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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. S.A. and England might think otherwise and now the USA and the rest of the world. 2 months what are they smoking?
  2. After spending 10 days in a great hotel of not her choice maybe she should be on a plane back home. I think she just came here to write a book on how us poor slobs live, not the greatness of living in Thailand.
  3. He's my story, about 5 years ago I was getting ready to go into 7/11 at about 7.00pm and I seen a Thai guy in a old truck pull up and go into 7/11 he was walking real funny. There was a policeman outside at the time ready to walk in when this guy came out with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. He swayed at every move and when he got to his truck he couldn't get his key into the door to open it. It must of took him 5 min. and the policeman just watched him drive off. Very sad but true story.
  4. They stopped doing check points where I live so the only way to catch the DUI is when they have a accident or when they hit a tree. With a 10 year jail term on the cards don't you think, they should be building a lot more jails.
  5. Yes , but they still carry their helmets but few wear them. also the face masks are good, for keeping bugs out of their face.
  6. 9 out of 10 you got Omicron and soon we all will have Omicron so stay at home with your GF and order in, The more people you tell the more people will say go to the hospital.
  7. I sure hope our next life is better than this one!!!
  8. I tried to open a bank account with the Bangkok bank a few years ago with my American passport. They would not let me open it, so the next day I came back with my Aussie passport and they opened it, strange bank?
  9. Maybe he is from Hong Kong and don't want the help from the CCP. The Thai Government should give him a helping hand to stay here.
  10. You are so right, but how many countries are pushing travel to save their airlines and cover up the details of traveling in a pandemic with very small print?
  11. Tomato's are up too, look what ever goes up stupidly in price don't buy it, let it rot on the shelves. If we don't buy it the average wont either.
  12. You know your right it is dangerous, and I have been pushed off the road a few times by cars, but at 74 I still get back on my bike and ride everyday because I love to ride.
  13. I cut down on eating out because of the food being served. Most places where I live have little or no customers so it's like eating leftovers. The rice was hard as a rock in the last place I ate, days old. Better to stay home and cook for yourself
  14. I have 2 motorcycles and a old car that I use for shopping. When you are over 70 the increased risk doesn't come into play, only the enjoyment you get from riding.
  15. Maybe it's just me, but I feel safer when they are drunk.
  16. Try it with the small elbow macaroni and for god sakes don't forget the peas.
  17. Send it via Mexico, I hear a lot of things comes through the border I'm sure lemongrass would be no problem down there.
  18. If they only made quarantine free they would have many more tourist coming here and it would be safer for all.
  19. Now let me see, drink and drive or let the GF drive? Better stay at home!
  20. Wow, we will just have to sit at home and post to you, and starve to death!!! Not much different today.
  21. Now in a perfect world if they just reported the deaths from Omicron they would have nothing to report.
  22. I also got my second Pfizer jab yesterday it went good except for the paperwork they put down the wrong passport No. and the wrong address. I did give them my passport and a copy of my house papers. I guess they just want me to stay in Thailand?
  23. There may be more, like wearing masts on their chin and using their hand to wipe their butt.
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