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Posts posted by billd766

  1. I am here because 12 years ago my company sent me here for a couple of months whch is when I first met my Thai lady. They sent me back after a year and I stayed fo about 4 years. Now we have been married 5 years and have a 1 year old ankle (now up to the knees) biter.

    We live outside of a village in the the North and it is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

    This is my wife's house as the house land etc is all in her name.


    blimey billd, that is one eck of a mast you got there, are you trying to contact life on another planet :o lovely house by the way

    It was the only way we could get 2 1/2 channels of Thai TV. The 1/2 channel ghosted so if my wife wanted to watch it the TV engineer (me) had to go outside and turn the pole and communicate with 'er indoors in the traditional manner (shouts of left, right or OK).

    Of course when she wanted another channel I had to go outside and etc, etc.

    Now I am working in Pakistan, this month she got a 2 metre sat TV dish put in and I hope that has got a motor as I am buggered if I am going to shift that a couple of millimetres at a time. I will find out what that is like when I get home.

    My wife got a friend to design the house and she spent about a year on site with the builders making sure she got what she wanted. It is good inside as well. The bottom half is brick built and the top is teak salvaged from an old house she used to own.

  2. I am here because 12 years ago my company sent me here for a couple of months whch is when I first met my Thai lady. They sent me back after a year and I stayed fo about 4 years. Now we have been married 5 years and have a 1 year old ankle (now up to the knees) biter.

    We live outside of a village in the the North and it is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

    This is my wife's house as the house land etc is all in her name.


  3. The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

    Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

    Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

    Mate, i think you are probably right here.

    Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

    maybe it's not Thailand, just me :D

    I think age has got a lot to do with it. I also would probably have got a bit bored with the old family life here if in my 30's. Now in my 50's and been everywhere and done everything I don't get bored. Besides my missus is letting me have a week's holiday in Pattaya next week, when she goes to see the folks :D:D

    See her folks? Are you that naive? She is going to see her boyfriend while you shag other Thai girls in Pattaya. She is not stupid buddy.

    Here we go again :D

    Know that for a fact do you? :D

    May I ask how old you are, if you are married to a Thai lady and how long you have actually lived in Thailand?

    Because if you are young, not married and have only been here a short time IMHO you are talking out of you a**.

    On the other hand I suspect that is where you are talking from anyway. :o

    Not sure <deleted> it has to do with you but i'm 32 and i've lived in pattaya full time for 4 years with my wife of nearly 2 years. :D

    Are all thai wives the same?

    Do you agree with this comment?- "See her folks? Are you that naive? She is going to see her boyfriend while you shag other Thai girls in Pattaya. She is not stupid buddy".

    Dave, I think billd766 was commenting on thaidancers absolutely garbage post, not about yours :D That's the way i read it anyway.

    Sorry Dave.

    I was trying to comment on thaidancers post and not yours.

    One day I will learn how to get these quotes right.

  4. ....any one else this lucky or are you stuck with the most conservative ( zenophobic ) eating culture I have experienced

    My missus is a first class cook ( Thai food)

    As for your comment, I can't agree. Thai food is not at all conservative, There is plenty of variety.

    Maybe you mean that the Thai people are unwilling to try foreign (to Them) food?

    Many western foods are expensive. I have found many Thais unimpressed with Hamburgers etc (McDonalds)(Crap) . I can't blame them for this.

    Most seem to enjoy Pizzas.

    I was not refering to the Thai food just their eating culture ....not trying other countries food ( I do not mean Pizza , KFC ans Big Macs ) Lamb , chesses, pates ,curries , baked potatoes , Mexican food , Korean Food , Greek , Proper italian ....etc ..etc etc..to quote Yul Brinner :o

    My wife has enjoyed the local food in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Portugal except goats cheese ( I have never seen her make a face like that before ) and some good pub food in the UK. We had some good curries in Portugal but if she is away from home too long she tends to suffer from papaya pok pok withdrawal symptoms.

  5. The obvious reply here is that its not Thailand thats changed but you. Have you become boring?

    Once the single party goer, now the family man, few less drinks at the clubs and more drinks in front of the tv at home.

    Have you turned Thailand into that life you was trying to escape from in your home country?

    Mate, i think you are probably right here.

    Yes, I have turned Thailand into something I never thought I would like, but with family you must change.

    maybe it's not Thailand, just me :D

    I think age has got a lot to do with it. I also would probably have got a bit bored with the old family life here if in my 30's. Now in my 50's and been everywhere and done everything I don't get bored. Besides my missus is letting me have a week's holiday in Pattaya next week, when she goes to see the folks :D:D

    See her folks? Are you that naive? She is going to see her boyfriend while you shag other Thai girls in Pattaya. She is not stupid buddy.

    Here we go again :D

    Know that for a fact do you? :D

    May I ask how old you are, if you are married to a Thai lady and how long you have actually lived in Thailand?

    Because if you are young, not married and have only been here a short time IMHO you are talking out of you a**.

    On the other hand I suspect that is where you are talking from anyway. :o

  6. Hi

    Can anyone help me please?

    I am in Pakistan and I will be back at the end of the month and I want to buy an Acer laptop and the place I went to last time was called (I think) Global Solutions on the 2nd or 3rd floor of Panthip Plaza.

    I have done a google search but I cannot find it.

    Does anyone know of it and perhaps the phone number or email/web address?

    Thanks a lot.


  7. How on earth will anybody make any profit selling a meal for 10 baht?

    I would think that the cost of the food, gas for cooking, shelter, labour and getting to and from some of the locations will cost more than 10 baht, unless the "Ministry" is supplying all the materials and not taking any cut down the line.

  8. Blows me away - I thought we were living in the tropics!?

    If only people had the money or cents to install some big f### off water tanks on their roofs or under their houses.


    If only people had the money

    Wassana Song-anand, a villager in Map Ta Phut, said there had been no water since Sunday, forcing her to buy water for Bt10 a bucket.

    “If this continues for another five days, I won’t be able to afford it. Industries grab all our water,” she said.

    A lot of people dont have the money to buy a big water tank on their roof or under their house.

    My wife and I live about 400 km north of Bangkok and last year we got caught out and had to buy water so this year I installed 14,000 litres of water storage and I still had to buy water as there was a shortage for 3 or 4 weeks. It was not a problem as we can afford it but just think how much water you personally use in a day for washing, shaving, showering, cooking, washing up, using the toilet etc and then multiply it by 4 to use the same as a family. Figure that a bucket of water is a gallon and it weighs 5 kg and then multiply that by the number of gallons you use and that is how much you have to carry. Remember each gallon will cost you 10 baht and see how much that costs per day.

    Then you can come back with a foolish remark such as you made above.

  9. Hi Guy's

    Sorry if this topic has been posted before as I am quite new to this site.

    I would like to know for the guy's whom have settled out of the cities and costal areas to country places....what was your motivation behind this and what do you most like about the areas you have settled.

    I have been living in BKK for 4yrs now and occasionally visit my wifes home town but I find it very quiet and not a place where I would like to settle for various reasons:

    Language difficuly.

    Culture shock.

    Not many places to chill and meet other farangs.

    No home comforts, cable, decent shopping ect....

    No recreational activities.

    Maybe it's just the location as it is a village not too far from Satgeaw (spelling)?

    My wife keeps saying that one day in the future she would like to settle back home, but I honestly can not see myself doing so, plus I would rather my son grow up in a more busy enviroment. Plus it would not be good for me as there is no way I could commute to work, or find any work there for that matter.

    It would be interesting to hear some positive stories on lifesyles, likes and dis-likes of country life.

    Look forward to your replies


    I live about 6 km outside of a village with my family. My wifes family live down in Samut Prakhan about 400 km away but my wife bought some land up here a few years ago.

    Language difficulty.

    Yes but it helps a lot if you can speak Thai. I can a little and it is something that I MUST do to talk to our friends etc.

    Culture shock.

    True, the people up here are so much nicer and more friendly than most places I have been and definitely better than cities.

    Not many places to chill and meet other farangs.

    I dont need to chill out so much as I am semi retired and my nearest farang neighbour is only 12 km away and RC is only 175 away.

    No home comforts, cable, decent shopping ect....

    Home comforts are really what you make for yourself, cable no, Dsat TV yes, decent shopping depends on what you need to shop for. We have 2 local markets a week plus the daily one in the village, if you mean falang stuff then Nakhon Sawan is only 125km away in the pick up every couple of weeks.

    No recreational activities.

    What recreational facilities do you need?

    I am lucky as I dont need that much.

    We grow a lot of our own food and sell stuff we dont need.

    There is a whole lot of fresh air and peaceful living and it is so quiet at night you can hear people talking 100 metres away. No pollution, no hassle, no water sometimes for several weeks at a time, friendly local people who know me in passing and we talk in their best English and my mangled Thai. Kids who laugh and smile a lot and talk to me, a good bank and a good manager, fresh wild boar every so often when the guy who works for us catches one. No rats since the snake moved in the field next door, that was fun for the dogs.

    I love it here but at the moment I am working overseas so my wife can have a fish pond, build a house extension etc.

    Hopefully in the future our son will learn to like it as well but as he is only 1 it all new and exciting to him.

    Live in a city. Not for us.

  10. We had our 5th Anniversary in April but at a distance. She was at home in Klong Lan Pattana and I was away in Lahore, Pakistan.

    Still there is always next year.

    The really bad news is that I also mised our sons 1st birthday but I will be home in a couple of weeks. I wonder if he will remember me?

  11. How far do you have to go South before you leave the North.

    I live about 400 km south of Chiang Mai and about 1400 km North of Phuket.

    It is call the Central region and is only lightly populated with farangs.

    It is very nice. :o

  12. My wife and I have an old friend and her daughter living with us and she was in a similar postion with her Thai husband so she took her daughter and left him. She went to various friends around and came to live with us in January. I have known her 12 years and my has known her for longer. As far as we are concerned she can stay with us for as long as she wishes and is a part of our family. She can be with us for 20 years or so if she wants.

    I personally hate men who hit women but on the other hand he has to sleep sometime so she could get her own back in a very painful way. The drawback to that is that she may get into deep smelly stuff with the police, possibly go to jail and lose her daughter.

    It may be better if the lady concerned leaves him to stay with family or friends to be safe.

  13. Hi yuyi

    Sorry to ask questions but I am in Pakistan at the moment but I will be back home in a couple of weeks.

    As long as you do not have some exotic hardware the switch should be smooth.

    I don't have any exotic hardware.

    A good idea is to start by trying a "Live CD" version of Linux. This let's you see how Linux might feel on your PC, without that you actually have to install it. Just don't judge the speed at that pint, running from CD is obviously slower than running from harddisk.

    Where could I get a CD.

    You could even continue using your MS Office, by getting crossover.

    Where could I get a CD.

    Or even better switch to OpenOffice. It reads and writes most MS Office flawlessly. Thus transferring your MS office documents will be an easier thing to do. (Except if you make heavy use of macros in MS Office. These macros might not run unchanged in Open office.

    Where could I get a CD.

    You could even start using Open office while still using windows, there is also a windows version of it.

    Where could I get a CD.



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