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Everything posted by charmonman

  1. An appropriate event for the 4th of July. Mass shootings have become as American as apple pie.
  2. Actually on certain subjects, he is incredibly stupid - and ignorant.
  3. If he would leave the rest of us alone then fine. If he was legally declared unqualified to run for President again then yeah, I'd be happy to see him on the ash heap of history where he belongs and forget all about him. But as things stand there is a good chance he will run again so people need to know what he did.
  4. The Republican Party has essentially become a fascist party under Trump’s influence. Not all Republicans are happy about this but they have either left the party, been kicked out or, in the case of those lacking spines or integrity, are keeping their heads down and hoping Dear Leader has a stroke.
  5. It is alleged he committed crimes. I would first like to se him indicted for those crimes. Then I would like to see him go on trial. If found guilty, as I strongly suspect he is, I would like to see him sentenced to time in prison. Is that Ok with all the lawyers on this thread?
  6. Not sure why Kemp would want to do Trump any favours the ways he’s been treated by the ex-president.
  7. almost every witness so far has been a Republican, many of whom worked for Trump as close advisers, some of whom still support him (for whatever reason). Kevin McCarthy did have the chance to choose participants to serve on the committee but two of them were likely participants in the events under investigation (including the insufferable Trump sycophant Jim Jordan) so were rejected by the speaker. Rather than allowing the other 3 to participate and suggesting two other acceptable candidates , McCarthy instead refused to participate at all. There are two Republicans on the committee, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinziger. I suppose you’d call them RINOs, which is laughable, particularly in the case of Cheney.
  8. I wish they’d hurry up about it. The sooner that grotesque con man is behind bars, the better.
  9. I'm sure you're right but there was a time when Thai weed was considered to be among the best. I remember Thai Stick from high school in the 1970s.
  10. Fantastic news. Now get rid of the TM30 and the 90 day report.
  11. Richest 0.1% more like it. To them the rest of the 1% are just well-off peasants.
  12. Indeed. My fare on my usual airline from Canada has more than doubled. Tourism will not be getting back anywhere normal until the price of jet fuel comes down and the airlines sort out their other issues.
  13. If the parading involves injuring and threatening police officers, vandalizing public property, threatening to hang the Vice President, disrupting essential government operations, and attempting to overturn the results of an election - then yes, it’s breaking a law and you will be arrested for it.
  14. If they want the international tourism sector to ever recover, a lower baht would not be a bad thing.
  15. Coming back in July. My airfare is over twice what it is normally. Airfares are apparently extremely high in general. No one seems to be pointing it out that this could put a huge damper on international tourism arrivals if it is prolonged.
  16. I was agreeing with you until the last paragraph which is total BS. It is NOT easy at all. Where the hell did you come up with that?
  17. I can read a little Thai and at a tourist attraction near Hua Hin a few years ago I noted that the English sign read low price for children high price for adults, while the Thai sign read the same low price for Thais and the same high price for foreigners. The dishonesty is what I find disgusting more than the actual dual pricing itself.
  18. A dance music festival with no dancing allowed; only in Thailand. I suppose if people are forced to sit still and just listen to what is being played they might realize just how bad it is.
  19. I have been many places, including some of of those you list and I have not seen anything that really compares to Pattaya in scope, except perhaps Olongapo/Subic in 1987. Mind you, I wasn't really looking too hard.
  20. So your "evidence" is based on a very small sample, i.e. people you know. My own small sample of people I know completely contradicts your conclusion. I'll stick to studies that use large sample sizes and sound statistical methodologies. By the way, there's no particular need when you refer to the vaccine to put it in quotation marks.
  21. I think the point is that other countries in the region have policies that are far less xenophobic and far less complicated than all the ridiculous schemes they are constantly inventing in Thailand.
  22. “ discuss ways to ensure that these night entertainment venues do not become Covid-19 clusters “ The whole country has been a Covid-19 cluster for at least the last few months. Time to move on and let people start making a living again.
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