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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. You soon get over things you miss back home and with girls like this who wouldn't.
  2. It doesn't matter whether you speak Thai or English to my cat as he always does the opposite.
  3. That will come out in the second half of the statement.
  4. There is a point in life where we must stop thinking about our selves and think about Thai people. Times are hard for them with prices going up each day on everything with no cost of living increases for those who have jobs. The government needs to think about the many not the few.
  5. For sure, It pays to be broke in Thailand because everyone knows how much you have and where you are hiding it.
  6. Arms dealers live on drugs that's how they get caught. Why all the concern over her when hundreds of Americans are still held in Afghanistan. I know your not but a lot of Dems. are.
  7. What's the Dems. new name for it? Tell it to the millions of Americans that are suffering.
  8. One druggie for another druggie that sounds fair? Don't Biden have more important things to do with his short time left, like get America out of the Recession, stop the border jumpers, less crime more police, the list goes on and on as Americans are getting more and more fed-up with the Dems.
  9. Thailand has some great beaches but what makes a great beach? In Tahiti not only are the beaches nice but the tropical fish that are swimming all around you makes it that much better. Just remember to keep your bathing suit on as the fish do get hungry.
  10. Putin, A legend in his own mind! In two years Putin won't be around win or lose with Ukraine.
  11. Some people never learn anything until it's too late. The people will always win in the end. Biden has to learn when to stop digging the huge hole America is falling into and make America his first choice not his last.
  12. It could be the start of a new episode of the Snake oil salesman
  13. I think they want monkey pox to come so they can get rid of there old vaccines at a high price to us.
  14. Very sad, only 14 and gone. The girl should have known better talking on the phone but they all do it. And yes they talk so loud that you can hear them miles away. Where I live I asked a kid getting on a motorbike with his brother a few months ago, just how old he was and he said 7 years old. The mothers and fathers should tell us why this is happening.
  15. This is great, as oil and gas from Australia will be coming down in price with a greenie in charge
  16. Your right, there is enough woke crazies' in the west without spreading their line of BS around the world. Thailand doesn't need Chinese solar panels, They need happier people in these hard times.
  17. I hope this guy wasn't in Australia, as the fingers shown in the picture mean the same as a middle finger.
  18. I wonder how the Cambodian's found him so quickly? Could if have been all those bumps all over his face and arms. Well, it's like finding a needle in a hay stack?
  19. Braking windows is better than braking heads? And are you sure they were Trump supporters?
  20. He is the Teflon man, because you Dems. can't even get him on J-walking, because he has done Nothing Wrong and he will be the next President of the USA whether you like it or not.
  21. I think it depends of the company you are buying from and how much you buy. If for any reason they think you are a reseller they will hit you with tax. So don't put all your eggs in one basket.
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