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Posts posted by Insight

  1. Police Arrest PM's Twitter Acct Hacker

    Authorities have revealed that police have arrested a man who is believed to have hacked into the prime minister's personal Twitter account. At this time, they think that he worked alone in the operation. The ICT Ministry is scheduled to hold a press conference on the issue today at 2 P.M.


    -- Tan Network 2011-10-05


    What's the odds they parade him wearing a yellow shirt and big, thick rimmed glasses?

  2. Anudith insists that police have identified who was behind the hacking but has declined to reveal a name to prevent the suspect from escaping.


    He's probably just saying that to make the hacker paranoid and afraid... punishment enough, I'd say.

    I know, you know and the person who guessed her password hacker knows that if the police had any idea who was behind this, they would of pulled them into the cop shop by now. Trying to play face-saving mind games like this is just adding to their already poor reputation for incompetence.

  3. The well-orchestrated reaction by public bureaucrats with widely published photos of them and elite university students giving the coup soldiers flowers and food was clearly a public relations stunt intended to soften the appearance of the crime which had just been committed.

    If you have any evidence of this then please bring it to the forum. I know a good number of regular, Bangkok working people who also let their gratitude known to the army; bugger all "orchestrated" about it. They were utterly fed up with Thaksin's money making schemes (at their tax-paying expense), and even more fed up with his inability to hold a straight election.

    The coup, for them, was a genuine relief - hence the show of gratitude.

    And yes, Thaksin had his nice little Asian get-together which served to be a great photo-op. But what about the lengths he went to to prevent another Asian get-together taking place in Pattaya in his absence...?

  4. a bit of history about Nongpanee Mahadthai

    SOURCE: http://bk.asia-city....panee-mahadthai

    I have been singing for nine years. My parents both did likay and I dreamed of being like them since I was young. But when I grew up, I realized that I wanted to be a singer, after I was in a singing competition at school.

    My mom really supports me being a singer.

    I moved from Angthong to Supanburi to study at Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi Suphanburi Campus. I am a second-year student of management.

    Sounds like the typical nonsense you read on sites like Tagged, next to countless.. ahem... interesting pics of themselves.

  5. Mildly amusing but not exactly in the same category of amazing as when Suthep and his buddies forgot the military had used live rounds

    What do you expect them to use when a bunch of red shirt lunatics are shooting at them and throwing Red Bull bottle bombs?

    Hammered and Bob.... Up a tree....

  6. The Democrat supporters above seem to be suffering from severe case of sour grapes.

    Both sides contested the election vigorously.

    Elections the world over are dirty and promises made by all sides but in the end the voters decide.

    The PTP won.

    Get over it.

    Yep, all opposition parties the world over should give up, pack up and leave the winners to it.

    You haven't been attending "democracy schools" up north, by any chance?

    No I haven't but do believe the winners should govern and not be threatened with another illegal coup

    just because a minority don't like the election result. Sure both sides fought as dirty as they could get away with

    but the people spoke and moaning about it now is just sour grapes.

    Your team lost, accept it and try to make constructive suggestions as to how they they can improve their appeal to the electorate. Crying "fix" or calling for a coup is not going to help and certainly doesn't help your cause.

    The democrats lost so now their supporters think another coup would be a good idea.

    Who is vocally supporting a coup here or in the Democrats?

  7. The Democrat supporters above seem to be suffering from severe case of sour grapes.

    Both sides contested the election vigorously.

    Elections the world over are dirty and promises made by all sides but in the end the voters decide.

    The PTP won.

    Get over it.

    Yep, all opposition parties the world over should give up, pack up and leave the winners to it.

    You haven't been attending "democracy schools" up north, by any chance?

  8. Thanks for posting.

    Nice audio on the Red Shirt grenade launch.

    btw, rixalex... you're not alone in your astonishment.


    No problem. Couple this with the infamous doctored audio recording of Abhisit, along with the fake claims about the army murders beforehand (army supposedly killing soldiers for betraying orders to shoot at red shirts - all proven lies), and it becomes pretty clear the whole campagin was a massive attempt to smear Abhisit, the army, and everybody else with authority who opposed Thaksin.

    You can preach to the converted as much as you like, set up straw man arguments (doctored recordings etc), chatter hysterical propaganda but the awkward fact remains Abhisit has a case to answer on the deaths of civilians.In the official enquiries the army has refused to co-operate.To date the HRW report is (shockingly in my view) the only reliable report available but there are still many unanswered questions (including I agree the behaviour of redshirts).Abhisit as much as the army has tried to wriggle out of any kind of accountability.Despite all efforts this issue like this can't be swept away.Ask Mubarak.

    I won't patronise you with any more clips of the red shirts repeatedly antagonising the army for days on end with both improvised and real weapons - there's enough of them out there on YouTube and elsewhere, but are you attempting to say that the doctored recording, along with these actions, were not part of a greater plan...?

    And as for "Abhisit as much as the army has tried to wriggle out of any kind of accountability", IFAIR Abhisit has repeatedly stated he is prepared to answer questions about the clampdown, and has already stood through a parliament session - full of childish and pathetic shouted accusations from the likes of Chalerm and Juttaporn - and walked away with his reputation unscathed.

    As much as the red shirts have tried - and tried they certainly have, they cannot attribute the cowardice displayed by Thaksin to Abhisit.

    /edit - as for the Mubarak analogy, you mean we might see see nellies manned by Thai cops storming into Ratchaprasong...? What protesters will they be chasing away...?

  9. Thanks for posting.

    Nice audio on the Red Shirt grenade launch.

    btw, rixalex... you're not alone in your astonishment.


    No problem. Couple this with the infamous doctored audio recording of Abhisit, along with the fake claims about the army murders beforehand (army supposedly killing soldiers for betraying orders to shoot at red shirts - all proven lies), and it becomes pretty clear the whole campagin was a massive attempt to smear Abhisit, the army, and everybody else with authority who opposed Thaksin.

  10. He may even get to have a bunch more people shot on his carefully engineered PMship again too.

    With regards, "He may even get to have a bunch more people shot", and the implied characterisation of Abhisit as being some sort of trigger-happy despot with no regard for human life, i find it sad to see a well-respected member of this forum speaking so flippantly and sarcastically about such a serious matter.

    Almost as if someone has hacked into your account.

    People were shot and as the leader of the country and the one in charge of the army (dont laugh) the buck stops with him. Personally I dont believe puppets order killings, puppet masters order killings. I wish the 'name and shame' committee would produce an interim report quickly so some of us can have a laugh at some tv members blustering out their excuses. Truth is Abhisit and his masters did not and were not going to produce a report with any conclusive findings, they could not even get the army to give evidence in 14 months.

    On the other hand only last week the new C in C of the army publicly stated that the army officers would accept responsibility, if found guilty, it was not the fault of the foot soldiers(correct) it was the people who gave the orders. I did post a link previously but the post was deleted because I linked to the opposition (apologies). The fun has not yet begun for Mr Abhisit and I truly hope at the least he has many sleepless nights.

    Here's some much needed perspective on which "people were shot"

    IMO they got off very lightly indeed. But carrying on milking it - that is part of the plan, after all.

  11. BANGKOK, Sept 14 - A group of anti-Red Shirt activists on Wednesday said it would rally in the capital on Friday to protest the move seeking a royal pardon for fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra this Friday.

    Have they picked a colour yet?? First rule of marketing, it isn't enough to be "anti". I go with harlequin, quarters.

    I reckon BROWN, as in hitting the fan ...

    Pick a colour any colour, but either way, this pardon is going to happen, and no amount of foot stomping is going to stop it. It ain't right, but it is absolutely inevitable. If they don't get it this way, they are going to get it some other way. Who really knows how many skeletons any of these protagonists have in their cupboard?

    I'm pretty sure if the skeletons were damaging enough we would of started seeing them by now. Not released in Thailand, of course, but through his "lawyer" friend over in Canada. All what we've seen so far is unsubstantiated gossip from all sides.

    /edit to add - a few days before Thaksin's red shirts started their armed siege of the city last year,

    there was a photo which featured on several newspapers containing Abhisit and somebody else pretty well known (along with his pet dog). The conversation between the two people is also the subject of much gossip, with (IIRC) Asia Times attributing it to this whole pardon affair and how unlikely it is ever going to happen.

  12. I have little doubt that the PAD, the yellows, the multicolours (they are all the same) could be mobilised again.It is however now very clear that this grouping initially idealistic but subsequently it seems deteriorating into a ragged mob of Chinese grannies and louts is only allowed off the leash when it suits the elite.We know for certain the PAD activity was deeply disapproved of at the most important elite levels.Anyway the key issue as regards Thaksin is what deal has already been done.If Thaksin breaches the understanding then street protests could be mobilised again.The frustrating thing for us lot is that apart from a tantalising insight from Crispin we don't know the full details, although I think it's clear Thaksin has had a sizeable part of his loot returned.


    This is all under the assumption that any future anti-Thaksin will take the form of the groups you suggest. Perhaps for the so-called "multis", but the PAD have definitely had their day - and it's not because love for Thaksin is on the rise. I personally wonder how much of a role social media will play in all this; despite the positive election results this is not an area the current government excels - quite the opposite, in fact.

    Anyways, momentum on both sides seems to be building towards Dec 5th (dunno why that date specifically), so will be interesting to see how things develop up until then and on that date.

  13. Absolutely.

    Both were democratically elected and both were denied their democratic right to lead their country by a military coup

    Aug San Syu Kii. has spent the past 20 years under house arrest (15 out of 20 to be more precise) with absolutely no result.

    In 5 years, from his exile, Thaksin was able to defeat the junta and restore a democratically elected government in Thailand.

    And honestly Yingluck looks much better that Aug San Syu Kii.

    Thailand 2 - 0 Burma


    There's enough spin in this post to put a satellite in orbit.

    Amazing what you can do with a few billion ripped-off baht. I prefer the Aug San Syu Kii method, personally...

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