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Posts posted by Woody1

  1. I knew this man He comes from the same city as me He had lived a colourful life He had been in trouble with the police in the past But there was nothing to suggest he was ever involved in any sort of porn Or that he ever had anything to do with drugs
    apart from maybe taking some on night out There was nothing written about him in the local press over here . As to how he was keeping hiself over there he had money coming over from home Paul sadly hung hiself so I guess we will never know the truth

    WHO'S PAUL ?????????????????????
    A very deep question, indeed, who are any of us?
    Perhaps he was merely a victim of the universe's peculiar sense of humour, a mere speck in the cosmos, barely contributing to the net gravitational push/pull battle that seems eternal to us temporary bags of carbon and h2o.

    Oh, he could have been the main character in the not-Shakespearian tradgey that is the OP.
    Definitely a loon!!

    Lacking colour and character in your writing, not able to convey both feeling and facts at the same time, very one dimensional. Must do better. 1 out of 10.

    Whatever.........now take your tablets like the nice man in the white coat told you to..............and don't get spaghetti down your corduroys!!!
    Certifiable!!! 100% loon!
  2. Tragic RIP to the young lady and her family............but how could she not see a bus.........what a waste of life sad.png

    Maybe he was parked in a dark spot and had no lights on. Tragic just the same RIP young lady
    I don't care how dark it was, or whether lights were on or not (probably not whilst parked up), a bus is a bus, they are big and should be noticeable to anyone who's not a complete idiot, or out of their skull on whatever!!!

    Still a tragic loss of a young life, may she RIP.

  3. I knew this man He comes from the same city as me He had lived a colourful life He had been in trouble with the police in the past But there was nothing to suggest he was ever involved in any sort of porn Or that he ever had anything to do with drugs

    apart from maybe taking some on night out There was nothing written about him in the local press over here . As to how he was keeping hiself over there he had money coming over from home Paul sadly hung hiself so I guess we will never know the truth

    WHO'S PAUL ?????????????????????

    A very deep question, indeed, who are any of us?

    Perhaps he was merely a victim of the universe's peculiar sense of humour, a mere speck in the cosmos, barely contributing to the net gravitational push/pull battle that seems eternal to us temporary bags of carbon and h2o.

    Oh, he could have been the main character in the not-Shakespearian tradgey that is the OP.

    Definitely a loon!!
  4. He didn't say everyone else is not trash. Maybe he thinks everyone is trash. You don't know, do you.

    He only said this guy is trash. So comment on what he said, not on what he didn't say.

    Let's not over focus on the use of inflammatory words like trash. But maybe the vast majority here might at least agree that such a long overstay is not exactly a strong indicator of being a good law abiding member of the community.

  5. Was the post actually defamation or was it stating the truth? I have no idea but it isnt defamation if it can be proved.

    Under Thai law, if printed or verbal comments are deemed to maliciously harm a business or a reputation then it IS classified as defamation whether the comments are true or false.

    You are correct, and there lies one the country's biggest problems. Not being able to handle any form of criticism (true or false) due to the loss of face nonsense!
  6. 1) The guy raised his voice at his Thai wife = loss of face.

    2) Raised his voice at a Thai baht bus driver and demanded a fair price upfront = loss of face.

    3) Scared 2 Thai security guards making them run away = loss of face.

    There was only going to be one outcome!!!

    1) he pulled a knife on a woman

    2) he was hitting the bus

    3) he was shouting at the driver

    he is a lunatic


    Only one side of the story so far.

    nope, he admitted pulling the knife to defend himself against is wife
    Please show me where that is mentioned? It says to scare her.
  7. 1) The guy raised his voice at his Thai wife = loss of face.

    2) Raised his voice at a Thai baht bus driver and demanded a fair price upfront = loss of face.

    3) Scared 2 Thai security guards making them run away = loss of face.

    There was only going to be one outcome!!!

    1) he pulled a knife on a woman

    2) he was hitting the bus

    3) he was shouting at the driver

    he is a lunatic


    Only one side of the story so far.

  8. Sorry, there isn't one.

    You can get bits and bobs in a few restaurants and fine dining establishments, but if you're looking for Alaskan king crab of any quality, you're in the wrong city (and country)!

    Singapore is good though. (Even then I doubt it's the real McCoy).

  9. Dear God!!! We've just got through the Christmas dinner and new year dinner threads, and low and behold the annual Songkran thread has started!!!!

    The Songkran dates are the same every year........13-15th April, with the main day in Pattaya being the 19th.

    I hope the Mods close this thread before we see 2k comments!

  10. My advice is get a taxi to pick you up from your hotel, take you to your chosen destination, and then return to your hotel by taxi.

    This would be the most cost efficient way, and will give you total freedom to do what you want when you want.

    Perfect advice.
  11. I wonder what the selection process involved before this guy was hired as a security guard AND GIVEN A GUN by the bank?

    Previous experience, training, criminal record check, psychiatric evaluation, etc, to mention but a few??

    Once these little clowns are given a uniform and / or a title they instantly turn into little Hitler's.

  12. I spend between 8000 to 14000 bahts all included.

    you can not split the food cost unless you eat half.

    I don't need ac, I m resistant to heat because I was born without ac. it s nice to have a cold room but fan is OK.

    I have a small room and I m happy. no bill, no worry, all money saved for my retirement.

    If you really want to live like a poor thai person you can save even more money by getting someone in to share your room and that way split the rent and food costs.
    this is what farang think. because I pay near nothing for my living, it doesn't mean I live badly. instead I live much better than the majority of farangs living in Thailand.

    have some friends who have lost all in Los. they had a life style at 60k-70k month and they got nothing in return. they wasted all their money around and some have been in dodgy business . most of their money is now in pockets of Thai ladies. some are dead, killed, pushed over balcony....

    they laughed at me, they told me I m a cheap Charlie, these guys are today on the street or claiming assistance in their nanny state now when I m living a simple life but I have all I need like room, scooter, travel with plane, iPhone , best Thai food around, and clothes for free, haircut and dentist cost near nothing. self-insured with my saving, .... I don't need Netflix, cable or satellite TV. I have the tv with a few farang channels that suit me perfectly. . if I want some movies I can get them for free and it s all legal. Internet can be shared. (when a guy broadcast his phone number in his ssid(ssid is the connection name under your Wi-Fi setting ) , call him.)

    more later.

    I repeat my earlier post, if you know all the answers, what's the point of asking questions?

    Troll alert!!

  13. I didn't say you have to use the ac 24h a day.

    if you use it by setting it up for 25 degree just 7 hours a night, you won't pay more than 1000 bahts a month.

    during the day use a fan.

    if you can not, get used to a normal life. millions of Europeans don't use ac. ac is American.

    and we don't need a swimming pool in a normal life . if you want get cheap, just go top floor at Mike shopping mall with the lift and you will meet lot of ladies in the jacuzzi.

    you can take the bus bahts too. we don't need a car in Pattaya. or buy a second hand scooter that you can keep for 15 years.

    you see all you have, I have it too and I spend 20 % only of what you spend (I have no help of my country because I m too young.)

    If you already know all the answers, why are you asking questions?
  14. Time for the government to allow large bikes on Toll roads and highways, I can understand for this rule being applied to small scooters etc, a limit set at 600cc wouldn't be far away - time for change, touring in Thailand could be made so much easier and could open up a whole new tourism sector making all roads available to certain classes of motorbikes

    They fail at policing a set of traffic lights so how would they make that work ?
    I think you'll find that big bikes are allowed to use it.
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