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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I wonder who said the best vaccine is the one that is available now when all we had was Sinovac???
  2. I think he's there just to show the police how easy it was to escape?
  3. Soon everyone will have Omicron, Merry Christmas!
  4. This maybe more of a bucket list item than a resolution. So with all the lotto tickets I buy it would be nice to win just once. I will keep trying who knows?
  5. It seems like the new fad where I live is wearing the mask on ones chin. Maybe the Thai language gets blocked by the mask or people just cant breathe what ever the case Omicron is here and there is not much we can do about it.
  6. When I was in the Vietnam war it was the ugly girls that save my life. All my friends would take the very pretty ones and would have to soak their little Joe in a weird solution every night. The doctors were very busy.
  7. So how could this be without the testing? Also why would the European Union accept the Thai Pass when so many people here have been jabbed with Sinovac vaccine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHW5K0GPvCY
  8. I think you are right, where I live people have a choice of vaccines. I will know more on Tuesday when I go for my second jab of pfizer.
  9. If they want tourist to come they better make quarantine free with dancing girls, other wise why would they come. They would just stay back home, and stay for a few days quarantine in their own home.
  10. Pop quiz, what's more dangerous catching Omicron or catching the flu??? Now that's a hard one.
  11. Yes go to a agent 8K will be a lot less trouble than leaving the country and returning. But next time have more money than 800,000 baht in your account, and you won't have this problem.
  12. Come on guys, lets forget all this BS for at least one day Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and God bless you all.
  13. They always get found before Christmas. It must be all the presents under the tree?
  14. They say drinking alcohol can damage brain cells maybe you had one too many?
  15. Now it comes out! Why didn't they tell us it was Omicron in the beginning? If they want more tourist to come they better make quarantine FREE.
  16. It's in over 100 countries now and he's going to control it? Omicron is so spreadable it's increasable like a girl I use to know.
  17. Maybe he felt enough is enough after being fully vaccinated to travel here and now he is infected. But they don't say is it was Omicron or a different variant. Omicron is spreading so fast and there is no stopping it. So this is a catch 22 situation, more and more tourist will have Omicron.
  18. OP yes there are many things going wrong in the world today. Nobody wants covid in their life and nobody wants to see Chinese aggression taking place. You really need to do things that you always wanted to do but never had the time. Yes you can remember the good old days and we lived in the best of times but live for today and your future, as yesterday is just a memory.
  19. It makes you wonder if he could vanish without a trace how about us??? Will the police really look for us? Do are wives or GF's really care? Do they have your pin number or keep asking for it? Hard questions?
  20. Alcohol is like a poison to some people. Once i knew a guy i worked with, a real nice guy married with two kids. So one day he asked me and a few work mates for a drink at a bar near work. After his second beer he wanted to fight everyone in the bar including me and his other work mates. We put him in my car and boy was he a handful, then i drove him home. The next day he asked us all again for drinks. And yes, you could guess what we said to him.
  21. Many people will not be reporting if they have Omicron as they may never know that they had it. Without requiring hospital treatment who would???
  22. How many have died? The governments don't seem to release this info. It's in 89 countries so the death rate is still 1 ???
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