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Posts posted by bkkperson

  1. you should have no problem....Feb has got only 29 days this year i

    The fact that Feb has 29 days is irrelevant to as the OP is comin on the 28th Jan and her 30 days finish 27th Feb and then she is leaving on 29th....OP you will have no problem when you come back from Malayasia they will give you another 30 days no problem...i have done the trip loads and never have i been asked to show ticket...

  2. And of course it works for you, all these Thai ladies love us for ourselves, older men have always turned them on, money doesn't enter into it.

    :o:D:D:D:D .....now that is funny......you keep telling yourself that rott...bless him

  3. i can personally recommend my house, the guy who lives there is nice, good looking, funny and here is the good part..for every lady that gets a bikini wax they get taken out for a night out on the p!!ss...

    very good

  4. Any Apple suggestions will be considered spam.

    Some people just make me laugh..here you are asking for advice then tell everyone you only want to here what you want to here..

    Here is a tip for you..try out one of the new commodore 64's or zx81..i here some of the new one's even come with 5 1/4inch floppy and pre loaded chucky egg

  5. I had to take it to the shop in the end, it was too much for me to handle. The verdict was....multiple bad sectors and SMART failure, error code C8 whatever that is. Ive only had the disk a couple of months so Ive emailed the place I got it from asking how do I claim a replacement under warranty, now waiting a reply.

    Sounds like a blag to buy a new HD to me...is that what happened you had to buy a new HD...

    P.s Reimar..I do like your advice..originaly the OP said he was having problems re-installing XP so he could retrieve his files and then do a fresh install..and you tell him to format his drive.... :o:D:D

  6. Can people please read the posts....

    The OP doesnt want his girl to access the d drive...therefore he puts permissions on the drive itself..easy..

    Why people keep posting stuff that is irrelevant ill never know...

    he doesnt need to re-create another user..he needs to set permissions..

    he doesnt need to encrypt with a 3rd party app..he needs to set permissions...

    and he doesnt need any other false misleading infomation..he needs to set permissions..

    vey easy even for the trained professional to crasp!!

  7. :o ? Have you got anything usefull to say? I don't count snide rhetorical questions or half articulated suggestions about converting the file system, which, based on the nature of the OPs question, are probably not within his realm of expertise.

    Guessing the OP lives in Chiang Mai (based on some of his other posts) I'm offering to do it for him, quicker, and safer (for his data and his privacy) than incomplete instructions to perform radical changes to his file system... I wish you luck in your tech support career

    My tech support career is already 8 years and 2 MCSE's old thank you...

    Like i said maybe you could tell us how you plan on weaving your so called magic..

    Changing the file system on a separate drive is not radical at all..what are you taking about..it is the only way to apply permissions and thus locking out another user..

    As far as the OP's expertise goes..if he can type a post then he can type the command that i posted as it doesnt really need much expertise to do that...

    So yet again maybe you could post how a 'trained professional' would solve the OP's problem therefore letting others who might read this thread and have the same problem no the anwser...

    I await the mecca

  8. Does all this bulk up stuff work...

    I find the best think to put on bulk is good old fashioned potatoes well mash to be exact in the last month i must have put on 5kg just by having meant veg n mash for me tea every night

  9. This is yet another typical TV rant...i haven't read one post where anyone has actually felt sorry for his position...

    OP as a guy who's wife is pregnant and going through a similar thing(permanetley cobby) i can sympathise with you,,try not to be so rash though im sure it will all cool down you just need to be patient...

    As far as just taking the baby back to USA i woul not recommend that at all you could gt in a whole heap of doo dah for just taking the baby without having full custody rights..and to be honest why would you want to do that???Just because the girl has PMT you think that it would be okay to just take the baby to another country never to be seen again..ver nice n fair..i also suggest you do a bit of research into PMT then maybe you will understand a bit better what PMT is..

    Good luck

  10. Here's a thought to those who so proudly live in 30 sqm meter one room apartments with no hot water etc - did you live like that back in the old country?

    I find it rather strange that anyone would willingly come to a third world country and opt to live in third world conditions. Surely one of the major advantages of being here is that we can have the same or much better standards of living for considerably less outlay?

    Or am I missing the point here?

    No ..that is what bendix is saying.....

    I think all you negative boys are really missing the point here..its quite obvious that everyone in the world would love to live in a nice big house with pool etc,,and the people who are defending the 5k price range places are not saying that they wouldnt like to live in luxury...ITS WHAT THEY CAN AFFORD.....and then you get posters who come on and slag it down..grump grump grump..why are you here if you can only afford 5k rant rant rant.....

    I think that by having a place to stay, having a job and having excess money jackndanny is what's known as having your cake and eating it..not spunkin half ya doh on a place you really dont need just incase you need to impress the bar girls...

  11. I think if the whingers posted their age along with their whing you would be surprised at how young many are. Don't blame it all on age. Some of these guys are born whingers. Someone should start a survey as to where people think most of these whingers originate from? Is whinging hereditary? Who whinges most guys or gals? Do whingers get better with practice? Do they whing about the same thing all the time or about everything? Why does TV have so many? Enlighted me please. :D:o

    Whingers whinge because they are unhappy plain and simple, women moan about us, but whingers whinge about everything and anything, yes i would think it is hereditary...

    He is an idea why dont they have there own sub-forum....

    Happy TV then :D

  12. I'd think changing the permissions is easier, no? Right click on the folder, advanced, change permissions... Creating a new user could have unforeseen consequences. Such as that all settings would be lost, etc.

    One thing I don't know: Do Windows permissions work on a FAT32 volume? If not user would have to check if they have NTFS, as, for example, all Acers used to ship with Fat32 prior to Vista.

    No permissions is NTFS only..but convert easy enough convert d:\fs:ntfs

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