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Everything posted by charmonman

  1. To be fair, it’s not always the people they vote for who get to form the government.
  2. A great argument in favour of abortion rights.
  3. And so is Xi Jinping. Let her go back to her own country and state her negative opinions of her own country and see how she fares.
  4. If the gay man identifies as a woman that night?
  5. I hesitate to respond as I’ll no doubt be accused of all sorts of sexism and worse. But here goes. Yes, the man is in the wrong. If indeed she told him no, then he he should have respected that. But a single woman living alone, inviting a man she just met for the first time in a bar to stay the night at her place is, at best, engaging in extremely foolish behaviour.
  6. I call you crazy. Not paying soldiers, border security, law enforcement, veterans is not common sense.
  7. I said it would be a good thing, not that I expected it to happen.
  8. It would be great to hear an announcement from a Thai government that doesn’t require later ‘clarification’.
  9. My new favourite movie, and I haven’t even seen it.
  10. If it isn’t it should be. Unless there is sand under your feet, put your goddam shirt on!
  11. People fall for all kinds of stupid deceptions. They are still victims of a horrible crime. That’s what’s relevant here.
  12. Flights from North America are 2 to 2.5 times as expensive as they used to be and the flights are full. Pre-Covid I used to come three times a year but am seriously rethinking that a reducing to only once or twice.
  13. Could you provide us with a list of “propaganda channels “ to avoid and perhaps another list of channels we can watch to see the unvarnished “truth”?
  14. You remember correctly. Went on into at least the early nineties I recall. The shows were actually quite boring..
  15. I’m disappointed they let him report his own weight instead of weighing him at Fulton County Jail. He would no doubt claim that their scale was rigged.
  16. They forgot to add extreme narcissistic personality disorder.
  17. Well as long as your limited personal experience with the weather in one particular spot on the planet proves to you that there is no such thing as climate change, you can just stick with that I guess. I prefer to listen to people who actually study the subject systematically using the methods of science on a wider scale. I guess that makes me crazy, right?
  18. A former leader hoping his party takes power so he can stay out of prison …hmm. The Pheua Thai should start wearing some stupid red hats that say “Make Thailand Great Again”.
  19. Oh For F—- Sake! If they want to get rid of farang retirees there’s an easier way, just wait for them to die or return to their own countries for medical care. That seems to be the trend among the older farangs I know here. Using the presence of “outlaw” motorcycle clubs to justify stricter requirements on retirement visas seems like typical twisted and absurd official Thai logic. How about just arresting people who actually commit crimes and deporting them? Or is that too straightforward? What percentage of people on retirement visas are members of outlaw motorcycle clubs here I wonder? Maybe 0.01 percent? Or should I add another zero?
  20. Right. I have never seen any Indian men hanging around girlie bars or massage parlours, unlike those awful Western sexpats and sex tourists (sarcasm alert)
  21. Yes, I understand perfectly well the difference between gender identity ("cisgender" v transsexual) and sexual orientation (heterosexual v homosexual). This person has gone from a cisgender heterosexual to a transsexual homosexual all in one swoop. I suspect it is a fairly big adjustment for a person to go through. The reason so many people (particularly older people) don't try to make sense of such things is that they don't really care. It is not part of their world. They don't run across the concept in their daily lives. They see the world through the lens of gender(male v female) not gender identity. Then they are portrayed as horrible bigots because they don't understand the terminology.
  22. So, this person transitioned not just from male to female, but from straight to lesbian? It doesn't really matter, they can live their own lives as they see fit, but I wonder if they ever feel slightly confused when they first wake up in the morning.
  23. The difference being of course that the young Ukrainians are defending their own country from invasion by their essentially fascist neighbour, while the young Russians are being asked to go fight, kill and die in a pointless war they don't understand.
  24. So, having a black character in a cartoon is “divisive” and “political”? People can still watch the old version if they prefer an all white cast.
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