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Posts posted by bkkperson

  1. I understand what your saying but im assuming by this little snippet here

    Went out myself last week and no probs. I was suprised about the number of people still getting caught out on the 90 days in 180 rule. now I'm not talking about newbies who may not have done their homework, these folks were old hands to the world of visa running. C'mon guys, count your days! If you're too lazy to work it out you shouldn't bitch if it goes t1ts up at the border.


    that people are turning up after doing their 90 days and expecting to get more either that or they have done their 3x 30 days then got a 60 tourist visa extended then going back..but then again before i got my B and was doing that ...they were oky with people doing 3 x visa exempt then a 60 tourist extended then back onto visa exempt and thats not 90 days every 6 months thats 90days every 180..and to be honest if i think about it how can you clarify what the remainding time is as 6 months is different depending on what time in the calendar you start!!

    I dunno the thai visa system...

  2. Hi,

    I have been reading a few posts about people installing SP1 and would just like to put let the normal user know a few things..

    At present the SP1 avilable is a release candidate which means it is beta software and hasnt been offically released to the public yet, which therefore means that it 'could' be buggy and as its timed you will have to un-install it anyway...

    The problem with service packs are they intergrate very neatly into the original software by the systems files being replaced therefore when it come to actually having to un-install it you could find yourself with more problems than you had before you had when you installed it...

    i hve installed the RC1 the other day and to be honest apart from the slight and i do mean slight increase in copying files there isnt any other advantages..still problems with USB etc..but then again im an engineer so i have no problems with re-installing my machine at any time, but for those who use it as there own personal PC i would recommend you wait for the offical release to come in the next few weeks..

    If you real feel you need to put SP1 RC1 on then i would strongly recommend you do a full Vista OS backup first which as you all probably aware Vista does a good job of..

    Hope this helps

  3. Is this a different "Release Candidate 1" (RC1) that you posted about on 12-12-2007 in Windows Vista Sp1 Rc, Released to Public just 1 hour ago! Download at MS?

    I downloaded and installed last month's RC1, and it is displayed on the desktop as "Build 6001," and in Control Panel > System as "Service Pack 1, v.668." What build/version is this newer one?

    // edited to correct link //

    Yes it's a new one. For more info go to the Microsoft website.


    It is the same one, i downloaded it Friday and have the same build numbers as you do so no need to redo it

  4. I think that anyday is a okay day there i have been a couple of times on a Monday and no probs at all, somebody posted before saying they have got a double entry recently so you might be in luck with a triple...

    I dont recall you said where you were going back to from Udon ,but if its BKK then i would look into a train journey if you cant work a flight time right.. i love it..2 leave everynight 1 at 6 and 1 at 6.45 and take 12 hours..

    Youll be hard pushed to find a bar thats open after 10 its like a ghost town their..but i do recomend a afternoon meal overlooking the mekong..very nice

  5. Vista is an absloute nightmare for copying files sometime it take like 2mins or more to copy 20mb..generally im finding that vista is buggy full stop the only problem is once you put vista on it is just that much better than XP in graphics and features that you dont want to go back..hopefully all will be resolved in SP1 when it is realeased...

    ow and how stupid is UAC!!!!

  6. Hi..

    Is that a valid you tube link to download as genreally they are something like this

    Either way the best thing by far is free download manager...not only is it good for all your downloads it will download youtube vids and then convert them automaticly to any video format you want avi.mpg etc..

    It come in 2 types the light one which is just for downloading from net or the full hog with converter uploader and even torrent(although it isnt that fast for torrents)

    hope this helps

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