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Everything posted by damian

  1. It's real and it's disturbing.
  2. Oh, I dont know. They might have dual pricing on the tickets.
  3. I think Tropicalevo is referring to your 'all innocent' claim. While it's debatable, under the law they were all deemed innocent until proven guilty. Thaksin's henchmen never game them that opportunity.
  4. I think they started eating bugs because they were hungry! Oh, and free.
  5. There are strict rules and procedures in place for trains or track vehicles to occupy track sections. Of course people need to follow them for it to be safe.
  6. Or they were rubber bullets.
  7. Well, I quite like the crack design of the floor tiles. How did they do that?
  8. HC Chairman: So Khun Thaksin,were you really sick? K. Thaksin: Yes. HC Chairman: Thankyou I have no further questions. Case closed.
  9. Great spectacle but way over priced. I got the feeling that her daughters, who run the restaurant, were exploiting their mum. Maybe wrong but thats the feeling I got. Happy retirement.
  10. Tasmanian grain fed striploin, 2 fingers thick from the accidental butcher in Ekamai. Salt and pepper then leave in the fridge for a few hours to let it sweat. Onto a stinking hot bbq plate, cook to medium rare, rest then serve with a dollop of garlic butter. Beers while cooking and a full bodied cab sav with the steak. Delish.
  11. Sadly the reaction to this (and the red bull case) will be little if non existent, such is the ongoing, and in a way excusable, apathy of the people. However there is absolutely no excuse for the apathy of both the press and the opposition (yes you peoples party) who should be raising merry hell both here and internationally and particularly with the HRC. You have a voice and your failure to use it effectively makes you complicit.
  12. Percentages are nice but what are the actual numbers and have the increases covered the losses from full fares? I doubt it. A quick purple line calculation says they have increased ridership by about 10k a day. Considering the same people go and come back thats 5k per day or 250 per hour of operation new users that have been attracted due to the lower fares. In this case, I doubt very much that traffic congestion has improved.
  13. I know one little t*rd who will be rubbing his hands together in glee at this decision.
  14. We can rely on the feral left to get on board the bandwagon and embarrass Australians during the visit with their 'farewell banners' waved in the face of the visiting royals along with boos and chants of 'royals out'. Palestinian and aboriginal flags will also be displayed but are of course mandatory at every protest. Good response from the Palace. Sort of puts water on ARM's fire starting.
  15. His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, the Ruler of Qatar, who showed interest in food security...... Little one: Oh Sheikh we have wonderful food in Thailand Have you ever tried krapao pork before? Sheikh Tamim Bin Al-Thani: No. Little one: Well sir, you've come to the right gal. Let me secure you some. Sheikh Tamim Bin Al-Thani (to translator): What do I say to this swine eating infidel? Translator: Tell her your interested and hopefully she will go away. But don't give her your number what ever you do.
  16. Class action from the parents and expose the whole dirty rotten DLT.
  17. Meanwhile out the front of most schools around 3pm everyday the wildest collection of jaloppies patiently wait for kids to take them home. With rusted bodies, bald tyre's and no windows off they depart belching smoke crabbing down the highway with kids hanging off the back and driven by unskilled retired farmers. When you point out the defects it's met with a smile and 'maimee tang'. <sigh>
  18. I'm looking forward to seeing the economy boom (not explode) with this injection of ready cash.
  19. Nothing will happen so long as he remains on the protect (tolerated/useful) species list. As for his feigned sickness, Ferris Bueller could have helped!
  20. I fear that the PP have lost some of their pizazz. The new guy does not seem to have the charisma of Pita.
  21. It's the same with the smokey season. Lots of site visits and stern faced photo ops but once its over its 'ok guys back to the trough' without another thought of the crisis or doing anything tangible about it.
  22. This concern will rapidly evapourate when they are included on the distribution list.
  23. So if he was successful in getting his 'clients' a job, no report would be made on the blatant corruption I guess. <sigh>
  24. I like this Sirikanya. Not sure about Pitas new replacement though. Doesnt seem to have the same charisma we havent heard much form him. Time will tell I guess.
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