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Posts posted by billd766

  1. I cannot say about the IQ results but my son is 14 months old and my wife and I do our best to make sure that he eats REAL food and not junk food. Unfortunately my wifes brother, S, in Law and their son (nearly 4) and a friend with her 4 year old daughter are staying with us and it is a hard job stopping our son when he sees them eating junk food. It works most of the time whenwe tell them but sometimes the kids give him some and then cry when I shout at them.

    None of them work so they have ample time to cook fresh but they go to 7/11 and places like that and buy junk for their kids.

    It drives me crazy at times.

    Since we lived up country most of the food that I eat is local though I do have toast and butter/flora and some processed foods but that is mostly for me. I am sure that I feel a bit healthier now that I also have cut back on junk foods. On the other hand when I go to the supermarket every week or 10 days I pig out on KFC but not McD as I dont like their food.

  2. My firend came out from the US for six months this year. My girlfriend offered to lend her name so he could get a mobile with GPRS, long distance calling etc.  My friend went back two months ago and soon after my girlfriend receives a bill from CAT for 25,000 baht worth of calls to the US. My friend says he doesn't have the money, but maybe can pay someting each month. Needless to say, I'm not real impressed.

    CAT sent a letter today saying that if its not received in 15 days they will pursue legal action.

    Does anyone know what exactly they will do?

    Will they garnish her wages?

    Do Thais have credit reports and will this end up as a blemish on her credit report?

    Is CAT like some US companies that will work out monthly pay plans?

    I could cover it all, but I would rather wait until I recoup the money from my friend or use his monthly payments to me to pay it down slowly.

    Thanks for any advice.

    If it was my "friend" who came over here for 6 months and my girlfriend who did him the favour then I would pay the debt myself because after all is is my girlfriend who has the direct problem with CAT. I would then explain to my "friend" that he owes ME the 25,000 baht or $600 + dollars and that I want MY money now. If he can afford to come to Thailand for 6 months then he can afford the money he owes. If he does not pay up then write him off as any sort of "friend" as he is obviously a cheap charlie and willing to run up debts on somebody elses account and then walk away saying "Sorry about that".

    Alternatively if he does come out again I am sure that you will be able to find someone who would help you recover your debt for a reasonable commission.

  3. I did mine last month but before I did it officially I asked the staff exactly what they needed and that is what I brought including a pile of spare photocopies but the only thing I did not bring was my wife (she was at the hospital with our baby son) and they gave me a 2 week extension to get her there as I gave them a letter from the hospital confirming it.

    It is so easy just to keep all the originals in one place and just update the changing ones every year.

    It works for me.

    edited for bad spelling again

  4. I did it the very easy and cheap way.

    I paid for the land, the house etc myself then I said to my wife, Its all yours.

    I love you very much and this is one way that you will have security after I have gone.

    I suppose it cost me less than £30,000 for 15 rai of land, 3 houses and everything else.

    If I had it in my own name and I die it will go to my wife anyway.

    In the event of a divorce that is all I will lose.

    When I divorced my UK wife it cost me everything I had plus alimony of £20,000 a year for 5 years so even then with the mortgage and house in joint names it cost me far more than it will ever cost me here.

    Besides what would I do with the house and land anyway. If my wife divorced me and left I would have to give her at least a half plus alimony.

    I wouldn't want to live here without my wife and family and a Farang selling a house up in the country would get very little if he could find somebody who wanted it.

    If I was into the marriage for money and a prenuptual agreement I wouldn't want to be in it anyway.

    I married because I loved my wife and I still do even more now as we have a 14 month old son. Money and land are only worth what you want them to be. You can't take it with you so share the pleasure of it while yoy are alive. If you are so worried about your wife owning everything and leaving you with nothing perhaps you should reconsider what you marriage is worth to you.

    If it is money and land and not love and trust you may be in the wrong place in your life.

  5. I live in one of the huge chunk's of Thailand that are'nt in your pole....the bit in the middle, between BKK and Chaing Mai.......Central Thailand  I think it's called due to.....well being in the middle

    'I live down the road from RC' ! :o

    And I live right up the the road from RC.

    I am a little confused about RC.

    A welshman cattle farming? Sheep I can understand, mountain goats possibly, down the pit or in the steelworks, maybe. But cows?????

    RC, sorry about that but the Sangsom has just kicked in again


    No probs mate, when Chinat1 is back here, we'll have to have a "central thai" pissup...towards the end of the month :D

    I should be up for that cos I can get an overnight pass from the wife.

    Do you have any of that paintstripper left that we drank last time?

    Gallons of it mate :D I'll sort some dates out and give you a bell, prob right at the end of the month, an other one of the "Chinat" crowd may be here by then as well.


    Oh Sh1t

    I had a wicked hangover the next morning as well, and er indoors told me that she forgot to say I could stay overnight.

    I will bring some bacon if you have the eggs.

    Bacon, eggs, fried bread and some of last nights haedy brew, what a breakfast.

  6. I got married in the UK and I did not pay any sin sot. On the other hand I do support my wifes parents who are my age (her Dad is a couple of years older and her Mum a couple of years younger) and he is retired.

    My wifes second brother did pay sin sot and I went to the evening part of the wedding and as far as I know most of the money was returned.

    He drives a mini bus in BKK but is having a "legal" problem with the company he was working through (it cost him 200,000 baht to get "permission" to usew the bus on a route plus xxxx amount a month).

    He was given a health warning (asking for your money back can be dangerous to your health) and is now staying with us for a while.

    Family is family anyway so it is no big deal to us.

    We are paying the repayments on his mini bus and when it is sorted out he will pay us back (or not, mai pen rai).


  7. I live in one of the huge chunk's of Thailand that are'nt in your pole....the bit in the middle, between BKK and Chaing Mai.......Central Thailand  I think it's called due to.....well being in the middle

    'I live down the road from RC' ! :o

    And I live right up the the road from RC.

    I am a little confused about RC.

    A welshman cattle farming? Sheep I can understand, mountain goats possibly, down the pit or in the steelworks, maybe. But cows?????

    RC, sorry about that but the Sangsom has just kicked in again


    No probs mate, when Chinat1 is back here, we'll have to have a "central thai" pissup...towards the end of the month :D

    I should be up for that cos I can get an overnight pass from the wife.

    Do you have any of that paintstripper left that we drank last time?

  8. I live in one of the huge chunk's of Thailand that are'nt in your pole....the bit in the middle, between BKK and Chaing Mai.......Central Thailand  I think it's called due to.....well being in the middle

    'I live down the road from RC' ! :o

    And I live right up the the road from RC.

    I am a little confused about RC.

    A welshman cattle farming? Sheep I can understand, mountain goats possibly, down the pit or in the steelworks, maybe. But cows?????

    RC, sorry about that but the Sangsom has just kicked in again


  9. I have a Ford Ranger 4 door 4x4 pickup nearly 4 years old with 112,xxx km on the clock. I am still using the original tyres except for the offside front which was replaced due to a steering fault (fixed under warranty). They are Michelin LTX A/T 235/75 x 15 and they have about another 10,000 km left before I want to replace them

    Last time I was in BKK I priced them out at 4,000 baht each and I am not sure whether to replace them now or later.

    I always believe that no matter how big or small, cheap or expensive your vehicle is, your life really depends on 4 bits of rubber that are the only things that keep you on the road.

    So how much is the life of you and your family worth?

    I know that I can get another car or whatever as that is only money, but replace my wife and son, there is not enough money in the world to replace them.

  10. I have a Ford Ranger 4 door 4x4 pickup nearly 4 years old with 112,xxx km on the clock. I am still using the original tyres except for the offside front which was replaced due to a steering fault (fixed under warranty). They are Michelin LTX A/T 235/75 x 15 and they have about another 10,000 km left before I want to replace them

    Last time I was in BKK I priced them out at 4,000 baht each and I am not sure whether to replace them now or later.

    I always believe that no matter how big or small, cheap or expensive your vehicle is, your life really depends on 4 bits of rubber that are the only things that keep you on the road.

    So how much is the life of you and your family worth?

  11. Other PDDs include a curious smoked plastic device that attaches to the front of the hood and large diameter tubes bent into strange shapes and attached to the front of the vehicle seemingly to interfere with the airflow through the radiator.

    The smoked plastic device on the hood? (bonnet) of the vehicle is basically a poor quality bug deflector at least on my pickup its as the windscreen still gets splattered.

    The large diameter tubes are simply designed to kill and more pedestrian and other assorted road users more quickly and with more pain and less damage to the vehicle.

    As for the rest you should know by now that the more bolt on goodies, large exhaust pipes, badly designed wind spoilers are simply in the inverse ratio of brain cells and penis (can I say that word?) sizes. The more and the bigger they are the smaller is the brain and penis size.

    I have recently returned from Pakistan where the roof racks on buses and pickup carriers are actually used to double the carrying capacity of the already overloaded vehicles.

  12. Up country here where I live we get this most days and the biggest problem we have is getting the soil back off the road and back onto the land. The other problems are making sure that the water runs down the ditches we are digging and not down the drive making ruts and trying to get the fish pond to fill up.

    Apart from that I love it when it rains and thunders, apart from as mentioned when the electricity goes out, again.

  13. I may not be 100% correct but I think that if you are a legal child of Thai and non-Thai parents you are eligible for a passport from each country. However for example the mother is British then the child at its children are entitled to a British passport through several generations. But if the father is British then the entitlement for a British passport only runs for that child and not for its children.

    This only applies in any case if the parent is born of British parents by descent and not by immigration or naturalisation.

    This does not apply if the child is illegitimate or adopted as there is no entitlement to a British passport at all.

    It is interesting that the mother is permitted to pass on the entitlement and not the father.

    It could be a good case for the European Court of Human Rights to deal with.

  14. I used to buy the Bangkok Post when i was in Thailand and read it on the internet beause I liked the way that Bernard Trink wrote.

    When the Post dropped Bernard Trink, I dropped the Post as i dont think that much of it as a newspaper.

    As for sending money to help him out, I would willingly do so simply for the pleasure that his writing has given me over the years.

    From what little I have read of Stickman, all I can do is quote part of a song,

    "That don't impress me much".

    Unfortunately as you get older you tend to lose your true friends as they tend to die off, most people forget you and the younger generations response is usually "Bernard Who"?

  15. My wife actually won the lottery last week using some of the numbers I suggested and the first thing she did was to go out and buy me a brand new 6 door stretched limo.

    Mind you she only won 350 baht and it was a plastic toy limo but the thought was there.

    If it was 20m Baht, I would give most of it to my wife, keep 1m for me, and invest some in the future of Thailand, the poor children up country where I live. I would try to send one boy and one girl from here to university every year and pay all the living costs for as long as the money was available.

  16. There are 3 major rules for men dealing with women

    1. clean up after yourself, I am not your mother

    2. tell me what you are thinking/feeling (first major mistake women make of course, is assuming you are thinking or feeling anything)

    3. listen when I am talking, look at my face when I am talking not my breasts  :o

    Actually for item 3 some of us are audibly challenged (read my lips, I'm slightly deaf) and we may not always hear what you say. I doesn't mean we never listen it's also a good excuse to say "Sorry dear, no need to shout, were you talking to me?"

    Also works well in being selectively deaf. :D:D

  17. I am on Firefow 1.06 and I have the same problems.

    I find that sometimes if I stop loading the page and then reload it the d**m thing seems to work OK, and other times it just seems to lock up my GPRS connection. I switch off the mobile and reboot it, come back and refresh TV at the same place it is OK again. :o:D:D

  18. What exactly do you mean with "talkin" to other computers?

    I guess you want to share devices such as hard disk, printers, etc...

    First question: do all your computers run the same operating system?

    It's for example very easy to share a drive on a WinMe machine, so every other PC has access to it, regardless of OS. Shared drives on WinXP or Win2000 will be very hard to share towards a WinMe or Win98 PC!

    Hi Monty

    Yes that is what I meant but it was getting late and the Sangsom had kicked in.

    They are all on Windows XP Pro and I have 1 printer connected to the master, 1 external hard drive connected to 1 slave and my Internet connection is GPRS connected to the master.

  19. How can I talk to my 3 computers? I have a LAN connecting all 3 but I have no idea how to communicate from the master laptop to the 2 slaves.

    I have an IP address, a subnet mask and a default gateway but how can I talk to each computer from the master which is the Internet access point. Also I have an external hard drive with all my backup files connected to one slave and if I knew how I could cross load the back up files at 100 Mbps instead of a slow rate.


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