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Posts posted by phil2

  1. the graduation process, at times can be subjected to bias, what ever the Thai MA or PH.D students experienced in the west, you may experience the receiving end of payback, especially with the committees that are composed of this mindset, whatever the Thai must comply graduation requirement so should the westerner.

    However, the experience of higher education, studies in Thai.. can be interesting.. There are some excellent MA instructor out there.. yet, it does not compensate for the ones that sit behind their computer and read out the power point, and ask for a paper and a means of a learning experience... without any discussion..


    MA Grad from the Thai system

    Correct from my own experience.

  2. KMITL said its own investigation team had detected irregular activities in the institute's four bank accounts from July 29, 2012, to December 2 this year

    The transactions took place under three recent KMITL administrations

    Kitti Teeraset (July 13, 2008-July 12, 2012)

    Thawil Puengma (July 20, 2012-November 27, 2013); and acting rector Monai Krairiksh (November 28, 2013- present)

    July 29, 2012, to December 2 this year = Kitti Teeraset (July 13, 2008-July 12, 2012) ??????

  3. This narrative from a person that refuses to speak on record is typical of a country that that uses the word "democracy" to push their own agenda whether what they are pushing is democratic or not. If the US supported democracy they would not have been involved in over 35 seizers of power since the 1940's. If they supported democracy they would not have achieved the following;

    1. Iran. 1953. Mohammad Pahlavi takes power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He topples the flourishing and popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadeq.

    2. Ecuador. 1963. The CIA back a military coup that overthrows President Arosemana, because of his independent policies. A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins abusing human rights.

    3. El Salvador. 1963. Jose Duarte wins the election, but is immediately removed and exiled by the USA backed military. Just 14 families run most of the country's businesses, mainly coffee growing.

    4. South Korea. 1979. General Chun Doo-Hwan takes power in a coup. His regime is armed and supported by the USA. One year later, the general orders the killing of hundreds of civilians in Kwangju.

    5. Chad. 1981. In 1981. The CIA set up, financed and trained a Chadian military force in Sudan. Led by Hissen Habré, this force overthrows the government of Chad, ruling for 8 years with American support. Habré's regime would kill tens of thousands of people and torture over 200,000. Many dissidents would simply disappear. In 2000, Habré would be tried for his crimes in Senegal.

    I have about 30 more examples too.

    America doesn't need me to bash them. History speaks on my behalf.

    Well said. They never mind their own dirty business.

    Charles Taylor was supposed to be in an American jail while he was busy waging war against the then Liberian president.

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  4. I'm from a culture where dowry is paid before marriage. It's only paid as a sign of respect to the family of the bride, and it's usually what can be conveniently returned upon divorce that's usually asked for, aside from the petty gifts to members of her family. My niece got married two weeks ago and the bride price was about $13 equivalent.

    Women are not commodities that can be bought and sold. That was the reason I refused to pay 100k (instead of the initial 10k) when I was asked for it.

  5. Five law students of Khon Kaen University on Wednesday greeted visiting Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha with anti-coup gesture before being escorted out of the hall

    Prayut, who was visiting Khon Kaen province to observe the drought situation, was speaking on the stage, when the three students showed no-coup gesture and tore off their shirts revealing black tshirts emblazoned with "No Coup".

    three, or five?

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