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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. More than half of America is with me, and it's growing day by day.
  2. This is great news that President Trump is running again!!! I'm sure he will win in 2024 and that he will make America and most of the the world great again. God be with you!
  3. It's the young that want their freedom, the covid 19 protest's is just the start as the hunger for freedom is growing.
  4. Trump will run again and that's not fake. The Democrats should be worried as there is nobody in there party to run against him, and please don't say old Joe will run again, health wise he may not get passed these next two years.
  5. We all know this, but we don't know how far Putin wants to take this war.
  6. Could you really blame the man for staying at the airport? 15000 protesters in Iran mainly women are now sentence to death and no country is doing anything to help them. https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/15/iran-15000-protesters-execution-rape/
  7. It depends where you get your facts from. https://earth.org/environmental-issues-in-china/?gclid=CjwKCAiAjs2bBhACEiwALTBWZU04NEw9xYEYGrhJ0h6jD0m9wguI_uBwDZT_x5dQNrebuh1OeLS7-BoCAMIQAvD_BwE
  8. Ironic, the two biggest polluters in the world talking about climate change and doing nothing about it. What about the drugs that is killing the American youth off coming from China? Many questions never asked by Biden on his get tough with China meeting. Didn't you write them down Joe?
  9. When you are near a war zone sh-- happens. Whether it was Russia or Ukraine that fired the missiles, lets hope it's not the start of something that can go out of control.
  10. It just shows how much the Democrats are just as sick as Biden. Go Trump 2024 is waiting for you the Dems .are just so scared you will win.
  11. Unlike most, I go to a agent as I live 150 km from CM city. With any change in the rules I might have to take 2 bus trips to get what they want. My vise agent is call Star Visa and is so good, they pick me up from the bus station and take be right to imm. which I am there for less than 5 minutes, than back to the bus station. I was just there 2 days ago and it was packed.
  12. More Democrat BS, history will show Trump as one of the greatest Presidents in US history and Biden after he comes out of jail will be labeled as the worse president in US history.. You guy are backing the wrong horse as nobody wants Joe to run in 2024 not even his own party.
  13. But in the end he may not run, it's purely up to him and his family. He has taken so much Bs from the Media and from this Government that he may call it quits, If he does that the biggest losers would be the American people.
  14. Yes the red wave only happen in a few states, but as time marches on and the prices on everything keep going up and the illegal's get much better treatment that the homeless vet's, the Democrats will realize they voted for the wrong party.
  15. No and No but they will win each one. I can't help it if many people in America don't think America should be a great place to live with closed borders, like every other country in the world and to be oil, gas, and coal independent. Maybe some on this forum should take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself why are you supporting the Democrat party?
  16. The Democrats have nothing to offer, only misery to all Americans. No food , no coal, which means many will be hungry and freezing this winter. Lets hope there will be many impeachments after the Republican's win back the House and Senate. This world needs to change back the way it was and it starts now.
  17. House- R win by 44. Senate- R win by 5. Not long after Biden impeached and not long after Harris impeached, than peace at last.
  18. Don't tell me the Democrats cheating again, no ID? I wonder if the 5 million that came in on Biden's watch are trying vote in the midterm? They got everything they wanted now it's pay back?
  19. There are some that always take it one step father.
  20. Well Biden has done it again, he just said he will close down all coal production in the USA. If this happens it's going to be a cold dark winter for many. Stupid is as stupid does. Great timing Joe.
  21. You are from a different planet, everything Trump did right Biden changed, that's why America is in deep trouble. It'd a shame you can't see that as many Democrats are switching sides on the 8 of November.
  22. Well Biden is and I'm sure some of the geese might make it to the other side of the road.
  23. Maybe for you, but not for the millions of Americans that want a true leader.
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