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Posts posted by bkkperson

  1. 30,000 means he is not a qualified teacher.

    He is probably teaching some poor kids English.

    International schools pay way more than that.

    I see the point Bendix is making.

    Why would someone be happy paying 5k to live in a tiny room if they could afford more. If they cannot afford more , then why are they living here?

    I can understand someone coming on a 2 week cheapo holiday, but how can they be happy staying long time in a tiny room. I also cannot fathom that one out :D

    No clearly he isn't a qualified teacher i never said he was....infact like i also said none of them are teachers paying 80k or whatever it is for a tefl doesnt make you a qualified teacher..i doubt very much if 5% of the 'english teachers' are infact qualified teachers

    Why does everybody twist this room thing...why does everybody think they are small,slums and in a crap area...

    Has it ever entered anybodys head that they are happy to live in a room and dont need room after room after room...maybe while all you deadbeats are walking round your many roomed houses the people who have just one room are having a free mini break around asia on the money that they have saved...

    As long as the accomodation has what that person wants and needs does it matter if its 1, 5 or 10 rooms and whether its 5,10 or 50k... :o:D

  2. I spent 40 years living in nice large houses in the USA; I certainly didnt come to Bangkok to live in a slum in a crappy location.

    I should hope you aint with a name like 'The professor' but has anybody said that a: these are slums and b: they are in a crappy location....

    Why the fk do people keep insinuating that they have to be cr_p holes just cause they are 5k or under....

    Infact if people cant just anwser the OP's orignal then why post at all....


  3. haha.... you think your mate is really a qualified teacher? In the UK he wouldnt even get a job!

    Nah he aint a qualified teacher......but there again how many 'qualified teachers' out of the teachers working here are there???A TEFL or something doesnt make you qualified teacher like old MR Woods from back home

  4. There is also 1 small point you are missing in all this is that people who work over here don't get paid the same as they do in UK or USA or wherever so therefore the extra money saved from living in a more than adequate 30sqm room is more money to do other things with..

    Err...who told you that?! Nearly every teacher (real teacher teaching at an international school) I know is on better money when bonuses included and def better conditions than they would get back home.

    Not to mention all the expats on better cash and bonuses from a foreign posting.

    :o:D:D Please stop making me laugh my sides are going to split...

    Lets take capital city for capital city ie..london and bangkok, the average teaching wage in london is 24,600, are you trying to tell me that nearly every teacher you know is on nearly 140,000 baht before tax...if you are then ill have to tell my mate that and he will be a tad upset with his 30,000...

    As far as expats go yes there are people on a good touch, but they have more than likely been posted over here from there own country and obviously gettin home wages plus re numeration plus other tit bits..but you will be hard pushed to find an middle managment expat who has found his own job while here on good money....

    And if you can then maybe you can me PM me these agency's or recuritment's that are offering these presents

  5. That is the law , me thing, no WP mean you can not work. If you do, then it's illegal, and yes, go to jail.

    forgot to tell, people like the OP are not fellow expats to me.

    Did I hit a nerve? Are you working illegally?

    No nerves hit, work permit nice n safe..,.i just cant stand people who find it enjoyable and quite happy to see others go to jail especially in Thailand over a little thing like a work permit so f*&%^in what if he doesnt have a permit no skin off anybody's nose if he wants to run the risk so be it..and just because he posted saying about all the grumps he has suddenly become public enemy number 1....grow up

  6. Living in ANY pissant shit-hole yet 'developing' third world country can be taxing on a person. Firstly there is the language barrier; which many long term residents cannot breach. That in turn contributes to limited social interaction, which only increases a person's perception of the idiosyncratic often oxymoronic cultural differences which can further divide a first worlder's ideals from the third world inhabitants here. The very things which many people initially found so endearing turn out to be very wearing after the rose colored glasses come off.

    And you seem to be the most bitter of all the post's...why o why would any self respecting person choose to live in what they describe as a pissant shit hole....i couldn't even begin to worry what is going through your head...you really do come across some on TV

  7. ]

    I have not been on Thaivisa.com/forum for too long, but already I have seen this same thread over and over and over again.

    Really, I don't think it is that uncommon for older folks to be complainers. My parents (Buddha bless them) are just reaching their 70's,

    have everything, comfortable lifestyle, but they tend to be complainers. "Honey answer the phone", "cannot, you answer it" it's like a bad sitcom "I always have to answer the phone". They have a &lt;deleted&gt; answering machine !!!! I have to remind them neither has to answer, listen to the machine when you feel like it.

    Can I suggest that once you get over 60, you just tend to get irritated more easily?

    P.S. unless you plan on living until you are 112, you are not middleaged.

    Yeah but reachin your 70's fair enough but some of the grumps are like 40.....

    and bear in mind that the majority have it much better now than before....

  8. Dear Divers,

    Please help me doing the questionnaire "Influences of Marketing Factors on Diving Trip Selection" as in the link below. I am studying MBA (International Business) at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand and this questionnaire is for my IS (Independent Study) which is one subject of the course. I need to collect a total of 400 questionnaires which are really many. Please help a poor student to finish her degree.


    Thank you in advance and wish you always have happy divings.

    Best regards,

    Sorry would love to help you but my speciality diving is not listed on your questionaire....


  9. In fact ..... let me think .... I bet he is here on a retired visa (O or something, maybe marriage one), and he publicly clain he is doing work.

    Unless he does have a WP, he is simply an illegal foreign worker in Thailand, and he should be send to jail. Am I right? His attitude from the start denote not only bad behavior for the fellow expats, but a very bad behavior with respect for Thai culture and Thai laws.

    I am supposing he is simply another Troll.

    Get real , you old man

    Wow wow wow..your being a tad presumptious arn't ya...how do you know he hasnt got a business, work permit etc...

    as far as troll's go im thinking that is you....and i like YOUR attitude to your fellow expats by even suggesting that someone should be flung in a Thai jail for not having a work permit(if indeed he doesn't) what type of idiot are you...

  10. I agree..as a general rule golf is cheap here...

    When they were planning there clientele the average Thai construction worker probably wasn't at the top of their list...

    Bear in mind golf is an expensive game and not for the average joe whether you live in Thailand, USA or UK

  11. Well there's a reason a guy married to a stunner half his age is up ranting on the internet at half past one in the morning, and its probably the same reason why a 56 year old woman back in the UK is glad rid of him.

    He already said he was workin..read the threads...

  12. Your files on D which you want to protect are probably visible to the guest account because they are not located in your "My Documents" folder. When you create a new user account in Windows, there is an option to "keep your files private" and if selected all files stored in your My Documents folder will be inaccessible to other users.

    The easiest solution would be to first create a new user with administrator rights via your control panel and ensure that it is set to keep your files private. This will ensure that your main user account has the correct permissions. Following on from that, your My Documents folder is by default set to be stored on your C drive. You can change the store location by right clicking on the My Documents folder on your desktop and changing the store path to your D drive. Once you have accomplished this, just move all of your files from your D drive into your protected My Documents folder, and finally, delete your old user account (which may not have the correct permissions on it). In the end you will be left with two accounts, your main account plus the guest account which will not have access to your protected files. And remember to set a password on your main user account.

    You can achieve all of this without any third party software add-on which is unnecessary if you configure Windows as outlined. Hope this helps.

    Why would he want to delete his own user account, i would assume he is the admin of the pc...its just a simple permissions on the d drive..very easy

  13. You can have your wife's UK immigration conditions transferred to the new passport, but the BIA will charge for that. You're better off just carrying the old and the new passports together.


    Can you do that, can you?? I thought that once you get a new passport then the old one is invalid and you have to change your visa into your new passport???well you do here anyway.....

    interested to know this

  14. So in a nutshell..

    All of us that live in a room for 5k or less are very happy and...

    all those who pay sh1t loads like to brag about it and are not happy and think everybody who is western should live in the best houses in Bangkok regardless of what they can afford..

    To the OP..bck on topic..regardless of what the snot's say there are loads of good clean room's/studio's for 5 or less, just pick an area which you like then go have a look and just ask at places.. you will find one....

    If you can find a place with a nice big balacony that will be a blessing...

  15. when they say 14k lifetime does that mean that you never have to pay another penny to use cal wow???

    If that is the case then it is a bargain to say the least but i recon that there would still be a monthly fee on top...

    Do they have Short time rooms there???

  16. While looking for new accommodations recently, I found two great ones. I took the one closest to my school and thought I would pass on info on the remaining one to anyone who is interested. 4000B/mo...2 bedrooms, furnished, east of Superhighway, end unit with internet connection and tv with cable. Email me for more information at [email protected].

    and occasionaly you come across a genuine helpful post......

    nice 1 buddy for being thoughtful

    and its a dam_n pity i dont live in that area as it sounds a right bargain

  17. Here we go again...OP question was if there was any lower price condos in Bangkok and the experience eventual of it. All replied in a decent way, then our amighty Beadickx. just had to tell that he thinks it strange and that he lives in a more expensive condo. Everyone is in diffrent stages of life. Everyone have diffrent finances.

    We all have diffrent reasons for choosing a "less expensive" living. For me, I rather live in a condo for 30.000k and have 150.000k for spending on fun stuff than vice verca.

    At the moment I pay 45.000k for my 1 bedroom, but I did not say so because it wasn´t in OPs intrest.

    Here here ill second that

  18. Or you could have a trained professional (me) work some magic... she won't even know it's there let alone that she can't access it...

    Maybe as a trained professional you could tell us what this magic is apart from running a 3rd party app..which isnt so trained

  19. Take a look at the programmer's hierarchy, that makes it pretty clear :o

    Now fancy finding a treat like that on TV... The programmers hierarchy.......ouch ouch ouch scorchin....

    But i dont see the 'video programmer' listed

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