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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. It's the start of gun control, some can see it some can't.
  2. 99 % of real Americans knows what the Democrats are trying to do with gun laws. There will be no gun control and as far as pro life goes, any body with a half of brain knows that life starts when there is a heart beat, removal of the baby after that except at birth is just murder, Gods choice!!!
  3. Yes things are not getting better as I ordered 2 coffee mugs from Lazada last week and they came in a million pieces. When I complained to the shop they said sorry and that's all. You really have to think about what you buy these days.
  4. From what I heard MR. Musk only wants his top employees to go back to work as many are still working from home due to the covid scare. He wants them to return to work and work least 40 hr a week at the office. If not you get the DCM.
  5. The going jail term for murder is 8 years she should do 20 years. Why didn't he take the green books with him before he left? When you fall into a hole stop digging.
  6. Does it really matter what weapons you put in the F-35's if you only have two jets?
  7. China will go broke if this happens? Right now almost everything I buy is Fake. Nice hat's in the picture I wonder how much for one?
  8. Soon Putin will be drafting 70 year old's, as long as you can pick up a rifle you will be fine.
  9. Plus, maybe he went outside and keyed all the employees cars or scooters as well.
  10. Thailand does not have a first amendment to the American constitution. It would be nice to know what they have as far as freedom goes.
  11. We should have, with all the BS that came out about who shot him is still a mystery today.
  12. It's more than just guns which America has a over supply of, it's also about the mentality of the shooter, Red flags. Too many nut cases in America? Many moons ago I went deer hunting in Michigan and was told to wear yellow, red or orange colors and I did but so many were wearing camouflaged jackets to look cool and a few were shot that season. Teaching must start at a early age as it is never to late.
  13. The truth may never be known on this case but one thing is for sure she wasn't 7 years old. Again we can only guess what happen to this young lady but with all the drugs, alcohol and condom wrappers she wasn't having a birthday party as there was no cake.
  14. The driving can be crazy at times over here. The bigger they are the more crazy they can get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsfCNm12dw
  15. Yes, but the small room in Japan will have many more things in it than a Thai bungalow. I think Japan is great a little expensive for me. But every time I go there I really enjoy myself.
  16. If you don't see anything wrong in the above picture you have been in Thailand too long!
  17. There is always something biting you in the ass when you live in Paradise.
  18. I was told a long time ago that a good high strong fence is more important than the land itself. As every year without one you may lose little by little.
  19. It would be nice if we lived in a prefect world! So if you don't want more tourist coming in, don't let them in. Or you could hire more crime busters to take care of the problem. More specialized police.
  20. 46 years for maybe killing someone and 8 years for killing someone? Now if the bomb that they have made gone off and someone died should their sentence be reduced to 8 years?
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