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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. And that's without all the heavy makeup! It's a shame we have to get old. Just when we know everything our memory starts fading day by day, what a bummer.
  2. I wonder just how much Thailand will be paying for them? Maybe if Thailand spent a little more they could get the nuclear ones from the USA.
  3. It's like buying a second hand old car that's blowing a lot of black smoke. Or it's like buying vaccines from Chine, there must be a prize in the box or it's not worth it.
  4. Yes, the people crossing will be like Deer in their lights. Drivers are to scared of getting rear ended by the driver behind them.
  5. Some people just don't get it. If his helmet stayed on his head he might still be alive today.
  6. My question is, he has a nice helmet but did he fasten the chin strap? A friend of mine died this way, he never fasten the chin strap. And from the picture above neither did he.
  7. Most of my friends have also died and the rest have a hard time with English. We need some new retirees in my area, it's sad getting older.
  8. They seem to know a lot about sanitary conditions, would you shake their hand without gloves on?
  9. I can't get passed the cost. I think I will wait for the cheap Chinese one.
  10. I hope the price of pork goes threw the roof. They need a break from us killing them!
  11. It's as simple as this, you don't have to wear them but nobody will let you in when you go shopping or anywhere else. Try riding a motorcycle or car without one on, they pay people to dub you in. Yes, Clear as Mud!!!
  12. No, just peeing!!! But I did check all the tires and none were flat. And she said [ so num nah] before I left.
  13. There was no flowers where the lady was, and the pee was coming out like a gusher. I almost got my feet wet.
  14. Male or female! I pulled over one day while riding my motorcycle to stop and help a young lady who I thought had a flat tire. I looked down and she was having a pee on the other side of the car. I wished her well and left.
  15. So what's better having medical insurance that eats away more than half of your pension when your are over 70 if you can get it.. Or having the insurance than when you need help they say sorry F- off. Now that's a real hard one!!!
  16. I guess the Asia's wealthy can't catch the virus. Not 1 mask between them, but they do like nice.
  17. I don't know about you but I am sticking my head in the sand like any good ostrich would do.
  18. The funny thing is if you take this elderly man off the the road he's a pretty nice guy. But the same guy on the road seems to grow horns.
  19. But did he have a mask on? Some would asked this question. U-turns are everywhere and very dangerous. The streets need better signs because people do U-turns wherever they want where I live.
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