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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I think Songkran will be a huge washout this year as so many people are use to staying at home and are scared they are going to catch covid. Take away the scooter keys from the young and that will save lives.
  2. Your right oil might take a little longer but LPG is at hand and can be shipped as soon as Biden signs the order to release it.
  3. Not so right this time. India is a democrat and republic state since 1947 and the worlds population is 7,953,952,577
  4. I think Thailand would be better off having a better missile system but not Chinese one that works. https://www.voanews.com/a/chinese-weapons-exports-decline/6258163.html
  5. Will they have common ground when China invades Taiwan?
  6. Really, I didn't see innocent people with their hands tied behind them and shot in the head in Iraq. Women raped, and children killed. This war is dirty and Russia needs to pay the price. A good start would be ending Putin's power.
  7. Why don't they just have Songkran at the Temples and leave us out of it?
  8. Was the tourist Chinese? As they know what raw sewage in the water looks like.
  9. The picture may be a little old [like a few years] did anyone see a calendar on the wall?
  10. I have seen them as young as 7 and 8 riding these scooters. They can ride them but they have no idea of how many crazy drivers there are out there.
  11. Just put it all on a large ship and send it to China with a note There's more to come.
  12. He should be tared and feathered for scamming foreigners that live here. Most of us are on pensions the dirty b------!
  13. Your almost right, Putin is now drafting 135,000 Russians for the war in Ukraine so the Russians might want to stay here a little longer.
  14. China may need a lot of things soon as a lot of their exports may be going to Russia.
  15. I would think many would rather stay here longer until this war in finished.
  16. I found that in 99.9% of the countries I have been to only the poor help the poor, such a shame.
  17. I hope they put the baht where it should be, just float it with no help from the government or the banks.
  18. Yes, it must be April fools day thinking there might be a change in the right direction.
  19. If this No Gift policy spread through out Thailand I would think I was on another planet or haven't woke up yet. This could be the start of something new, lets hope it spreads.
  20. Where I live not many have a license, and I have been here over 20 years and never had to show mine to the police. Who knows maybe one day they will ask me, I hope they know what one looks like.
  21. This has been going on way before you and I came to Thailand. But now when things are getting desperate here they come again in force.
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