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Everything posted by damian

  1. So how about a report on how well the last handout stimulated the economy before you start splashing it about to teenagers.
  2. They are not so thick when it comes to manipulating their way into such positions through corruption but yes, being a product of such methods is a primary contribution to their complete and utter stupidity.
  3. What about the civil contractor? I find it hard to believe that after you (SRT) caused the 350 day delay, contractors will not apply for an extension of time for their almost 1 year of additional costs.
  4. Week before last on my way back from Mae Sot I stopped as usual at one of the many checkpoints. Was then surrounded by immigration volunteers and police and asked to pull over to the side. They asked me to get out and show my passport and then proceeded (all 6 of them) to take photos of the passport and me beside the car holding the passport. Asked them whats up and they simply complained that they had to do it becasue the big boss told them to. They didnt know why and apologised with wais and thankyous. Unusual to say the least.
  5. Mee chok plaza according to CM dad above. I'm not in CM but just went to the local shop and gave them the Thai instructions. No issues except I had to get him to reprint on high-gloss photo paper as he printed them on matt.
  6. Aus has very strict photo requirements. On the website they have the requirements in Thai so you can print this out and give it to the photo shop. Of course bring your ruler to check everything when you go to pick them up.
  7. Also did this last month with 5 months remaining on the old passport. Online form is a snack. Get your photos done, fill it out, print it, send to Bangkok new passport arrived within 3 weeks. Very impressed how easy it was.
  8. I honestly dont get this 'near nude' fashion of late. And I get particulalrly incensed when they then complain blokes are perving at them. Leave something to the imagination per-lease.
  9. Being somewhat of a bus shelter enthusiast, on my world travels looking at bus shelters I found they have air conditioned ones in the Middle East.
  10. Adelaide (Aus) has converted its fleet of diesel railcars to a diesel-hybrid fleet capable of switching seamlessly between operating on diesel power or battery-electric power. The project included the installation of innovative lithium-ion based onboard traction batteries, traction integration modules, and energy management systems, enabling significant savings in energy consumption and emissions. While not full electric hybrid seems the next best thing.
  11. Did mine last Monday. No letter required. On the back of the form it says under documents required: 'Certificate from Embassy (if it (sic) available). Of course they wanted a copy of every page of the old passport which in my case is around 80 pages - this was not on the list.
  12. Thanks for the response. Locals called it aphids but its not an insect. When I pointed that out they had no idea either. We gave it a spray with some general stuff they use on their crops but not much has changed. When I rub the white stuff off it leaves an orange stain on my fingers but seems to not come back. However the brown things are embedded into the leaf surface and dont rub off. I have a lot of these plants along my wall line forming a hedge. These are in a different location and only appears on the plants in that area. Looking at it this morning the spread appears to be slowing. It's not hurting the plants any, no discoloration or die-back. Wife suggested I try tobacco water as a spray and see. I'll keep monitoring. Again thatnks for the response.
  13. For someone who 'can't comment further' your doing a good job of commenting. While I get where you're coming from, it is clear the OP is discussing the holocaust of WWII.
  14. Got a similar view where I am. Well I did have a month ago. Now I can't see anything.
  15. As an Aussie pie lover...... Tinnies are good; Lady pies are bland although their sausage rolls are good; Four n Twenties are good and sometimes available in Tops; but Vilis (South Australian) pies from Villa Market are best. I just wish we could get the full variety as they only stock chunkey beef, chunkey beef with mushrooms or chicken. Their beef green peppercorn is to die for and is usually the first thing I eat when landing back home!! They also have a Thai green curry pie and many more. Now I'm hungry.
  16. Yes, however its labelled 'patronage' or 'culture' or 'Thainess' which makes it okay.
  17. Its a shame there is not an app that could read thoughts from a photo. Behind the smiles.........
  18. Well I for one am outraged that he has not considered rolling out the fire trucks to spray water into the air like last time.
  19. I like your optimism. Do you also look so positively on the manner in which he has achieved his and his parties current position?
  20. Minime: Hi dear, do you like my new (218th) handbag I bought today. Husband: Nice. How much was it? Minime: Only THB350,230.41. Husband: Nice.
  21. Any idea what this is on my leaves? Its not an insect but some kind of growth. Appears on the topside of leaves. Any method of getting rid of it would be appreciated.
  22. Words fail me. (Except for these).
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