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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Funny, here in Thailand when they announce a price hike for the next day even a small amount the lines at the pump are never ending, they are burning much more fuel in line than the price hike.
  2. I agree with half of what you say, as we need more religion in are lives to make this a better world to live in.
  3. This is good and Thailand is doing their part but did you ever think that the sea's are so polluted now with Chinese human waste dumping and countries that will dump anything and everything into the sea. We need them to do their part as well to clean up the seas But good job Thailand and get all that plastic..
  4. These loan sharks are everywhere and it's been going on since man lived in caves. They always get their money back as they hold your green book on your car or bike. I went to the bank the other day to get a credit card and they said I have to put 50,000 baht in the account that I can't touch before I can get a card. So as I said the loan sharks are everywhere.
  5. When times get hard and people want to eat and feed their family they must show compassion. Instead of subs. or aircraft how about food stamps for the poor?
  6. As Russia won't fire on some countries let India lead a convoy of ships to get the grain. As simple as that!!!
  7. To me, they need some flashing lights at these crossings as drivers just don't stop for faded white strips. Failing to stop happens every where in Thailand, and the people or kids crossing are very scared as they don't know if they will make it or not.
  8. Yes the bible said in Genesis 1.29 that God said we can eat all the plants and seeds, but he gave us all the brains not to eat or smoke the weeds
  9. Some of what you said I agree with, but when I was in Katmandu smoking my ass off I was never angry but I would get very paranoia about my surrounding's. One time I seen and heard many dogs chasing me back to the very cheap hotel where I was staying. The next day many people said there were no dogs. Grass really affected me so how would it affect you and your kids???? s
  10. Yes that's true, as I never had flash backs again and it's been over 50 years. Some people actually learn threw their mistakes and I was one who did.
  11. Ask your mother, at 88 years old she knows what she wants, God bless her!
  12. The doctor is right on! Being a ex smoker of grass many years ago and the flash backs I was getting in the middle of the night as it plays hell on the brain after you smoke for awhile. It made me stop and that was 50 years ago.
  13. I like Aura the best as it comes from a natural spring in Chiang Mai with all the right amount of minerals.
  14. I was in Vietnam in 1967-68 where were you? I love America but not what you Democrats are doing to it. You will see in November just how good you are doing, maybe you will change your thinking.
  15. Normally I would never believe the NYT. what ever they say, now leaving out the heart attack and stroke and leaving out the stampede death we are left with the death of a police man and a young lady that was shot an killed by a police man. Please tell us more on the death of the police man that was attacked by the mob.on the sixth of Jan.
  16. To me, the only good water to drink is mineral bottle water and I am fussy on which one of these I drink.
  17. That's because the Government is paying people more[ of tax payers] to stay at home. Again tell the whole story.
  18. In Australia the salt water crock is the one you have to be worried about. Tourist, the ones that can't read the signs posted and sleep on the beaches where the crocks come in at night when they are sleeping than they pay the ultimate price.
  19. Coming from the UK you know more than most Americans. Nothing can be done before November. I think Biden would like being a lame duck President then he could sit around eating ice cream all day.
  20. I'm 74 but I got God on my side and he has done such a good job so far.
  21. Most of my friends including myself got our bike license transferred from our home country, we knew how to ride before we came here.
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