople follow you around like you are an arch criminal :D

    Oh Yeah.... :D .....Dont think they realise how this practice makes people uncomfortable and as a result it costs them sales...I know personally, when I am in a shop and the "shadow" appears, I am out the door... :)

    Back on topic

    Exactly my reaction when the sales staff come hovering around

    They usually don't have a clue

    I will be looking at pink ties...............and they will show me a green one :D

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