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Posts posted by phil2

  1. I paid over 10,000 for a similar job on my old Honda, so yeah the cheap price quote made me sort of doubt their honesty, but they didn't seem to be trying to "sell" me, plus the shop was both really busy and kind of rough looking. Also on the bright side, that Honda's been reliable since that repair, maybe it'll do the trick on the Peugeot as well.

    Regarding a diesel pickup truck - I really don't like trucks, nor do I think "a nice one" would be within my budget.

    On heads: they sure are a lot if trouble! Until I moved over here I only ever drove cast-iron v-8 American cars, so I got used to cars simply running trouble- and expense-free for 250-300,000 miles. Didn't realize how spoiled I was.

    It costs me about less than 5,000 to do it here in BKK, including parts and machining.

    Mine failed because the car was persistently overheating at the time.

  2. 27 bottles of beer, food, VIP section with 4 'ladies' all night.

    14000, doesn't sound like a scam to me.

    Cheap Charlie Communist Chinese.... sort of has a ring to it.

    Happened to me and some friends at Ubon a long time ago. We didn't invite the ladies. They joined us and started drinking and eating with us. Then the bill came, but we refused to pay. We asked them to list what we bought, and to our surprise, there was an entry for tip and another one for the ladies. When we asked them why we had to pay the ladies, they said they sat with us for hours. We'd already tipped them for singing, as well as buying them flowers.

    We told them they weren't invited, but that we allowed them to drink and eat with us because of our good nature. We paid for only the food and drinks and left. I've never been a a Karaoke bar since then.

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  3. The only way to end this madness is for immediate reciprocation from western nations to make the sons and daughters of the Thai elite start visa running - with clear doubts over their re-entry being cast. Once these little darlings have been forced to leave their luxury dwellings to flit off to Calais or other migrant infested hellholes with no real idea when or if they will be allowed to return, there will be an awakening.

    And then perhaps Thailand will require all tourists from say the UK, to have visas, as the UK requires of them.

    That would be reciprocation too.

    It would, but it wouldn't be smart at all.

    People from western countries come to Thailand by hundreds of thousands as tourists and spend money here.

    People from Thailand go to western countries to work (if they can), a few go to study, and a few others actually go to travel.

    True, but many westerners live and work here illegally. I've worked with hundreds of them.

  4. facepalm.gif Yes fuel injected cars have a throttle body, 8 of them are best , but you will have one.

    First of all have you checked the air filter and all pipes related to it from the air inlet to the engine.

    It sounds like an air problem to me.As in an air leak, Knackered hose or gasket. Replacing a throttle body would require replacing the gasket. Replacing the gasket more likely did the trick than replacing the throttle body. I suppose it could have corroded and jammed or needed adjusting but...

    As said on the other thread leaving a car standing for 5 years in a country with this weather you will have knackered pipes, seals, boots, o rings and gaskets. I imagine the next 6 months you will be chasing your tail finding more and more.

    The problem IMO (while I'm completely knackered) is air inlet related due to a failed pipe, seal or gasket. Inlet manifold gasket, throttle body gasket, anything in the air filter system or even fuel injector seals.

    You could remove your plugs and see what the condition of them is which may give you a clue.

    Oh my car has the same problem, it cuts out for a second or so, it has a habit of doing this when you need to accelerate away from u-turns, but Volvo decided to do this themselves and call it E-drive. facepalm.gif

    I changed a lot of stuffs within the first month of getting mine as a pre-emptive measure, and I've not been able to find the exact spark plugs that came with mine in any of the Peugeot shops in BKK. Another thing that I was told (at Peugeot Bangkok and by some other people ) was that the Peugeot 405 engines are not LPG/NGV friendly.

  5. I saw a funny interview with him recently where the interviewer expressed surprise that he was up to date on very current American t.v. series and seemed to be implicitly asking him how does that happen in Russia. Snowden has a pattern of talking that way to show his life is super peachy in Putin's Russia ... not in Siberia.

    You could see the awkwardness on his face. It was pretty clear to me he gets them through torrents (or he would have just said how gets them legally) and given his high profile as a whistle blower, there was no way he was going to state that on t.v. He basically acted like the comment wasn't even made ... and just talked about something else. Not saying it's a big deal that he probably uses torrents ... it's just funny considering how he projects himself as a holier than thou truth warrior.

    There's cable, as well as satellite TV in Russia, and I know there are lots of Americans living and working there. Also, AME is the preferred version of the English language in Russia, so it'd make sense for them to receive American TV programs there. Are you not aware that Netflix works (through VPN) outside mainland USA?

    He had those questions at his disposal before the interview.

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