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Posts posted by oldcpu

  1. 39 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    The science is that in order for Phuket to reach its sandbox vaccination target they've had to not only change the population numbers but let one AZ dose count as fully vaccinated.


    I thinking counting the one AZ jab as part of the 70% (but not as a person being fully vaccinated) together with 2 doses of Sinovac, was always part of the plan.   Quite some time back when that 70% vaccinated plan made, the dangers of the beta and delta variants were not readily known - back then people were staying one dose of AZ was very effective ( ... that viewpoint has now changed).


    As for the shifting population numbers, I don't think anyone really knows the population of Phuket at present. There was a mass exodus of workers from the main tourist areas of Patong, Kata, Karon back last summer (2020) after the 1st big Phuket lockdown was lifted.     Does anyone really know how many people in Phuket (as opposed to how many registered ? )


    My wife was saying to me today she read the % people vaccinated in Patong, calculated based on the number of people formerly registered/once believed in Patong (where the numbers in Patong from year 2019 estimates) is very low ... less than 30%  ... however given how very few people are in Patong, its very difficult to produce a good estimate. Its quite possible the % vaccinated (of those actually in Patong at present) is MUCH higher and closer to the 70% (or maybe higher or maybe much lower). 


    Simply put - no one knows.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, eyup said:

    The Phuket Provincial Health Office publish figures every day along with a timeline of cases. All in Thai of course .  สสจ.ภูเก็ต.    on their facebook page. You can of course choose to believe them or not!


    It is very very slow to scan/OCR and translate via computer/android phone with software that I have. 


    The scanning/OCR process is notoriously inaccurate, prone to errors, and I find it takes multiple attempts to get even a partially decent OCR of the Thai characters. 


    I think one really needs to read/speak both Thai and English in order to do a translation at any sort of reasonable speed.

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  3. Well in comparison to Thailand, many countries (Canada, New Zealand, Australia come to mind) are not even trying to open up for tourists.  They recognize it has risks and is difficult to safely put in place.


    Sure, some of the hyped Thailand tourist plans we read in the local press may elicit some humour, but at least the authorities are trying to get things started toward tourism.  I for one can not fault their optimism too much - even if its clear its not achievable precisely as planned and announced.  Obviously there are massive hurdles in place to keep things safe, massive hurdles for tourists to meet to be approved to come to Phuket, plus the announced restrictions in place for tourists to come, will I think surely mean small numbers of tourists initially.  But things need to start somewhere.  


    This is a start - a slow start, and yes, there is a long ways to go.


    In the immortal words of Oddball from Kelly's Heros -"Have a Little Faith".  ????????

    • Like 1
  4. I also have not seen any recent timelines in the English language news - for the timeline of anyone in Phuket who tested Positive for the virus.


    It is available in Thai language.


    My Thai wife watches this for me, from Thai web sites.  Here is one sample Thai language site with such information:



    Unfortunately the information in the timeline is in a JPEG format, where a Chrome browser translate does not translate such.  I've managed to translate to English by saving the Thai language jpeg on my Android phone, and then using the Android Google translate app to scan and translate it.  However the format provided by Google translate is not in what I consider an easily readable format, and it takes me time to sort the translation into a more readable order. 


    Fortunately, its much quicker for me to have my wife look than my having to do the translation with my Android phone.


    Still - if I didn't have my wife to help, I can probably do each timeline translation in less than 5 minutes (which for 5 timelines would take just under 1/2 hour to review - rather slow).


    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, DaveC said:

    Thank you very much for the info and that is really constructive and positive news. 


    I will try to let as many people know by sharing this link on my website

    I think the link you put in your website page doesn't lead to the correct post.   Perhaps you could update it to this link below - or simply if you prefer have no link, and note there is at least one case where a failed registration attempt was fixed by a person going to Phuket immigration to have their COVID registration cleared after a failed registration attempt. ...


    Here is the corrected link:


    https : // forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1220727-phuket-vaccination-sign-up-site-now-open-for-all-foreigners/?do=findComment&comment=16603923


    (I removed the space after https; and the // so that I could better display the link).

  6. Just now, Susco said:


    As I said, I have visited Phuket few times over the years, as I live near Pattaya for the past 27 years, and I didn't notice anything that would make me wanna move.

    No dispute there.


    I have friends in Pattaya who really like it and think it the best place.  Friends in Hua Hin who think it the best.  I have a friend in Chiang Mai who thinks it the best spot.  I even have friends (via my wife) who live in Bangkok and they wouldn't dream of living elsewhere! ....   I have visited these friends in Pattaya, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Bangkok (plus visited many other Thailand places that don't have friends living there) and none of those places are for me.  But when visiting my friends, we each look at each others view point with some puzzlement and amusement.  We all (each of us) disagree as to why we should envy the other's location to settle, and each think we chose the best to settle


    And maybe that's good - we all don't try to settle in the same location.


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  7. 18 hours ago, Susco said:


    I have been to Phuket quite a few times over the years, but I failed to see what there is to envy.

    Likely the grass tends to be greener next door - and a lot depends on one's current situation.


    For those of us expats in Phuket, whose income does not depend on the local economy, Phuket is fabulous at present.


    No annoying tourist crowds.  Empty beaches.  No silly traffic on the roads, and its possible to get from point A to point B in a decent time.  One can book some amazingly inexpensive daily boat excursions.  Excellent prices in some of the good restaurants that are still open (where a little local knowledge of where to go goes a very very long way).


    My wife and I have deliberately gone and re-visited a number of Phuket tourist attractions, for once enjoying those attractions without being jostled by crazy maddening crowds of aggressive tourists.


    A number of friends who are overseas have expressed envy of us in Phuket.   I will definitely miss this superb period of time in Phuket, if and when the tourist hordes finally arrive (and hopefully not too soon for me - although I concede the locals are hurting economically, and so are many expats hurting (for expats dependent on tourism) and so for them, I hope a return of the tourists).


    But - the grass is always greener next door.  Some of my envious friends who are outside Thailand were able to downhill (snow) ski this year in January/February, while I couldn't do such (I couldn't as I did NOT want to go thru quarantine going in the country where I wanted to ski, and then quarantine again when returning to Thailand). So for that specific activity, I was envious of them.


    Again - the grass is greener next door.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

    Please stop misinformation.

    Google "can non Australians visit Australia".

    I'm Oz and trust me your completely I'll informed.

    Some references for you:

    Australia Official Says Borders May Not Open Until Later in 2022




    Australia’s borders are closed. The only people who can travel to Australia are:

    • Australian citizens
    • permanent residents
    • immediate family members
    • travellers who have been in New Zealand for at least the 14 days before the date of departure. This does not include the Realm Countries of the Cook Islands and Niue.


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  9. 1 minute ago, DrJack54 said:

    Come on ....your using life guidance plans that have nothing to do with how this country is handling the covid situation.

    No .. it has everything to do with how to handle larger in scope situations.


    Yesterday's numbers in Phuket of 78% with 1 jab and 61% with 2 jabs is pretty good.


    Phuket is proceeding on 1 July ... Now Canada? New Zealand? Australia? They have no ambitious goals and there is no possibly of international tourism there at present.

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  10. 26 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Thai are gold medal winners when it comes to making ridiculous announcements.....In this instance "Phuket will be 70% fully vaccinated by July 1".

    I couldn't disagree more.


    Setting ambitious goals in life is a good way to move forward and get things done, even if the precise timing and details of the goals are never exactly achieved.


    More often than not the one who sets no goals or sets only easy lazy goals achieves little to nothing.


    The one who does nothing never makes mistakes, and it's pretty clear why.


    Canada, Australia, New Zealand are closed to foreign tourists. Thailand may not get many foreign tourists but at least Thailand is trying. That trying by Thailand is a lot more than what I can say for the international tourism sectors in Canada, Australia and New Zealand that have little hope in sight at present for foreign tourists.

  11. 12 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:


    Your comment re number of tourists by July 1 is irrelevant. 

    No. You miss the point.


    It's very relevant.


    If 10s of thousands of tourists were to suddenly decend on Phuket on 1 July that 70% goal of vaccinated would be very important.


    But if few tourists come initially then Phuket can ramp up it's vaccination at a slower pace.

    • Like 1
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  12. I am thinking one possible way to use Sinovac to one's advantage, ... making the most of this lower efficacy vaccine is to go for a booster as soon as feasible ... SinoVac is only about 3 weeks between doses ... which means one will be eligible for a booster jab sooner, where that booster could be a higher efficacy vaccine such as Moderna or Pfizer. Those of us who received AstraZeneca, because of the 8 to 10 week separation between jabs will likely need to wait longer for a booster. Even AZ is not much better than Sinovac vs the Beta & Delta virus variants.

    • Like 2
  13. 32 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:


    However one thing is a given. Come July 1, Phuket will be 70% vaccinated*.

    Vaccinated will mean has received one Jab. Also the population of Phuket will be 'adjusted'

    My wife read yesterday on a local Thai website that 78% of Phuket residents had received 1 jab and 61% 2 jabs.  I don't know what are the percentages of Sinovac, Sinopharm, and AstraZeneca inside those figures.


    My view? Clearly Phuket is not going to be swamped with 10s of thousands of tourists on 1 July, so if it takes 1 or 2 weeks more to reach the 70% goal, so what? It will take time for tourist numbers to ramp up.

    • Like 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


    Looking after their own resident population first would also explain it.

    Do you have any links to what you are saying?

    Less than 10% of Thailand's population have received a 1st jab ... so I struggle a bit to understand how that explains it.  I am not Thai, and I was very fortunate for Thailand to pay for my jab earlier this week.  I think other factors are involved than Thai only first (although clearly that must be a consideration for tax paying Thai citizens).


    If you surf on this, and read which countries have obtained Moderna and Pfizer, and look at which countries have other vaccines, in the most part (and not small isolated amounts) this should be evident. There are press articles on this, but IMHO its a 'politically sensitive topic' that most press don't want to touch - at least not touch until AFTER they all get their vaccine shots .


    Here is a sample article, that touches on this (note " G7 countries have purchased over a third of the world's vaccine supply, despite making up only 13% of the global population." ) , and if you look, you will find other articles - but you must look for such:



    • Like 1
  15. 54 minutes ago, sikishrory said:

    An end to heavily discounted hotels, rentals and free upgrades.

    An end to nice peaceful beaches free of people pestering you to buy stuff.

    More traffic.

    A return of tuk tuks?


    Lots to look forward too.

    Reads like a spoiled expat in Phuket - like myself.  As a retired expat whose income does not depend on the local economy, I have been spoiled here the past year.


    However the locals are suffering economically, and the working expats who depend on tourists are also suffering.


    So while I doubt in Phuket there will be many tourists initially, eventually, if the virus can be kept in abeyance, more tourists will come to Phuket, .... It won't as great as present (which is fabulous) for us retired expats, but good for the locals and good for the working expats.

    • Like 2
  16. 22 hours ago, Deli said:

    Just watched a documentary on BBC that they set up more than a 100 pop up vaccination centers in the UK where poeple just can show up to get the jab. They have the choice betweem AZ, Pfizer and Moderna. Thailand, do you hear me ?

    Its common knowledge that the G7 and most wealthy countries in the world monopolized on the high efficacy vaccines, and the rest of the world will only receive such high efficacy vaccines AFTER those wealthy countries get their jabs first.  Its common wealthy get served first.


    Didn't you know that ?

    • Like 2
  17. On 6/25/2021 at 5:06 PM, Gold Star said:

    July's upcoming Phuket trip reports:

    Many Covid tests,

    Must use a tracking app,

    Bars were closed,

    80% of restaurants and businesses were closed,

    Must sleep with the wife,

    ...however the Taxi ride from the airport was wonderful this time!


    Taxi ride from the airport wonderful ?  Very unlikely IMHO -the taxi mafia sadly still reigns.


    But you could add:

    - Beaches empty and absolutely wonderful (not to fight the maddening crowds)

    - Tourist spots (such as Big Buddha and such) devoid of tourists and superb

    - Road traffic was very quiet compared to the past

    - Local Thai had a very good attitude toward the few tourists

    - The restaurants that were open had superb deals/prices - and with some local knowledge fabulous restaurants could still be found at very affordable pricing.

    - Memories of 25 years ago are back


    • Like 1
  18. 10 minutes ago, Agusts said:

    I read one of the items they said need to show is proof of address, with a few examples on that website somewhere..., from memory the 90 day reporting slip on back of passport has no address, just name/date...., both my Thai driving licenses have my address on the back though, did they not ask for that....!?

    I had no issue with paperwork. I brought what the web site stated, plus brought my Thai Driver's Licence and Thai Pink ID card. They only wanted the passport were were not interested in my Driver's License nor my Thai Pink ID card.

    10 minutes ago, Agusts said:

    The 2 weeks no alcohol advice after the jab is correct, I heard it from Thais too...,

    Two weeks !! ???????? ... lol !  I surfed the internet on AZ on alcohol and ones AZ dose, and the recommendations are all over the map.  I laughed at a recommendation of a Russian doctor (for Sputnik V vaccine) who recommended 2 months with no alcohol ... only to have the Spunik V 'developer' then chime in and say, no, only 2 to 3 days recommended for no alcohol, but not essential.  That of course a different vaccine.


    I suspect there is no definitive duration of how long its safe to have alcohol after the 1st jab. .... 


    I think all of us have been lectured occasionally by those, who gave up drinking, where those who gave up drinking say all alcohol, no matter when one has such, is dangerous and unhealthy - no matter how infrequent.  ... Then we get into a degree of healthy and unhealthy which IMHO is difficult to measure for the average person.

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