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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. This is very good ,as every animal has a right to live even stray dogs and stray cats.
  2. Do you? I would think it would be within 6 or 7 weeks. Find the link yourself as it was on one of the news stations maybe the one you follow CNN.
  3. I always thought once there is a heart beat the abortion should not continue but in the USA they want it to happen even minutes before birth, how sick is that?
  4. Where there is smoke there is fire, Ukraine has the know how to make a Dirty Bomb. There are all kinds of lies that must be exposed, no one wants this war to go nuclear not even the Russians.
  5. If you read a little about Neem you will see that it has many uses. https://food.ndtv.com/health/benefits-and-uses-of-neem-a-herb-that-heals-1231051
  6. I take Neem leaf for any worms, it's the natural way to go with little or no side effects.
  7. Maybe they should just sit the hell down and talk about it. That's what we have a UN for, make love not war, before it's too late.
  8. We to have been getting them often in Northern Chiang Mai. Remember not to run outside go in-between the door frames as that is the safest place to go.
  9. Old hobbits die hard. It will take many years before the Thai's drive following the rules of the road. Don't forget who is teaching their kids how to drive. Plus with weed being so plentiful, new ways of driving my start. God help us.
  10. If China, India, and the USA don't contribute in a gigantic way it's all for sh--.
  11. Cooking your own food is not hard, with less salt, less sugar, less fat than you get from the shops.
  12. Sad to hear, a friend of mine had Dengue and went to his doctor and was treated for something else not Dengue. He was not getting any better with the medicine he was given so he went to another Doctor and found out he had Dengue and got the right medicine. You have to be very careful of some of the doctors out there.
  13. If your open to alternatives try Lions mane mushrooms. It has helped my eyes greatly in the past few months. There is a mushroom farm in Chiang Mai that carries this mushroom.
  14. Thailand is playing both sides of the fence, thinking it would be the best way to go but in the end there can only be 2 losers in this war, and Russia with egg on it's face.
  15. This must be it, tourist? To most it is a question of right or wrong. So many women and children and old folks have died For what so Russia's can have more land? It is the largest country in the world already. When this is over there must be a world trial to make sure the guilty are punished.
  16. This war is going nowhere fast. At this rate there will be no more troops left and Putin may have to get off his butt grab a gun[if there is any left] and show everyone how it's done.
  17. I had my first taste of dog in India, couldn't read the menu, not English.
  18. I spent 4 months in India many years ago and yes they do not show anything of value not even the clothes on their back as anything can be sold there for a price. So when they come here they must have a high value placed on the insurance companies for each item.
  19. IF she runs for President it just shows that anybody can run for President. Even the 2.5 million illegal's that crossed over on Biden's watch.
  20. Too many accidents as they don't make any sound. Other drivers need to hear you as well as see you. I know of 2 riders in my area that are in the hospital for this very reason.
  21. Putin has lost and he must give up, his generals must take over and end this aggresion of Ukraine.
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