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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Interesting, so who investigates the leaders of the Justice department and the leaders of the FBI when it needs a criminal investigation done on them?
  2. I hope the jails will be large enough to hold all these Woke Dems, when the new house swings into action!
  3. Finally a leader in the house. Go Kevin,lets make America Great Again.
  4. As simple as that. Just maybe they should think about how to close the border for all the young kids in Thailand and not about the buck. They are highly infected in China, keep them there until covid gets manageable there.
  5. Nobody really knows how bad this covid 19 is coming out of China. China is saying they don't have a problem as the dead are piling up everywhere. There is really no place safe if we let the flights in.
  6. Unfortunately, a lot of these drivers are going up north as I see Bangkok plates everywhere.
  7. About time, China must stop telling so many lies and they should stop the flights out of China until covid 19 is under control.
  8. So true! We need to ban flights from China Now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YXTmnyiiQE
  9. Looks like your right, from the 8 of Jan.2023 the Chinese will be having their lunar holiday with unrestricted travel. Thailand needs to be aware of this as the covid 19 may spread to Thailand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCbHy8wxtY0
  10. Jan. 8 2023 is when the flights begin coming out of China. Will Thailand ban the flights from coming here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ-ZwfAuRPY
  11. It's obvious, Putin wants America to pay for the big reparations and when or if he pulls out of Ukraine he wants to get away with any or all war crimes, Business as usual?
  12. Your right and many minimum wage earners have not had a pay increase in years. So yes raising it to 600 baht a day is fair. .
  13. I grew up in a small town in the USA where there were 80% Jewish families. I had many friends that were Jewish and I wished them all a happy Hanukkah as they wished me a Merry Christmas, yes we all need to get along in this world.
  14. I'm sure most here would not believe me, but I will tell you anyway. When I first come to northern Thailand 15 years ago I rode a scooter with no helmet on. One day riding I ran into a swarm of bee's and go stung nearly 50 time in the face and neck. Well my face swelled up and the pain was unbearable. I went to a local doctor and he gave me some cream but it didn't work. So I went on the internet and located a Bee farm in the USA and rang them and told them my story. They advise me to do 2 things 1 to put ice on the stings than put toothpaste on the stings. At this stage I would have tried anything. It really worked so good and now I use toothpaste on all my bites and stings. PS Colgate is fine.
  15. The 3% is about 5000 files they are holding back after 60 years of Bs about his death. They owe us the truth as he was a great President. If this is a cover-up and the Government was involved we all need to know the truth right now!
  16. At the rate things are going South America will soon be one with America and who is going to pay for all these people?
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