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Everything posted by charmonman

  1. As expected, confusion reigns. I will wait until the dust settles and they clarify their new rules. I am almost tempted to just do a 7 day quarantine. At least you know what to expect.
  2. When they first suspended Test and Go in December it was intended as a temporary measure until they could see how serious Omicron would become. They should stick to their own plan and lift the suspension now that even the Health Minister has said things have gone better than expected.
  3. I don’t think they’ll be collecting much money until they remove the covid insurance, the sandbox, ASQ, PCR tests, and all the other expensive obstacles put in the way in the wake of covid-19. 300 baht is virtually nothing compared to all the rest.
  4. In five years there will be nothing left. In two years half the population will be on suicide watch. How about giving people a little bit of hope instead of constantly beating them over the head with worst case scenarios?
  5. “Thira suggested that the government monitor the situation for another year or two before deciding to downgrade COVID-19 into an endemic disease.” another year or two? Is he having a laugh?
  6. Could be a nice little earner for them. Now all they need is some tourists.
  7. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Is the Ministry of Sports and Tourism aware that the Ministries of Immigration and Health are currently doing everything in their power to make sure there will be a minimal number of tourists arriving in Thailand this year? 5-15 million tourists this year? Not under the current rules and restrictions which will likely be in place for months.
  8. Omicron is already in Thailand. Making it difficult and expensive for people to travel to Thailand will do nothing to change that, nor will it in any way seriously worsen the current situation where the vast majority of new cases are from local transmission, not from incoming travellers. This is particularly true when they have already tested negative before boarding their flight. Yes, a person who tests negative can still carry the virus but they are clearly less likely to do so when they have recently tested negative, more than you can say for most people currently going about their business in Thailand who have not been tested. The letter makes perfect logical and reasonable arguments for opening Thailand up, which almost guarantees the government will pay no attention to it.
  9. Typical misleading headline. Should read Pfizer booster after double Sinovac more effective than after double Astrazenica. That is all they studied according to the article. What about Pfizer booster after double mRNA?
  10. As is typical, this article raises more questions than it answers. As previous posters have mentioned, covid-19 insurance is a condition of receiving a Thailand Pass. Without a Thailand Pass you can't even board a plane to go to Thailand. So how the heck are people arriving in Thailand without already having covid-19 insurance? It seems this is a question that should have been addressed in this article. I am constantly amazed by the sheer amount of shoddy journalism out there.
  11. So with the cost of required RT-PCR test, quarantine hotel fees, covid-19 insurance fees, they really think this is the right time to bring up a 300 baht tourism fee (or whatever they're calling it)? Nice little slap in the face. What a bunch of clowns.
  12. It might have been a loophole but it seems like moot point now as Omicron is well established within Thailand and local transmission will completely dwarf anything brought in by foreigners under Test and Go. This is simple common sense, sadly lacking in those who make policy in Thailand. They are destroying what is left of the tourism industry with little if any benefit to public health.
  13. Agreed, but they don’t want everyone to get it all at once because it can overwhelm hospitals and cripple the economy because of people being off sick. If it’s spread out over a few months, it could be the best thing that could have happened. I hope they can manage this without any heavy handed lockdowns that will cause even more economic misery.
  14. I’m sure Thais are fully capable of making plenty of the virus themselves.
  15. I've been to a lot of bars and never met a "pimp". What the heck are you on about?
  16. In the name of greed? More like in the name of survival. They've been shut down for months with no help from the government. If you're trying to say this new surge has been caused by bars opening illegally you clearly don't understand what is going on. Omicron is going to surge regardless of whether bars are open or not!
  17. Please! People need to get on with their lives. While I believe the shutdown measures were justified in the early days of the pandemic all they are doing now is further destroying the economy, destroying people’s livelihoods, and creating severe poverty.
  18. The flight to Phuket has to be from a foreign airport. I don’t understand why they have not implemented the “sealed route” system like they had in place for the Samui sandbox where you could transit in Bangkok. It would definitely increase the market for the Phuket sandbox.
  19. This must be a mistake unless for some reason they have decided to cancel the ASQ program, which would be a strange decision indeed. Should read "able to do so via the Phuket Sandbox or via quarantine". Am I wrong?
  20. Very few tourists coming anyway with all the confusing and expensive entry requirements, so why do they bother with this nonsense? Dancing elephants- what will they think of next?
  21. Maybe you should get to know a few of them. You might be surprised. Many of them were born with few advantages in life other than their looks, and they do what they do to support parents, kids, and other family members. Then they get looked down on by the more "respectable" members of society
  22. No, it is not just the flu. It is caused by a completely different virus which attacks the body in a different way than the flu virus. It has clearly been more deadly than the flu in the earlier stages of the pandemic. A flu vaccine will not protect you from Covid-19. Your statement is nonsense. That being said, the increasingly dominant Omicron variant seems to be causing symptoms a lot like the common cold so it may be time to finally stop being afraid of it and start trying to live our lives a bit more freely again.
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