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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I'm with you on the food, when I spent 3 months at Clark Air Base in 1969 and when I went to town to see the girls and get something to eat, I hated the food but loved the girls. Some things in life you never forget.
  2. Funny no one seems to talk much about Malaysia? I guess that is why most retired people pick the cheapest Asian country to live? I wish I knew what China and Russia are up to as living in Asia may be one of the most dangerous places in the world to live.
  3. When I say they, I am talking about the fat cats in government to reduce their wages by 50%
  4. Why don't they put their wags down 50% to counter balance the inflation it will cause.
  5. I always wear ear plugs and they do very little for the high-pitch sounds that comes out of their mouth.
  6. As a fellow big biker I find this hard to do with a Thai wife or GF's always nagging in your ear.
  7. I can tell you something about farmers when I was in Vietnam during the war. The Vietnamese farmers there hated the working Pro's because the Americans were paying big money for the girls. But when the Americans left and the cheap Russians came in. The farmers were happy again.
  8. I am sure it will take some time to get back to the the glory days. But Thailand must try to get something going as tourist are the biggest money spinner here. Maybe it should be more like Florida in the USA where life is almost back to normal and it's working there. So come on Thailand take off your mask and ease up and you will find many tourist coming back.
  9. Your right and there are Thai people getting the the pension like my landlord who own 5 houses that he rents out lined up getting his 600baht every month. Look I don't know if this is right or wrong but you would think the pension would have some kind of means testing.
  10. Yes, and when she turns 70 years old she will get 700 baht per month and if she is lucky enough to hit 80 years old she will get 800 baht a month as so on. But you have to remember a lot of Thai's don't pay any taxes.
  11. The guy was dying, maybe he thought she was somebody else like a wife, daughter, GF, mother? And he gave it to her thinking she was one of them. Poor girl big mistake, money never comes easy unless you win lotto.
  12. Tell that to Mike Tyson see if he walk's away. I think she's great it's like having a girlfriend and a bodyguard at the same time.
  13. This accident could have happen to anyone but as usual the one who has the most money with the best lawyer will win.
  14. Not only the restrictions but the thought of people growing their own grass has me worried. Our accident rates are among the highest in the world, so lets make it higher???
  15. In Bali they list your country and than that's your price. Japan was the highest than came America than Canada and Aussie's were 4th. If they can get away with it in Thailand, this will never stop unless the government does it's job and ends this.
  16. It's the owners that should be taken away. They want their dogs to run free in the hope that somebody else will feed them.
  17. Yes, this is a never ending story with many losers such the school kids and the rest of us. Just how many deaths have happen from Omicron in Thailand? Will there be a end to this story or will it go on and on year after year?
  18. Not good, maybe a lane for motorcycles under 250cc but not for big bikes. They seem to throw everything in the same bucket.
  19. Rules are for thee and not for me, this must stop. There must also be a mandate! [If You Want to Wear The Mask Than Wear It, If You Don't, Don't Wear It]. And that goes for Everywhere you go whether by car, bus, flying,, walking, in schools EVERYWHERE. If we must learn to live with Covid this is the only way
  20. Soon they will be putting cannabis in everything like they do with sugar.
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