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Posts posted by Woody1

  1. Self designed rafts, and he said earlier they can take 800 tons weight.

    Wonder if he is an engineer, has any knowledge of appropriate factors needed to include din the design, especially safety aspects and wonder if he actually calculated (correctly) the 800 tons he claims each raft can carry?

    Have there been any inspections of anything at this venue? If not why not? Someone should get punished.

    Does it have any certifications, any licence to operate, if yes what is the allowed scope of operation?

    "Self designed rafts, and he said earlier they can take 800 tons weight."

    Jesus, the nonsense some people post.

    800 tons capacity, yet the number of passengers is limited to 15? Nowhere was 800 tones quoted, 8 tonnes was mentioned a number if times though.

    Try keeping up with the reports that have said quite clearly that the venue is licenced. It seems to have escaped your notice that the main point of this OP is that that licence now appears to have been suspended.

    Try knowing what you're talking about before posting!! This has nothing to do with a license that more than likely can be, "purchased". Whether it's quoted as 8 tons or 800 is also irrelevant.

    What is relevant is the design (of passenger carrying rafts in crocodile infested lakes) has been carried out by a suitably qualified engineer, reviewed and approved by an independent and qualified body to ensure that all functionality and safety factors have been built into the design.

    Following that all fabrication drawings and materials for the construction would need to be reviewed and approved in accordance with the approved design criteria.

    Prior to fabrication procedures (for welding, NDT, etc) would need to be approved, as would all fabrication personnels cerificates.

    Apart, from the above basics, I haven't even touched on the raft operators (captains) credentials or maintenance requirements of the rafts!

  2. Arrest the arrogant son of a prick on the spot and get the army to close the whole park immediately, I am sure that might get his attention.

    Arrogant yes, and also a very dangerous individual!!

    Since when was anyone allowed to self design passenger rafts for use in crocodile infested lakes, and also deem them 100% safe??? Is this guy a qualified structural or marine engineer?? I very much doubt it!!!!

    This is a disaster waiting to happen if allowed to continue.

  3. Pattaya Garage, on left hand side of Sukhumvit heading north between the Esso petrol station and the next set of traffic lights.

    Had a few jobs done there, both paid for by myself and insurance companies, and everyone was perfect. Very, very professional, and excellent workmanship.

    The only downside is that they can be very busy, so your car can sometimes be there a couple of months (depending on exactly what needs to be done or if parts need to be ordered).

    So you're saying it's somewhere on a 1 kilometer stretch of the western side of Sukhumvit between South and Central roads...very helpful. If it's the shop I think you mean, it's not actually on Suk but down Suk Soi 44 about 200 meters on the left (a car ceramic coating place is on the corner). If you've passed Micky Ds you just missed the turn-off.
    That's not what I was saying.

    I was referring to the Esso station north of BKK-PTY hospital and the next lights (I believe where you turn for the water treatment works).

    Thanks for your witty, constructive, and helpful reply.

  4. Pattaya Garage, on left hand side of Sukhumvit heading north between the Esso petrol station and the next set of traffic lights.

    Had a few jobs done there, both paid for by myself and insurance companies, and everyone was perfect. Very, very professional, and excellent workmanship.

    The only downside is that they can be very busy, so your car can sometimes be there a couple of months (depending on exactly what needs to be done or if parts need to be ordered).

  5. its sort of understandable to a degree, for example nothing annoys me more then a friend stealing off me and if calling the police isnt an option, and its not in Thailand, then a good beating sometimes reminds the thief that its not always a good idea. Not saying thats the case her, but Thailand runs pretty smoothly considering it doesnt have a legitimate police force, let alone a justice system

    I understand and agree with what you have said above, BUT there is nothing to say this encounter had anything to do with friends or theft.

    The biggest problem here is the face issue (especially amongst the males), they just can't handle emotions, critisism, or any other day to day, normal situations!

    It just becomes a case of attack, to hell with the consequences, but hey, "I taught you a lesson, and now I have bigger face" in my own little uneducated head.

    Nah, nothing to do with face.

    They were just kids all fired up after watching European adults fighting over a ball game I reckon.

    You could be nearer the truth than your jest suggests!
  6. It'll be interesting to see if bar owners and the like, who have to pay monthly backhanders to all kinds of extorting officials are suddenly released from having to fund this corruption; does it stay the same or does it get worse under the military?

    Not all do (pay anyone or HAVE to do anything)!
  7. its sort of understandable to a degree, for example nothing annoys me more then a friend stealing off me and if calling the police isnt an option, and its not in Thailand, then a good beating sometimes reminds the thief that its not always a good idea. Not saying thats the case her, but Thailand runs pretty smoothly considering it doesnt have a legitimate police force, let alone a justice system

    I understand and agree with what you have said above, BUT there is nothing to say this encounter had anything to do with friends or theft.

    The biggest problem here is the face issue (especially amongst the males), they just can't handle emotions, critisism, or any other day to day, normal situations!

    It just becomes a case of attack, to hell with the consequences, but hey, "I taught you a lesson, and now I have bigger face" in my own little uneducated head.

  8. 30 baht per hour and free criticism of your English language abilities. What could be better.

    It's not always that way.

    About 6 weeks ago me and my brother popped into a McD's for a late night snack. My brother started ordering a simple meal in Thai (he's been coming here many years as well as working as a teacher, and his Thai isn't bad), when the cashier / counter attendant swiftly interrupted and said, "just order in English" in her most condescending voice.

    His order was basically a double cheeseburger meal but without the salad and mayo..................guess what he got after placing the order in English,,,,,,,,yeap, salad and mayo!

    Any point in complaining.............they would have still been right!

  9. Skeptik7, just to put this to bed, the guy hasn't been deported. He's just left a bar that I'm having a beer in, and as I said (and knew) earlier you had no idea what you were talking about.

    You sure? 'Cause they all look the same to me, even with the tatts- which are beginning to look remarkably similar, too.

    Hahahaha, sure!

    Independently verified by a, "guest" with me.

  10. There are so many ridiculous assumptions on here that I can't pick one out to start with!

    But, to summarize, up to now, the good and the great amongst TVFM's have concluded that the individual must have been carrying out illegal activities (apart from a poultry 3 months overstay, hardly crime of the century), he had sufficient funds (and other information) to obtain a METV from the UK, he looked odd as he may have been sober on Walking St, etc.

    When in fact none of you know anything about the guy, or his circumstances, apart from what you've read on a half baked news report!

    We know all we need to know...extended overstayer...being deported...fined B20,000...banned for 5 years.

    All I need to know! Guilty...Next!

    Actually he won't be fined 20,000, that is only if you give yourself up.

    If you are caught, you go to court and you will pay a fine of around 3,000 and then deported. You can pay bail money and sort out you business before you go to court, and you can also pay immigration to make sure it is a speedy process and you are deported the day of your court case without having to spend the night in the IDC.

    Thank You, someone who knows what they're talking about.
    Skeptik7, just to put this to bed, the guy hasn't been deported. He's just left a bar that I'm having a beer in, and as I said (and knew) earlier you had no idea what you were talking about.
  11. Same crap year after year

    30 years ago it was just the same as it is today

    Can you elaborate on this please? I'm interested in hearing how the flooding situation in Pattaya was the same 30 years ago.

    The reason I'm interested is that I find it hard to believe there were flooding issues at that time, before all the condo developments, concreting every square inch in site, mass migration without any thought about planning or infrastructure, etc.

    To add to that, natural drainage would appear to have been sufficient (plenty of open, rural ground) with a nearby run off into the sea.

  12. The Immigration Bureau is an agency within the RTP. All one big happy family!

    No it's not...

    Oh yes it is!

    Personnel can (and do) get transferred between various departments.

    Basically, they all piss in the same pot, but rather than be accountable for anything, they can just say, "not my job"!

  13. [quite name=Woody1" post="10842382" timestamp="1465553161]

    There are so many ridiculous assumptions on here that I can't pick one out to start with!

    But, to summarize, up to now, the good and the great amongst TVFM's have concluded that the individual must have been carrying out illegal activities (apart from a poultry 3 months overstay, hardly crime of the century), he had sufficient funds (and other information) to obtain a METV from the UK, he looked odd as he may have been sober on Walking St, etc.

    When in fact none of you know anything about the guy, or his circumstances, apart from what you've read on a half baked news report!

    We know all we need to know...extended overstayer...being deported...fined B20,000...banned for 5 years.

    All I need to know! Guilty...Next!

    No! What you know, and what you believe is chit chat and rumors on here.

    What you actually know about the exact circumstances or outcome of this case are zero!

    About the same as your knowledge of the case woody!


    I actually know a little bit more.

  14. There are so many ridiculous assumptions on here that I can't pick one out to start with!

    But, to summarize, up to now, the good and the great amongst TVFM's have concluded that the individual must have been carrying out illegal activities (apart from a poultry 3 months overstay, hardly crime of the century), he had sufficient funds (and other information) to obtain a METV from the UK, he looked odd as he may have been sober on Walking St, etc.

    When in fact none of you know anything about the guy, or his circumstances, apart from what you've read on a half baked news report!

    We know all we need to know...extended overstayer...being deported...fined B20,000...banned for 5 years.

    All I need to know! Guilty...Next!

    Actually he won't be fined 20,000, that is only if you give yourself up.

    If you are caught, you go to court and you will pay a fine of around 3,000 and then deported. You can pay bail money and sort out you business before you go to court, and you can also pay immigration to make sure it is a speedy process and you are deported the day of your court case without having to spend the night in the IDC.

    Thank You, someone who knows what they're talking about.
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