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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. If they really want to see us so bad they can come here. Our weather here beats most countries hands down!
  2. Pay me a few oz. of gold and I will tell you.
  3. Take their money and burry them? Why don't they do something for us like a good hospital discount for over the age of seventy?
  4. Why not just pay the 12000 and have the police follow the money? They are not clever just annoying.
  5. Next, they will charge something in the middle when they put a app on your phone and know where you are. Poor backpackers!!!
  6. So now we can concentrate on the bad driving and show road charts where the bad accidents take place.
  7. If I sent you pictures of all the bugs that I can't identify where I live we would have to start a new forum! I think most are from China as they all have the same look on their face.
  8. You do all the research you want but start with S.A. And when you are finished let me know how many deaths world wide there are from purely Omicron.
  9. It's a shame that I have to spell it out, it proves to me Omicron is not that dangerous. So can we get on with living with this virus? Or do you have a bunch of so called doctors lined up to tell me how wrong I am?
  10. Your right, this BS has gone on long enough. My sister in the states had Omicron for 1 day and she is unvaccinated.
  11. What about OLD and healthy and have no symptoms can you stay at home? So how would you know if you had the virus with no symptoms. I really need a better crystal ball.
  12. The Delta sometimes mixes with the Omicron virus when the Omicron is displaces Delta. <deleted> happens but not often.
  13. I think not, as I have many Thai friends that will be there if I need them. I would also be there for them. When you have a Thai friend he or she is there for life. Now go make some friends!
  14. In America they say a really good marriage last for 8 years, I wonder why???
  15. I have said all I want to say about these vaccines, you have your opinion and I have mine, the end.
  16. They wanted 8 f35's now maybe 4 if they are lucky. They still might get the latest f16's but only 4. Doesn't it make you feel so safe?
  17. Right, and you have all the answers? If we really want to be confused lets ask DR. Fauci.
  18. We need to knock it, because these people are crazy, one day a vaccine is good next day it's bad we are all guinea pigs with a mask on.
  19. So let me get this straight, 2 sinovac with a pfizer booster is better than 2 pfizer's with a pfizer booster. That makes a whole lot of since. There must be a big load of Sinovac coming soon???
  20. You are so right, after say 10 years of living here they should stop all this paperwork, money in the bank BS that gets all of us <deleted> off. You can call it a permeant resident visa at no cost to us, one that we can leave and come back with no forms to fill out and able to live anywhere without having the 90 day reporting. Letting us feel more human than we do now.
  21. I have have seen 6 all young kids under aged on a new bike. Now if the parents don't care who does?
  22. Corruption is everywhere in every country, only some countries cover it up better.
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