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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. But more that 90% on this forum are not Thais that are complaining about some young guys having a bit of fun. Is it because they can't ride or a little bit of noise scares them in old age?
  2. It looks like a African elephant very smart that's the one that can paint a picture. Just leave a heap of bananas and they won't want to leave the spot.
  3. How old are you guys? Cant you remember when you were young and having a bit of fun? I never complain about loud parties that go all night or the people who live across from who are always revving up their cars or the many dogs that are on the street barking all night. This is Thailand love it or leave it.
  4. Something has to give this time it looks like noodles. If the give more than they have to raise the price than nobody buys. A bit of a catch 22 for the shop owners.
  5. Sorry, are you talking about Biden???
  6. You have to be very careful when you visit countries that don't speak English as I ate dog in Vietnam and India as the menu was not in English. The education must start with the people of Thailand and not with the government, When they get a puppy they have it for life not until it gets big than they get rid of it.
  7. Just boys having FUN. If they want to catch people with no license look no further than northern Thailand. Pretty hard for 7 year old's to get a license.
  8. There are 10's of millions of Trump supporters and not are all angles like Biden supporters. But this is what Trump said about the shooting. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-las-vegas-shooter-stephen-paddock-mental-health-2017-10
  9. Maybe they should pay us, have you ever tried digging on this soil? I have broke many shovels on this dirt that's full of stones.
  10. Agree, now if only the Dem, judges would keep the bad guys in jail things will get back to normal.
  11. Why a fist bump? Maybe he didn't want the Crown Prince to feel his sweaty hand, he does look very shaky, maybe it's just the long flight.
  12. Gun control in America will never happen, as there are just too many guns that are legal and illegal. And not enough police to enforce them ,thanks to the great Dem. policy's.
  13. I think I am the only one in my area that hasn't got covid maybe I should just take off my n95 and see if it's just the mask?
  14. You are putting all Thai's in one basket, and they are not all the same, and I am not saying give them all your money just help them if they need help in these bad times.
  15. Like you know the food that Thai's eat give me a break, and all the greens and herbs and spices. Just help them out when they need help now is that so hard, don't make a song and dance about it.
  16. This is very sad for Thai people who hasn't ever got a cost of living increase in their wages, ever. So I would say if you have Thai friends or family to help them as much as you can in these hard times, because it's not going to get better any time soon.
  17. The above is food to many, do you draw the line with insects or do you just squash them?
  18. Dogs have a right to be here, and if you eat them like some hilltribers do, than the dogs in my area will smell dog on you and they will be all over you. So for us to eat other animals it's part of who we are.
  19. As long as the government don't do something about stray dogs the lady that feeds them got my vote. After all a hungry dog wants meat and it could be your leg.
  20. You don't have to go to the markets to buy the drugs, you can go to any chemist to get them.
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