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Posts posted by oldcpu

  1. When I had that screen, prior to my first jab via "Phuket Must Win", it basically meant my registration for a vaccine was received, but there was no appointment yet made.  So I was given a 'fully booked' indicator.  I registered on a weekend, and on the Monday the web page changed, I ended up getting an appointment.  I never received an SMS.


    My guess is dependent on vaccine availability, and maybe other factors (such as one's age) may come into play, that it could be some days before an appointment is made. 

    • Like 2
  2. Some more numbers for this thread ....


    My recollection is the Phuket vaccination drive started in the March/April-2021 timeframe, and stopped in April-2021, after something like 22% of Phuket residents vaccinated almost all with Sinovac (not Astra Zeneca).  Most (almost all) of those were fully vaccinated.  Outbreaks elsewhere in Thailand caused the Sinovac destined for Phuket to be diverted to elsewhere to address the various local outbreaks - so new Phuket jabs stopped for new vaccinations (and only 2nd jabs of Sinovac given in Phuket to make up the 22%)..


    At that time, Sinovac was not yet approved for the elderly in Thailand by the Thai FDA.  It was only later in early May-2021 that Sinovac was approved for the elderly (those that had no preconditions), and even then, after that approval, the Thai policy continued to be that they preferred to give AstraZeneca to the Thai elderly.


    In May/June, the Phuket vaccination campaign restarted, mostly being Sinovac, but AstraZeneca  was also being provided.   Because its 10 to 16 weeks (time between AZ jabs varied based on changing Thailand policy) between Astra Zeneca jabs, I think it accurate to say that almost none of those in Phuket, who received AstraZeneca, have received two jabs.   So with that knowledge (only Single doses of AZ thus far) one can deduce that something less than 70K or so, of AstraZeneca doses, were given in Phuket, where I think one can correctly assume that a large % of the 70K AZ given in Phuket did indeed go to the Phuket elderly (albeit not all to elderly).


    It is the AstraZeneca doses that the Thai government prefers to give to the elderly, so we are talking some number much less than 70K jabs given in Phuket, that were not given to elderly elsewhere in Thailand ....   but there is more still to this.


    As other's have pointed out in this thread, the Thai government has AZ that have yet to be given in Thailand, as the Thai vaccination drive continues.


    The more and more I look at the numbers, and the more I look at the sequence of numbers, and I look at the types of vaccine and the Thai government policy for those vaccines, convinces me more and more that Phuket's vaccination drive had absolutely no effect on the elderly vaccination drive elsewhere in Thailand.


    There is no relation between the Phuket vaccination drive - and the drive to vaccinate the Thai elderly outside of Phuket.



    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    "You are convincing me you are theorizing with no experience."


    No I stated "Samui, Pattaya?" hardly theorizing or trying to convince you, the question mark should have given you a hint. As for no experience, you have no idea what my experience is in Thailand

    Fair enough - then I misunderstood.  It was not a clear hint to me.  Just the opposite.  I thought you were trying to claim Pattaya was hit just as hard as Phuket.  It wasn't.


    I believe Samui was likely hit just as hard per capita but on a smaller scale than Phuket (I think it something like 1/8th the nominal scale of Phuket (population/business) ? ) .. . However I have no direct discussions with people from Samui (unlike Pattaya where I have many). 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Here's what you said:


    "Further, there are ZERO statistics provided by anyone on this thread of the % elderly not being vaccinated in Thailand.  Just a bunch of grumbling with stories.  I too have stories, where the elderly I know outside of Phuket have been vaccinated."


    My link provides the response to that and that alone, good day to you...............

    Yes - your link only came AFTER I posted.


    Good day to you.

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Wow, you are truly out of Touch.  Chiang Mai has been decimated as well as many of the other Areas such as Hua Hin, and Pattaya to name just a few more. 


    Its clear who is out of touch.  Once again - I have friends there too. When they came to Phuket, they noted while their areas had been impacted, relative to Phuket it was minor.


    Anyone who goes down to Patong, Karon, Kata will know ....  there is nothing on the same scale of closure elsewhere in Thailand.


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Here's some stats for you:


    "Elderly people 60 years and over 12.5 million received the first dose of vaccine 11.2% and the second dose 0.7%." 


    So only 0.7% of 60+ have been fully vaxxed.



    OK, Lets run with those numbers.


    After the Phuket jabs there still well over 10-million jabs given Thailand, of which only 1.6 million jabs went to the elderly.   I can show you the math if you can't reproduce that number.


    Why were the other 8.4 million jabs diverted away from the elderly?  Phuket's fault?  Nonsense.  Phuket had nothing to do with those 8.4 million jabs allocation.   There are other factors at play here with nothing to do with Phuket. 


    Follow the numbers.


    And yes, these 10-million were jabs given, and not some # of doses not yet handed out.  I provided my reference already for the Phuket jabs given.

  7. 7 hours ago, beechbum said:

    COVID contracted at Central a few days ago, Starbucks, didn't see it reported though!

    Its on various Thai language social media and has also been on the Thai facebook page (  https://www.facebook.com/83ssj/?__tn__=-UC*F  )  for more at least a couple of days.  Unfortunately, one needs to read Thai to read it.  


    I am a bit disappointed that not one of the Phuket English language news sources are not quickly translating the Phuket COVID POSITIVE case timelines into the language of their webpages (ie English), while the #s of those afflicted in Phuket are small.

  8. 22 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    ... used by the government to vaccinate themselves and then Frontline workers of which many still have not been vaccinated. Taxi drivers, moto taxi riders, Thai Airways personnel, and don't forget the ever important athletes headed to the Olympics. ....

    Assume 2-million doses not yet used and ready to use (and IMHO the # of unused vaccine in Thailand, today, is likely MUCH MUCH less, as I have very recently been told of social media stories of vaccination centers running out) ... Likely over 11-million jabs given in Thailand ... subtract the relatively small (to 11-million) 700k for Phuket and there is still well over 10 million jabs given in Thailand. .... 10-million ... And you say the jabs went to "  government to vaccinate themselves and then Frontline workers of which many still have not been vaccinated. Taxi drivers, moto taxi riders, Thai Airways personnel, and don't forget the ever important athletes headed to the Olympics. ...." ..


    I don't think that uses up very much in terms of jabs , even if it was fully justified..    Lots of jabs left for the elderly.


    Further, there are ZERO statistics provided by anyone on this thread of the % elderly not being vaccinated in Thailand.  Just a bunch of grumbling with stories.  I too have stories, where the elderly I know outside of Phuket have been vaccinated. 


    Frankly, I think this is just complaining about Phuket for complaining sake.


    As for this thread, in one case someone doesn't know how many people in Phuket (they think 1-million doses was the # of jabs  given in Phuket) and in another case someone (you ? )  talk of prisoners receiving  jabs instead of the elderly (... and what, use that to blame Phuket ?)


    And further, I note the vast majority of Thailand, outside of Phuket, did not see the economic crisis that Phuket has seen and is still experiencing.  They have not seen people in food line.  They have not talked to the locals and heard their stories.  I have had friends come from Bangkok and Pattaya, who are shocked what they have seen in Phuket.  They noted they would not have believed it had they not seen it.


    I am full agreement to vaccinate the elderly, but your lack of statistics fail to convince me that such jabbing of the elderly is not being done in Thailand (with Phuket jabs to blame), and further your lack of statistics fail to convince me that the 700k Phuket jabs has anything to do with a hypothetical view that the elderly in Thailand are suffering from jabs going to Phuket (if that is indeed your view ??? ).


    What I have seen, with my own eyes, is Phuket economically suffering.  Badly. It needs the tourism (more than most (all ?) places in Thailand (on a relative basis)). And if tourists come, Phuket needs the jabs.


    • Like 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    wonder if the newly arrived people from the middle east read the news or were informed off the daily reporting....

    today on another post

    Thailand reports 5,916 new COVID-19 cases, 44 more deaths

    I think they read the news.  I think they are fully aware of it.  


    Unfortunately - I suspect given they are all vaccinated, that they feel a degree, a false sense, of personal safety wrt the virus?   Their being vaccinated makes them feel safe ....  


    Now I wouldn't feel that way if I was fully vaccinated, but I believe they think that way. .... (Its also possible they researched Phuket # of new daily cases, where since mid-May-2020 Phuket has less than 10 new daily cases each day - but I doubt they researched that).

  10. 11 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    and I'm not ignoring the 9.8 million doses that could have been allocated to the elderly,

    Given the emphasis of your posts it does appear to me in reading your posts that your are ignoring such. You started talking of prisons and in areas where the 4th wave started, in some (not all) due to wealthy people partying in districts not suffering as much as Phuket (and do now you want them to get priority ? priority instead of the elderly?   I suspect not but I do not understand your logic in a previous post )




    Can you give me a percentage of elderly who have been vaccinated in Thailand with a breakdown of their ages?What about the number of vulnerable people who have been vaccinated?

    This is your point that you think it very bad.   So why don't you provide such statistics ?  Its not my point.


    My point is there is over 13-million (likely over 14-million) doses in Thailand, where that could have been allocated to Phuket and to the elderly.  


    And in the mean time, while waiting in Phuket for what I think will be a VERY SLOW buildup of tourism in Phuket,  ... that despite the hard efforts of Thai government to open up Phuket as a test 'sandbox' (using what I think an appropriate software term that many who are not suffering like to make fun of ), the Phuket locals will continue to suffer financially - go to food lines .. . Hopefully thou, with the vaccinations, they won't catch COVID (or die from COVID) from the gradual build up of foreign tourists who come into Phuket.

  11. 12 minutes ago, oldcpu said:

    So Thailand (10.23 million cases of 1-jab ( reference:  https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations ) ...  likely much much higher than 10.23 million (maybe 15 million jabs if one considers many are 2 jabs),

    Lets be more accurate here  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccination_in_Thailand


    Thailand has received (or in case of AstraZeneca produced locally):

    * 5.12 million AstraZeneca (I don't think this includes the ~1-million AstraZeneca being donated by Japan)
    * 7.5 million Sinovac
    * 1 million Sinopharm

    Total is either 13.62 million or 14.62 million (possibly if Japan AstraZenec included).


    so where did all of these doses go?

  12. 13 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Don't you understand that I was using the calculator I borrowed from the TAT?So I will take your 704,195 jabs and give it to those who need it more before I give it to those in Phuket

    So the majority of the people in Phuket who can't make ends meet, many of whom have been in food lines every day for months - don't need to have tourism returned?  Is that your view?  Or let tourism return and have them catch the virus?  Is that your view?   Or have them stay in food lines for more months, where this is NOT happening in the rest of Thailand like its happening in Phuket.


    So Thailand (10.23 million cases of 1-jab ( reference:  https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations ) ...  likely much much higher than 10.23 million (maybe 15 million jabs if one considers many are 2 jabs), but let say only 10.5 million if one considers the 2-jabs cases ... a bad underestimation on my part as likely many more jabs - but lets be conservative.  So minus 700k for Phuket is 9.8 million jabs given elsewhere in Thailand.  Approximately 9.8 million. Probably a LOT more.


    Why do you not ask where these 9.8 million jabs went?  Its probably a lot more than  9.8 million jabs. Where did they go?


    They sure didn't all go to the prisons as prisons are less than 400k and I seriously doubt 100% of prisoners vaccinated.


    So I ask you again, where did they all go? Did they go to districts where instead of being in food lines, the locals partied and went to restaurants, and places where the vast majority Phuket local residents could not afford? Where many of the local Phuket residents were in food lines?


    We won't agree on this - that is for sure. You are all focused on the 700K of Phuket, you ignore their suffering, and you also ignore the remaining 9.8 million doses (probably a lot more) given elsewhere in Thailand that could have been allocated to the elderly.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    312,187 x 2 = 624374 +392008 = 1,016,382 Phuket took 1 million jabs away from elderly and vulnerable people outside of Phuket

    No its not 1-million.  


    First, let me say my reference for Phuket jabs is here:  https://www.facebook.com/83ssj/?__tn__=-UC*F


    I think you need to recalculate.  Serious.  Think about it - Clearly 1-million jabs were not given in Phuket, as that would mean Phuket has a population of 500,000 (which it has not) and for the 1-million jabs that you calculate (without considering Phuket's population and without considering how Thai authorities present statistics),  that would mean 100% of Phuket were vaccinated.  For certain 100% of Phuket's population was not vaccinated.  Do you really believe Phuket, at present, has > 500,000 people? Serious?


    Let me help you with the math:  So 312,187 received 2 jabs (and this is a subset of the 392,008 who received at least 1-jab).  


    ie 312,187 x2 = 624,374.


    But the remainder ?  392,008 - 312,187 = 79,821.  So the actually total is 624,374 + 79,821 = 704,195 jabs given.   Not 1-million. I don't know about you, but I think 300,000 additional vaccine jabs is a big number.


    So thats 300,000 more for the elderly in another province as opposed to your estimates.


    Hopefully those administering the jabs don't use your math.

  14. 4 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    .Had they stuck to their promise of prioritising the elderly and vulnerable the 5 million of the elderly and vulnerable would be safe instead they are dying because they haven't been vaccinated because the authorities decided not to. 

    Once again, the elderly not getting jabs in some provinces is not due to Phuket taking away their jabs. 


    In the number of jabs given outside of Phuket (in areas of the country whose local economy is relatively golden compared to the locals economically suffering in Phuket with locals in food lines just to survive for months), there were adequate jabs for an appropriate priority assignment. One needs to be looking elsewhere as to why those jabs, that were available outside of Phuket weren't given.

  15. 4 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    312,187 x 2 = 624374 +392008 = 1,016,382 Phuket took 1 million jabs away from elderly and vulnerable people outside of Phuket.I have an 80 year old mother in law and know many older and vulnerable people in my area who definitely deserve the vaccine than younger healthier people in Phuket so I'd have to disagree.I think most of the 9 million would be those living in and around Bangkok.I've heard nothing about any vaccines being administered around here.How many of they 40-60 dying each day have had a jab?

    Again - its not due to the priority assigned to Phuket. 


    In Phuket some locals were and still are close to starving, living on food lines for almost a year, due to a dead economy.  There have been cases some committing suicide due to a failure to make ends meet. 


    As for vaccinations outside of Phuket - you can tell your stories and I can tell mine.  I have in-laws in their 80s and 90s in Ranong province who have received their jabs.


    Its sad that there are elderly in Thailand who are not getting jabs, but its not due to Phuket taking all the available jabs. Many millions of jabs were available to give to those elderly outside of all jabs given in Phuket, had the authorities decided to do so.  

    • Like 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Of those 9 million you say were available, many were shuffled to the prisons, and cluster areas such as Klong Toei and the surrounding areas with other clusters, thus leaving many million of elderly and medically vulnerable without the vaccine needed, so in essence the vaccines given to Phuket could/may have helped the vulnerable.  Unfortunately, your just making an excuse to try and validate the numbers in Phuket vaccinated.

    Your numbers (or should I say lack of) don't add up.  Show me your numbers.   My understanding is there are less than 400,000 in Thai prisons. Likely after vaccinating Phuket and the Thai prisons, there were still over 9-million jabs given.


    The many elderly who were not jabbed is unfortunate , but its not due to the policy to give Phuket priority - its clearly due to other reasons.


    Show me some numbers to backup your assertions which I believe a wrong interpretation.  I have shown you mine.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    I don't recall say "the rest of the country does without" but 1 million jabs would go a long way the vaccinating the elderly and vulnerable, about 500,000 of them in fact.

    Over 10.23-million vaccine jabs have been given out thus far in Thailand ... and Phuket as of today 392,008 1-jab (84%) and 312,187 2-jabs (67%).   So clearly some number over 9-million jabs have been given outside of Phuket.   Over 9-million other jabs for the elderly and people in urgent/essential areas.  


    I think those numbers suggest Phuket did not takeaway jabs from the elderly. 

    • Like 1
  18. 40 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

    at this time of year onshore winds and currents bring a ton of trash onto Phuket’s western beaches EVERY DAY. One reason why it is low season, tourists don’t like trash on the beaches.

    Actually, this year (2021) and last year (2020), at this time of the year, were and are massively better on Kao Khad western facing beach with SIGNIFICANTLY less trash than previous years, due to the lack of tourist boats (that in previous years dumped their trash over the side in Chalong bay at the end of every day), and only a relatively small amount to clean up, compared to previous years.  


    Kao Khad western facing beach is and has been very very nice during this global pandemic, relative to previous years - in terms of FAR FAR less trash.


    I have not checked the other western beaches for a comparison to the past, but I suspect the same is also true for those beaches.  Less tourists = less garbage.

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